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Foxes on Thompson Road


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Fit accoustic glazing.

Ear plugs from super drug (box of six) about ?2.00

Snipers rifle with telescopic night sight.......................it would be cheaper to move to the country, where there are no foxes to be heard, as they are all here.

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I love the noise of foxes going at it, it makes me appreciate nature in its finest and reminds me that no matter how much we think we are masters of this concrete jungle, nature still has a way of adapting and working with the mess we leave.

I remember seeing a fox years ago at 2am in the morning sitting in the middle of a ripped up bin bag with that look of "I did this, aren't I clever" on his/her face.

Can't wait till they release the Wolves in Scotland as that will bring a new dimension to the noises outside your window late at night.

Finally I must add

I Like HonaloochieBs' thinking , FOXY

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who is that idiot? he should be ashamed of himself...we are the ones living on their territory, not the other way around. i hate the noises foxes make( i actually think there's a monster in the garden in the middle of the night), but im sure they must hate the noises we make, the noises our cars make and so on.
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Don't think you're allowed to shoot them now and the local council won't do anything about them because it says that the animals recover their numbers pretty quickly after culling. There was a vixen with three cute cubs in our next door neighbour's garden shed a couple years ago.
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SteveT Wrote:


> I read somwhere that foxes are stalking cats, so

> it is not surprising kitties go missing in se22.

Everyone should keep their cats in at night. They are more likely to get hit by a car then, or as it seems now, a fox. Lock up your cat flaps and don't pay any attention to the cat if they make a fuss. Oh, and you'll have to get a litter tray too..........

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Don't he look a big hard man in the photo? Not! Don't know how he can live with himself. Makes me feel physically sick looking at the phot

By the way foxes live alongside cats and I've never known one to harm one - the foxes ignore my two cats at night as I've seen them in the garden together.

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Minder, I didn't mean that a cat would definitely be picked off by a fox. I have had many cats which have never been disturbed by foxes. However, it is safer to keep cats in at night as that is when they roam and go hunting and are far more likely to get hit by a vehicle. I do know people whose cats have been killed by foxes.
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cate Wrote:



> "...Oh, and you'll have to get a litter tray

> too.........."

Does this mean that cat owners do not buy litter trays as a matter of course?

Apologies for straying off topic.

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You don't have to have a litter tray just because your cats are in at night. My former cats stayed in at night, and just went out into the garden in the morning.

When we moved and they didn't have access to a garden, they took to the litter tray fine, but when we moved again and they could get to the garden, they went straight back to that without a problem.


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I always thought that Foxes and Cats didn't bother each other but one day I found a dead fox, after an obvious fight, in the garden - the next day my cat was found terminally injured in the allotments at the back of my house - coincidence perhaps ?
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I had one cat who didn't use a litter tray after about 4 months of age. However, when I started keeping him in at night then I got one. Now he comes back in to use it in preference to going outside. A cat who is older, perhaps deaf or with vision problems is more likely to get picked off by a fox.

I think it would be very cruel to keep a cat in at night and then not give them access to a litter tray! How would you like to be told that there was no loo to be used in the middle of the night?

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>> Sadly, SimonM, it's not just the owner's garden that a cat has access to.<<

When you have foxes living wild in neighbouring gardens, cats' lavatorial habits are the least of your problems. In any case simply keeping them in at night is not going to stop them wandering around during the daytime. Our cats are free to come and go as they please...and choose to spend 95% of their time indoors. I'd not dream of buying litter trays unless a cat was sick or new to us.

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Foxes do not attack cats or kill them unless the cat is injured/ill and it is very rare. I have had foxes in my garden for a while and I have 5 cats and they are all out in the garden together and do not bother each other. In fact I have seen a couple of my cats playing with the foxes
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SimonM, I do not understand your post. So you like having cat poo in your garden? And do you think your neighbours like having your cat's poo in their garden? Cat poo carries toxoplasmosis which can transfer to a foetus and cause abnormalities such as blindness and learning difficulties.
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It does cause tomoplasmosis but thats only if you pick it up etc. If you wear gloves and are careful then there is less of a risk. I knew a friend who worked in a rescue home and she was pregnant. She was careful and her baby was fine.
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