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Is anyone else bothered by the group of teenagers in Goose Green playground?


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Agree, it's appalling they spoke to Melbourne Groover that way - can well imagine how upsetting that would be, particularly in front of your kids. I think I've seen the group in question and noticed they seemed oblivious to the fact it's a playground (I smiled at them and my 2 year old tried to climb up to them saying hello, they totally blanked us - not bothered by this but it's quite different to the experience I've had with older kids in that playground in the past, when usually there's quite a live and let live sentiment).
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alice Wrote:


> tits or balls? you haven't got a clue how it is.

Sexist? Have a word.

And how is it then Alice? How is London so different now from say 10-20 years ago?

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On a couple of occasions there having been fights in the playground, during the day in front of toddlers and very young children. Boredom does not excuse it. It's an inappropriate place for young adults to hang out. Anyway, as quids says there is loads going on in London for free all of the time.
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Teenagers are indeed still "kids" up to about 15. But that doesn't mean they should be hanging out in playgrounds that are aimed at younger kids.

They're also at an age where they soon won't be kids, and should probably broaden their horizons a bit.

And there is risk in everything.

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Yes, I know the group. One of the boys did intimidate my 8 year old son, saying he was going to 'bust him up' - no reason except my son was kicking a ball near where they were. Unfortunately I was at the other end of playground and when son ran away to get me, they decided to move on before I got there. It almost put my son off going to playground again but me and his dad went back with him the very next day and he played near the group under our watchful eyes and now he is fine.
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What a horrible experience for OP and others.

I once went to a rather empty playground with my two. There were some teens hanging around and sitting on the climbing frame. Where do my two make a beeline for? The climbing frame. They shouted and clambered around that frame over and over again, and effectively drove the teens out of the playground!

Guess those teens were a bit sweeter than the goose green ones...

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Belle Wrote:


> I actually think it would be helpful if someone

> from the safer neighbourhoods team popped down and

> had word with them in situ.

Sounds like the most sensible suggestion.

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phobic3000 Wrote:


> I hate bullies - they need to learn some respect -

> terrible thing scaring little kids. I wonder if

> their parents know?

What their parents who dump them down GG Playground unsupervised day in day out as an excuse for a childhood? Shouldn't think they give a shot

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I don't believe anyone has a problem for them to hang around at a playground if that is what they want to - so long as they respect other adults and children using that public space. I have come across them and the language they use is absolutely not appropriate for children (and for adults for that matter!). I did consider having a word with them as I heard lots of f words and like near my toddler but I was sure that I will be called all sorts of names as another poster experienced. Shame really that you can't have a reasonable conversation with them....and shame really that these kids (soon to be teenagers and adults) just cruise through the life without necessarily giving a damn about people around them...
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