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Some b**tard killed our cat!!!

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Our loving, friendly cat Gizmo was unmercifully run down last night right out side our home on mundania road!

He suffered extensive internal injuries resulting in his death.

This happened at about 10-10:30 pm last night as at 11pm he was found and still maintained body heat!

We have 4 children who loved our 4 year old cat so much. Now thanks to some heartless git I have the job of breaking there hearts this morning. I just want to know one thing, WHY DIDNT YOU STOP!!! You could of taken him to the vets!!

Really heart broken.

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Really sorry to hear about your cat. We live on Woodvale, and lately we have had kids on their scooters/motorbikes racing up and down the vale. Dont know, if this is relevant, however I know that whole area has a very high traffic of motorbikes and scooters, racing around.

Wanted to report it to someone, not sure who too, though.

Apologies if that does not help.

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So sorry for you:(& very sad:( Happened to two of my cats it the past:( I have 2 cats now & never, ever let them out the front. They only stay in the back garden/s. If you decide to get another cat, please only let it go out in the back garden to keep it safe. Cats will always be at risk if you let them wonder the streets.So sorry again for your loss:(
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I am so sorry to hear about that.

But being a driver myself: what would l do?

Where would l call?

If anybody knows an emergency number, vet or rescue centre,

that's open sundays ans late nights, please post it here.

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The so called emergency vets in Streatham turned us away once, saying they were fully booked! Not the sort of thing you want to hear when your pet is badly injured. The only place we've been able to rely on in emergency's over the years is The Blue Cross Animal Hospital in Victoria.
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So sorry to hear of your loss :(

The Blue Cross in Victoria have 24 hour emergency vets, as do the PDSA in Thamesmead. Whilst they are both charities that offer treatment to those unable to afford private vetinary treatment, I've never known them to turn away any emergency.

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Sorry to hear - I came home from work a couple of years ago and found our cat Gerry dead in the front garden, we think he was knocked on the head by a car and crawled back to the garden. I was upset to think that someone had hurt him and not bothered to stop or make enquiries as to who owned him. He had a collar and tag
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Thank you for all you kind words. Gizmo always removed his collars! He was like Houdini 😄 but he was micro chipped!!!

I haven't heard any bikes/scooters shooting up or down my road??

We're going away Monday so hopefully it will help keep every one preoccupied!


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I agree with some others on here, very sad for your children, but what would you do if you hit a cat at night 'without a collar'? Expecting the driver to pick the animal up, internet search a 24hr vet, take it there, pay the bill and then try to track down the owner is never going to happen. Maybe this link clarifies the situation:


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Dreadfully sorry for your loss of Gizmo. As a cat lover I can only imagine you and the family must feel. I hope you have a nice holiday and perhaps on your return when your ready think about getting another cat from a rescue centre. All the best.
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At 10:30pm at night how would you even know if you'd hit a cat or a fox, or just a rock or a bag of rubbish? I don't own a car/drive in London, so it's thankfully not something with which I've had to deal.

Suppose you think you hit something. So you stop, check your mirrors etc but don't see anything. Are there parked cars obscuring your view? Is there other traffic on the road? Maybe it's just too dark to see the road surface well. Obviously we don't know if any of those apply here. And I agree that if you know you hit a cat, you should stop. But there are definitely going to be times when you don't know you've hit something, or can't confirm the nature of what you hit. I don't see how a petition like the one in the link would ever be brought to law.

In addition it's impossible to keep some cats indoors or confined to a back garden. Some cats just refuse to be confined. Cars are always going to be a hazzard to small animals.

So sorry for your loss. xx

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Roscoe my cat would insist on crossing main roads, he was a crazy mofo, but the guy that ran him over and didn't stop surely wasn't a bastad - it was late and cats don't make much of a bump when you run them over, given the state of the roads it would surely be taken as yet another bump or pothole.
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