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working girls

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No I don't have their number salsaboy.lol

Noticed them last month. Every weekend. 10 pm.

I know there are few escorts in that area. My friend's girlfriend

And her mate work as escorts, but in their homes. Not in the street.

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Robert Poste's Child Wrote:


> I seem to remember someone saying they were worried

> about their children being approached by potential

> punters.

Was it Vladimir Putin?

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I'm enjoying the terribly coy use of language here: escorts and working girls.

Is it wrong that I really want this to get lounged and see LadyD get on her soapbox? She's great on this issue, and it's one that I'm still undecided on, so I follow the cut and thrust of incisive debate with great interest (and not a small amount of glee).

Is it really more likely to make punters try to hit on children though? That's another thing entirely, no?

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rahrahrah Wrote:


> I'm not sure it's all that funny. It's a pretty

> dangerous and depressing trade which many are

> forced into.

Would you care to define 'forced'...

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Robert Poste's Child, you're quite correct about the misogyny that sometimes abounds on here, but I have to say that it's actually a lot better than many other places. The ratio of intelligent to rabid is pretty good.

As for a child being approached on their way to/from school, of course, this is only opinion on my part, but I wouldn't imagine it had anything to do with prostitutes working at 10pm. I recall many such an approach from my own childhood, none of which was spent in a place (or a time) when prostitutes were working. I think it's just a sad fact of life for women, and something that needs to change #everydaysexism

And Loz, as for forced - this is generally recognised to mean by dire financial need and mouths to feed, addiction, the threat of violence. There are doubtless other reasons, that you could educate yourself about if you chose to.

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The link between hookers/punters and kids getting hassled on their way to school just seems incredibly far fetched to me.

Ignoring the possibility that the OP was just a hilarious wind-up... tbh I have no strong feelings either way on prostitution as long as nobody's coerced into anything. But surely in the age of the internet this kind of stuff can remain behind closed doors and nobody else need be any the wiser.

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