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Hi, I'm new to this forum and soon to be new to East Dulwich - been a long time admirer of the area. :-) I'm going to be renting an absolutely amazing flat in Barry Road near the traffic lights and with a view of Peckham Rye - I just wondered what the area is like that end? I currently live in Forest Hill, and have lived in Sydenham and I do know the Lordship Lane area of ED, but this is a new end of the area to me. Is there much trouble in the area? And what kind of age group rent flats in Barry Road? (Hope it's not too specific a question!)

Anyway, am looking forward to being your new neighbour and getting to know you all on the forum, and would love to hear your comments about where I'm moving to... Thanks.

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Ocean - nice one and well done for picking the Upper East Side. It's a good spot - you're on the park, Peckham /rye Station to whisk you into town (more trains than ED) yet still 5 mins walk from central Mid Town lordship lane, Coopers Nacho stall and you have the Clockhouse, The Rye and The Gowlett as equidistant locals. What more do you want?!
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Oh stop bashing Nunhead:) if its good enuff for Jaqui Smith then it cant be that bad! (bends down for a barrage of abuse) - Im an ex ED resident forced to live in Nunhead as it was cheaper to buy in 2007 - though now for the same price I could buy a similar place in SE22 - ok I admit I loathe the SE15 postcode - specially since my motor insurance went up by over ?100!! - i digress.... back to the issue...
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Hello ocean

Me and my flatmate ( who live halfway up Barry rd, mid 30s ) were just saying how much happier we are this end compared to the station end of dulwich. Its lovely and I've always found it to be safe. The number 12 bus is a godsend and the clockhouse does a cracking pub quiz.The cheapest cafe in Dulwich is at the other end of Barry rd in the little church. As is the Plough which is getting better and better - Sundays are great - Good food,a jazz musician and a lovely atmosphere. And as Mr Ben mentioned, the Gowlett is a winner. You have made an excellent choice.

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Welcome to the good end of ED Ocean

Not saying where I live but not far from where you describe and I can recommend a walk across the park to The Rye Hotel for good food and drinks when you get here.

Good point for transport to most places, and only a few minutes walk to lordship lane (what a bonus) and not far from Yeh Wah (slightly dodgy looking on the outside but good chinese takeaway)

Downsides.... can't think of any except that with 3 takeaways on Barry Parade that there is a danger that you won't cook for a while

Oh and not to forget Barry's offlicence / supermarket... excellent for most things that you forget or even your weekly shopping if you can't be bothered to go anywhere else.

Welcome to the Area and enjoy.

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Mr Ben writes....

>Ocean - nice one and well done for picking the >Upper East Side.central Mid Town lordship lane<, Coopers Nacho stall and you have the Clockhouse, The Rye and The Gowlett as equidistant locals. What more do you want?!<

Ouch.....Ohh lorks Mr Ben ..time to walk through the back wall and change out of "Mr up town New York guy " outfit, we are British y'know....what next "Gimme fives" and "Hangin' out" no no....just wont do........Have a nice day though...

Snee grrrr wooofff

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"you have good access to a variety of public transport (not that I use it, but if you're that way inclined)"

Louisa what the bloody hell does that mean! Sooooo funny!

I am "that way inclined" to use public transport sometimes, and considering we are a tube free area it is surprisingly easy to get about. I am on the other side of the park from you, Ocean, but indeed the Clockhouse (with it's very friendly landlord Laurence) is a great local, and the park is fabulous at all times of the year. There are some lovely walks and views from round and about! Hope you enjoy life here. Oh - and I try and mix with all ages!

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Hi Ocean,

Welcome to ED. We moved into a flat on the other side of the lights a couple of weeks ago and loving it. The only problem I have is living on Barry Road, it is a lot busier than expected but the flat is lovely and transport links are great. In the short time we have been here we have met some lovely people so settling in quite nicely. I cant wait until summer arrives so we can make the most of the parks and late nights.

I am sure you will love it here

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