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Kid/hoodies..........I finally snapped!!!

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I'm not proud of hitting a kid but today I finally had ENOUGH! I was on the bus a couple of hours ago and about 15 to 20 school kids got on listening to 50 pence or P Dudley or whoever and barged past this bloke with his little girl about to get off the bus and when he protested you can imagine their response. One of these 'people' sat in front of me whilst I was on the phone to work. I asked him to turn his music down and once again you can imagine his response and accused me of being a sex offender so I belted him round the back of the head with alarming force (I'm not going to give you an E-fit but I'm a big lad), it would be viewed as assault by the courts by no mistake. The little turd fell quiet and so did the rest of the bus and boy did it feel good. I didn't hang about either. Have any of you lot done anything like that?
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It's impossible to defend without sounding right-wing or "in my day - yadda yadda yadda" but being labelled a sex offender might have illicited a similar response from me.

Although slightly hyprocritical to complain about annoying passengers when you were on the phone to work. I hate people who do that!

There was a great thread on this very Subject on another Website recently.

General consensus was that the "youngins"(hope I got that right)_ DELIBERATELY often play their music loud(particularly in safe groups) to "test" their captive audience.

Naturally,most Londoners/LT Customers we being "oh-so-tolerant" and not wanting any bother/confrontation allow them to continue which thet fully realise and thrive on!

The remedy(which would appeal greatly to my fertile sense of the ridiculous) is to dance crazily RIGHT NEXT TO THEM to their music like you really dig it Man!:))(As CRAZY as possible)....sadly,for me,I fear that if I was ever in this situation I would watch their rudeness,listen to their rudeness and possibly even accept their rudeness and do NOTHING!

TO MY ETERNAL SHAME so speaking as someone who has NEVER laid a finger on anyone in 54 years(not even at School) then allow me to say


p.s LUDICROUS comment about "the cripple"..absolutely ridiculous as one is attacking someone who is DELIBERATELY being obnoxious and the other(attacking the "cripple" is just an insane thought.(6)

Here it is from another Website from one of the respected elders of that Site on the 20/8/2008

"It's stressful enough travelling on Public Transport let alone some ignorant youth playing their MP3 or Ringtone outloud in Public.

The Youths that do that know that the majority of passengers would prefer not to have to listen to their Music. It gives them a sense of Power, as normally people do not complain for fear of ironically either the Law or the Lawlessness in our current society.

People who play thier music, will follow the arguement "Its mine and I can do what I want and I don't care if you like it or not" .

Depending on what mood I am in, I.e cannot be bothered or CAN be bothered. If I can be bothered I will do the classic A then B.

A: Ask the offender if they can turn their music down as it is distracting for fellow passengers.

Offender Option I : Often times will comply and some times innocently had not realised that the music was so loud.

Offender Option II: Gives a glum look and pretends not to hear the complaint or tells you they can do what they hell they like.

B: Up the ante: Stand very close the the offender and start DANCING TO THEIR MUSIC IN A VERY STUPID MANNER. At which point the Offender is now faced with any communters nightmare: Having to stand right next to the NUTTER! While dancing start clapping to their Music looking them in the FACE.

Offenders: Now start getting agitated and ask you to stop as you are now distrubting them. At which point you glare and say what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Always works. Of course they size you up to see if it's worth pursuing the matter but a stern look usually tells them " Don't even go down THAT avenue" ."

p.s Interesting for me to return to that Site to realise I have a CRYSTAL BALL(!)....as I predicted in May,2005 that there would soon be a "Mixed-Raced" President of The USA::o

I HATE "bullies" with a passion.

I HATE "Anti-Social" people with an equal passion and when you have a group of bullies effectively saying

"We are going to take advantage of your collective tolerance and good nature,going to be as loud as possible and you know what there's NOTHING you can individually or collectively do about it! So sit there and suffer in silence you meek,compliant lot!"....its sooooo good that,just for once,there is a little retribution.

p.s. Shows what those on the "Atheist" thread know!

"Sometimes" there IS a "God!":))

...of course you can let the "Law" deal with it but seeing as only yesterday there was a disgusting London item on the news of the Rimg-Leader of a cruel,evil Dog-Fighting syndicate who was brought to justice and fined ?10,000? ?4,000? ?1,000 No! ?400 FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS ((!)) oh! and "Community Service":)) then there's not always a great deal of hope really,sometimes.

...to think of those loving Staffs,often cross-bred and used as "bait" for more vicious Staffs(already brutalised by the Leaders) and the fighting Staffs themselves(often abandoned and broken after their "career" it makes my blood boil but,at least,he got "Community Service" THAT WILL MAKE HIM THINK TWICE IN FUTURE,EH!!

(Note for TLS-Kindly stay on topic-Thank You!:))

I pee'd on a group of kids on the no 12 coming back form oxford street at about 9pm. I had never done anything like it before but it seemed a good idea at the time. They were completely stunned and spent the first few seconds trying to work out where the "rain" was coming from.

AllforNun Wrote:


> I pee'd on a group of kids on the no 12 coming

> back form oxford street at about 9pm. I had never

> done anything like it before but it seemed a good

> idea at the time. They were completely stunned and

> spent the first few seconds trying to work out

> where the "rain" was coming from.

"Golden Showers"..THATS THE SPIRIT AFN ! and don't feel guilty if they dun nuffink,innit! Innit?

Round of applause BBW!!!! It is about time that someone made a stand, although I think you could of left yourself wide open to another passenger getting involved, or worse him and his mates turning on you. I have been in a similar situation and opted for the standing and dancing option, it REALLY bugs them and then if you start asking them about the music and getting it all wrong, like asking if "50 cent" is "half dollar" or "eminem" is "skittles" ... that sort of thing.

I am not that old, but I can remember going off to play with some friends of mine when I was about 10 and not telling my mum, and so she called the Police and they were looking for me all day, at the end of the day I came home and I got a clip round the ear from the Police sergent for wasting Police time and resources that day. That was about 20-ish years ago, and it was the same at school, if you stepped out of line you got physically punished

Now, kids of 5 and 6 are turning round to teachers and kicking, punching and biting among other things because there is no respect for them, and they wonder why borough councils pay for recruitment over in places like Austrailia and New Zealand each year.

wizardonwheels Wrote:

... and they wonder why borough councils pay for recruitment over in places like Austrailia and New Zealand each year.

Whats really worrying is that so many intelligent,skilled Professional people are emigrating to Oz/NZ/Canada to give their children "a better future" and to disstance themselves as far as possible from this type of behaviour.(Yes! It DOES happen Worldwide but its all about Scale and Proportion,surely.

Read so many threads on the Ex=Pat Site from really good,loving and helpful people who have given up on "Team GB" it saddens me.(5.5 Million since New Labour came in did I read? and by definition most departees must have some skills to be allowed permanent residence in those Countries.

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