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east dulwich grove junction

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is there any particular reason why the junction of east Dulwich grove and lordship lane was ripped up again and re-surfaced? admittedly it didn't seem to take long as I've only just noticed it, just seems a waste though, the red cobbles/bricks previously there looked alright (and looked expensive).

apologies if there was already a thread on this.

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could well have been the utility companies although why put a load of posh looking red bricks down only to remove them later for some tarmac? the red brick work isn't likely to be part of utility work, that looks like proper re-surfacing.
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I'm only guessing, but although the red brickwork was only laid down a short while ago, it had already deteriorated badly and had become deeply rutted and very uneven. Though it might not look so attractive, the tarmac will prove to be more hard-wearing and practical.
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Hi holloway,

The entry treatment on East Dulwich Grove at its junction with Lordship Lane was starting to fall to bits. This was highlighted to me on another thread quite a few months ago. Council officers rightly said they'd fix this alongside the resurfacing of East a Dulwich Grove to avoid additional road closures.

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At least what the bricks did do was provide a visible section for people desperately trying to cross the road there. Now there's nothing so I will fully expect more harassment of pedestrians by motorists and stranded parents with buggies. Fabulously done Southwark.
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Edited: I thought it would be to make it look like the improvements on the rest of the road, with grey/dark grey blocks instead of red bricks probably, but it's just tarmac. Must be because the red bricks shifted under the weight of the buses hammering them every hour.
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my thoughts exactly localsilly, those red bricks were not there very long and as i hinted at previously they looked expensive.

just to throw it out there, what would make that junction safer?? even more traffic lights on the lane?? which i know would entail large tailbacks...

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I'm not particularly cynical and applaud some of what Southwark council does, but it saddens me to see this. The bricks were destined to buckle from the start, but, hey, it's just money that keeps coming in, so why not spend it without really thinking?

Likewise, the street signs (black and red) look great, but the red print is in a paint that fades almost completely in the sunlight: I've seen a fair few that look wan and knackered after only a few years. Did anyone think about the fade-proofing of the paint? Probably not. People spending our money ought to have minds that invent every eventuality before they sign off on projects, no matter how much they cost. Southwark doesn't have those kinds of minds in at least two of its departments, it seems.

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There's been a design trend for those raised brick junctions but they almost invariably start breaking up very quickly. I go over two in Brixton - near the Ritzy and turning off Effra Road toward Herne Hill - and they've gone quickly. They're just not designed for high frequency traffic.

But good lord, that junction is a danger to cross for pedestrians. Maybe a zebra crossing?

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Nigello Wrote:


> I'm not particularly cynical and applaud some of

> what Southwark council does, but it saddens me to

> see this. The bricks were destined to buckle from

> the start, but, hey, it's just money that keeps

> coming in, so why not spend it without really

> thinking?

> Likewise, the street signs (black and red) look

> great, but the red print is in a paint that fades

> almost completely in the sunlight: I've seen a

> fair few that look wan and knackered after only a

> few years. Did anyone think about the

> fade-proofing of the paint? Probably not. People

> spending our money ought to have minds that invent

> every eventuality before they sign off on

> projects, no matter how much they cost. Southwark

> doesn't have those kinds of minds in at least two

> of its departments, it seems.

It's a problem in most departments, they get a budget fir this year, design and deliver a project that has no funding for future maintenance, therefore they don't think long term and apply for maintenance money when things break or stop working

A classic (non road) example was the zoetrope on Rye Lane, rebuilt by Southwark's "Peckham Programme" team, ran a few times but no maintenance scheduled hence never working since http://www.bellenden.net/category/theme/peckham-town-centre

Sad but council employed project managers only really manage the hear and now, not think about the future and act surprised when things fail, go wrong a few years later.

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One has to realise that, when dealing with any government dept. or local authority, that the Greatest Fun in all the World is spending somebody else's money. They have a massive budget to spend each year and spend it they will, irrespective of need. Hopeless system, completely the wrong way round.
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