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I think you are right that it will free up spaces throughout the area ideally and might make St John's catchments spread into Nunhead (Goodrich might be too far given the distance criteria would take the park into account). Still, that is very different to what local parents must have been expecting when they supported the creation of new local Harris Primary. You don't get a new Harris school but just a better shot at going to St. Johns!

Part of getting your application approved should be identifying a genuinely local site that could feasibly be acquired and sticking to that plan- at least at primary level in London where catchments for schools tend to be very local.

intexasatthe moment Wrote:


> " now that Harris have secured the police site,

> is that really the best use of the hospital land

> now? " No ,not at all .


> Might there possibly be some sort of domino knock

> on effect - places freed up at Goose Green ,places

> freed up at Heber ,places freed up at Goodrich -

> which might mean Nunhead families able to get

> places at Goodrich ????


> Just brainstorming here - clearly what's needed is

> more provision in Nunhead . Poor Nunhead families

> indeed .

Nxjen if you look at the other thread, James has explained that Gove wasn't muddled, as we hoped. Tessa was indeed referring to the secondary school in her letter, and he replied to say he's intending to use the site for the nunhead Harris primary. So we need to persuade decision makers to allow the nunhead primary to open elsewhere.

Hi samstopit,

Tessa referred to both the secondary school and primary school.

Unfortuantely for me I can only try and influence things the way I believe they should go.

But I'm clear that Southwark Council as the the planning authority is one of the key players. Harris Nunhead free primary school is now focused by the EFA towards the hospital site.

BUT if the Harris ED Girls Academy could in planning terms be acceptable by Southwark Council to also host this primary schools problem solved.

So I hope the council leader Peter John will organise this ASAP.

Unbelievable isn't it. A Nunhead primary ... not anywhere near Nunhead. I have friends here with kids due to start in September 2015. They are hoping quite rationally to send their Nunhead children to a local Nunhead school. I don't suppose 'Harris Nunhead' a bus ride away in East Dulwich was what they had in mind.

Mind boggles. The world is getting even madder than it already was.

Rant over.


James are you saying that Harris cannot reject a site proposed by the EFA on the grounds it's unsuitable? Can you be specific about what rights schools have in the site selection process- I would have imagined they would be leading it.

Also, does the primary school place forecasts suggest that both the Harris Nunhead school and the expansion of Ivydale are necessary or would either on its own suffice in light of the other new primary schools opening: Harris ED, the new Bellenden school run by Dulwich Hamlet etc

As a Nunhead resident I feel really angry about this. How can you call a school Harris Nunhead if it is nowhere near Nunhead?? Is the name supposed to make Nunhead residents believe that it will somehow help the children living here get a school place?? My children are already at primary school but it was a worrying time as we are not in "catchment" for any - and the secondary situation is even worse.

Hi LondonMix,

Harris can make theirs views known but the EFA hold the financial cards.

Hi clux,

I was surprised when they decided to give it the working name Harris Nunhead as no sites exist in the Nunhead area and the families supporting tended to be further W and SW than Nunhead.

hi LondonMix,

From memory by 2016 the gap in reception primary school places for Nunhead will be 75-90. So Ivydale doubloon in size to 4 x Form Entries would provide 60 extra places. The Harris Nunhead would also provide 60 if located in Nunhead.

But currently many families use East Dulwich schools so both could also relieve East Dulwich reception places.

So 120 places would be really good that area and help East Dulwich area as well.

Hi Fuschia,

London has a massive school crisis. We won't be short of pupils for all the current and new proposed schools.

My fear is that the forecasts are still not accurate enough. Some of the private schools have taken bulge classes and talking of permanent expansion.

But you make an interesting long-term point of what happen if pupil numbers fall. I would hope that if we have such a problem that large primary schools shrink down to no smaller than two form entry - the optimal size for primary schools.

But with an extra 2 million Londoners being talked about I don't see us having any surplus places again for a very long time.

It's not the case that more places is necessarily good - if 90 places are needed and 120 are provided, potentially it's a big mismatch, certainly the revenue costs would be a diversion from elsewhere.

Proper place planning is the important thing, with regular updates

Here is the text of an e-mail I have received from Peter John, Leader of the Council. I think it is consistent with the posting by other councillors on this thread.

"My advice to anyone who is concerned about this matter is to write directly to Michael Gove and ask him to work with local parents and Southwark Council to provide a new secondary school on the Dulwich Hospital site.

Although there remains a need for additional primary school places in the area we are fairly confident that these will be met by the expansion of Ivydale School over the next couple of years.

I think that it is also important to make clear that parents do not want another Harris school of any description in the area. Harris are our least popular schools and another in Southwark will do nothing to meet the desire of parents and pupils for greater choice.

The hospital site is still owned by the NHS who will clearly be important in any future use of the site, and as a council we are working with them to underline our desire for a secondary school on the site."

EastDulwichSE22 Wrote:


> Is it possible we could do a template letter or a

> petition to send to Mr Gove as suggested earlier

> by Littlek1cker's email from Peter John?

A template would be great - anyone up for writing one? Perhaps a 38-degrees campaign too? http://www.38degrees.org.uk/

Hi little1cker,

Peter John has not stated in an email reply to me a few moments ago that he will support Harris Nunhead going on the Harris ED girls academy site. He was careful to not state his support for this. He did say he would work with the EFA.

I wont quote the email as I clearly did catch Peter at his best.

Hi James,

The exact wording is my own. Peter John reiterated to me that the council is not convinced of the need for a new Harris but that they will work with Harris Nunhead to accommodate them on the Harris Girls site or find an alternative other than the hospital site.

My understanding is that the council has no power to stop the creation of a new school and have taken the pragmatic decision to manage the location and opening of new schools as best they can. This seems sensible to me.

Hi littlek1cker,

as soon as it was mentioned that the proposed 2nd Harris Primary may end up on the Harris Girl's School site, I went to see the Head. She says there is no free space that could be used to accommodate the primary. Except for the South Nunhead area, which is close to the Stuart Rd Ivydale site, there is not a shortage of places in Nunhead, two Nunhead primaries were actually under-subscribed and were allocated children this year. The figure that you are quoting James, are not for Nunhead, but the whole of the Peckham and Nunhead Community Council area. The Harris Free School Nunhead was incorporated in the Pupil planning for this area ie assumed to go into SE15. If it doesn't happen at all, there is predicted to be a 1 form shortfall of provision by 2016 for the Peckham and Nunhead area. With the current expansions and new schools (1 FE from Judith Kerr, 2 forms from Harris ED and 1 form from Dulwich Wood extra provision)there is predicted to be about a 2 form of excess for the Dulwich area for 2016! The figures of shortfall you quote James, in your older post are for the entire southern half of the Borough and don't consider all the new schools and expansions! Very much greater Dulwich!

The actual figures are in the middle of this Cabinet Document.


There will be an increasing shortfall of primary places in the north of the Borough over the next few years, and therefore if Harris wants to provide places where there is need, they should be looking further north within Southwark for a site. There is predicted to be a shortfall in Secondary places in the Dulwich area from 2016, that is why the Hospital site should be used for a Secondary School, a local community tailored health facility and some housing.


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