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Seeking participants for market research focus groups.

We need the following demographic: 30-40 year old women, intelligent and chatty, to attend a 2 1/4 hour long focus group in central London.

The client is an advertising agency and a well known skincare brand.

Participants must be users of mainstream skincare products that you would find in high street chains (no one who solely uses high end/luxury or organic products please)

Dates for the focus groups are Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th July, evenings. Timings dependent on what is available.

Payment is ?50, refreshments provided.

Anyone interested can get in touch with Lamis - [email protected] with name, age, telephone number so I can give you a quick call to ask a couple of questions before recruiting.


Spoken like a man who doesn't qualify for this group. Because he's a man.

vgrant Wrote:


> is this focus group for skincare likely to make

> any difference to the world or is is just a means

> to carefully target more shite we dont need by

> exploiting peoples insecurities, doubts and fears

> ?

Market researcher's use the info you give and sell it to companie's that then, bombard you with call's e-mail's selling anything they think you will buy.

The worst kind of sale's tactic's in the world.

Payment of ?50 is not enough for the endless harassment you will receive then on afterwards.


I've been to a few focus groups & not been harassed following, each time found it a v easy & stress free way of getting ?50.

They'd have to ask your permission to pass details on anyway & so you'd have chance to say no.

Find I've had far more hassle after entering competitions at the Ideal Home Show or similar.

Oh my god, this thread has properly brought out the unhinged conspiracy theory quotient.

You won't be bombarded with anything off the back of a focus group (except, having once attended one for elite minds, I did subsequently receive a letter from them addressed thusly: "Dear Thoughtleader". Since then, Thoughtleader is the official job title I have on all my business cards).

Focus groups wanna find out what you like, so they can make sure the product reflects your needs, aspirations, fancies, so that yes you are more likely to buy their product over someone else's. Sometimes, they just want to know which packaging you like best.

They are WAY too expensive to be a mailing list recruitment exercise. I suspect, for some people, the foaming at the mouth gets in the way of rational thought.

As for narcissism, Robert Poste's Child, you might be right. But I am quite happy to buy into a moisturiser for my face that smells nice, and may, however remote the chance, have more than a placebo effect at keeping the worst of the wrinkles at bay.

I'm just a recruiter trying to do a job and this is just a focus group.

I regularly use this forum to recruit because I find savvy, intelligent people who are more than willing to take part in research. I've already had many enthusiastic responses to this post.

@vgrant: does your taking time out of your day to harass people on a thread that has no relevance to you make a difference to the world? Our respondent fees make a difference to the people taking part and I get my job done - everyone is happy.

@GaryD: you know nothing of research. We are a legitimate market research company and abide by the MRS Code of Conduct. We are not allowed to contact any participants in the wake of focus groups without expressed permission and we are not allowed to be party to sales of any kind. As I said, I regularly use this forum to recruit and if you took the time to do some research, you will find many users of this forum have taken part in our sessions... they are always satisfied with the process, and their cash, and they have not been harassed.

Many thanks for all the other responses to participate, there are still spaces available.

Otta Wrote:


> I'd love to do one of these for ?50, and will be

> signing up for the first opportunity for blokes!

There was one a while ago aimed at beer drinkers. Spend 2hrs in a west end bar trying beer and giving your feedback, and get paid a few quid! (I did contact them, but it was too early in the evening...)

But whatever your take on market research, it's not really a good place to air your grievances with skincare products!

Hope this doesn't put you off using the forum, lh20202. As far as I'm concerned if your client gets their data and a few local residents earn a few quid, everyone's a winner.

We do a lot of beer research too - got a couple more projects in this area coming up so do watch this space. And just to say, we always provide alcoholic drinks for participants in every group, whatever the subject matter... ! People find the sessions fun, we get a lot of great insight and clients are usually very happy. As you say - everyone's a winner.

lh20202 Wrote:



> @vgrant: does your taking time out of your day to

> harass people on a thread that has no relevance to

> you make a difference to the world? Our respondent

> fees make a difference to the people taking part

> and I get my job done - everyone is happy.


The corporates you pimp for create the malaise of insecurity and self doubt which is cultivated to sell more products we dont need. Well done, you get your salary.

lh20202 Wrote:


> We do a lot of beer research too - got a couple

> more projects in this area coming up so do watch

> this space. And just to say, we always provide

> alcoholic drinks for participants in every group,

> whatever the subject matter... ! People find the

> sessions fun, we get a lot of great insight and

> clients are usually very happy. As you say -

> everyone's a winner.

Beer doesnt have any societal collateral impact does it ? How about a sarin gas group session for the Syrian government - should be loltastic.

The post about the beer groups was in response to Otto's expressing interest in doing beer focus groups. They were not directed at you... but seeing as you've commented...

... with regard to my salary - yes, thank you, I will congratulate myself on my salary. Perhaps you're not so aware, considering the breadth of time you have to dedicate to continually harassing an East Dulwich forum thread (can't avoid utilising certain cliched phrases revolving around having a life... ) but as a university graduate, finding a job at the moment is pretty tough, so I won't be made to feel bad for having one, no matter how much it might disgust stunningly pompous and judgemental individuals like yourself.

So we run focus groups. This does not make us accomplices to Assad's regime. (I won't start on the absurdity of comparing the products we research to sarin gas). I have a conscious and your comments are not playing to it at all. And seeing as you've already brought up the Middle East - my family are Palestinian, I'm not an idiot and I know what certain marketing tactics and big brands are capable of when it comes to the 'evil' that you speak of... but this (just to reiterate) is a skincare focus group, nothing more.

Get over yourself.

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