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New HEAD CHEF started at THE CHERRY TREE!!!!


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Always always always worth bearing in mind this experience


People like me went and supported this pub. They lied to customers as well

And if you are minded to think that was a one off, why do managers and chefs all proclaiming new!!!! Appear on here every few weeks

And customers like me are called bullies??!?

Horse before cart

Okay so bullying was the wrong word, but for everyone to pile in and slag the place off without trying it out isn't very nice for the new chef who hasn't done anything wrong.

But, it does always make me laugh that the people that sign up to tell us all how great the place is turn aggressive really really easily.

I've never been and gave no opinion on the place. The boss sounds like a wanker and appears to abise his employees, but the glee that some people appear to show when writing negative stuff about the place just feels wrong to me. Just ways and means of conveying a message I think.

Maybe if I'd worked there, or witnessed anything bad I'd feel differently.

'the glee that some people appear to show when writing negative stuff'

Is it not the same glee some people take in making fun of others, whose reaction to an experience is not one they share?

I've never been to the Vale/ Cherry Tree and think Alan Medic makes a valid point in saying there can be other factors at play. It's impossible to know. But even without having any direct experience of the place, it strikes me that something can't be right when chef after chef posts on the forum only to be gone a few weeks/ months later. I can't think of any other pub in the area that has such a frequent turnover of chef's.

PT nice try, but slating a business, whether justified or not, may result in that business becoming unviable and closing down. Making fun of someone's over-reaction to a situation they post about on a public forum, thereby inviting comment, is not even close to being similar.

I know that you are passionate about some things, like cycling, and there's nothing wrong with passion - it's the reason that many things get done or changed for the better. But on that occasion, with that parody you were badly behaved imo and guilty of some of the things you are now writing. I'm not the only one who thinks that. It comes across as sanctimonious hypocrasy, although I know that's not the intention. We are all capable of getting it wrong on occasion. Sometimes it's better to be humble and see that the other side might have a point after all.

I totally agree though regarding the slating of businesses. One side of anything, is never the whole story and there are equally bad customers as well. But there does seem to be a high turnover of chefs and it's surely ok to say that?

Nope, I stand by everything I said on the piss/fart/nose picking thread and if you've finished hijacking this thread to dredge up stuff that you previously whined on about, then we can get back to the business of examining the rights and wrongs of the Cherry Tree managment.

Instead of bullying maybe I should have said the criticism had something of an unpleasant mob flavour, which as someone with no connection to the Cherry Tree, made me feel uncomfortable.

I'm not telling anyone they shouldn't slag them off or trying to close down their expression of opinion. I was expressing an opinion of my own on a public forum.

The barrage of shit I got (and appear to still be getting) from you over what was meant as a light hearted piss-take of someone's publicly posted over-reaction to a minor incident does not compare.

You got banned before because of your tiresome, relentless barracking of other contributors, so DJKQ why don't you just take a pill and learn how not to repeat your mistakes?

Oops. More posts followed than I realised

For the record, I have never encountered any personal problems with the vale/cherry tree owners. Such was my custom for a whole, tony even gave up a seat at " the table" for me during a football match. Had a few chats with him

So from a customer experience perspective I have little complaint

But I know and care more than just about me. When I know about Chris and antonia and see all of the pleading posts from subsequent managers and chefs I know something is up

If you know what has happened (just in terms of length of service, not even knowing details ) to so many chefs and managers since, you surely need to warn over optimistic newbies?

Hmm, it just feels like people are going out of their way to try and rock the boat when really it's none of their business. If the management don't learn from their past mistakes it won't work and that will be on them. But this is almost trying too hard to plant the seeds of derision, which as LadyD says, just feels a bit off.

And in all seriousness, do we really know what happened with Chris & Antonia from both sides? (Genuine question, as I don't, and I can't be arsed trawling through old threads to find out)

None of their business??

We aren't the people rocking up every 8 weeks touting for new business with new ( the same) promises. It's exactly our business

If Chris and antonia were a one off, then why is the same pattern repeated so often

Look, a new manager/chef joins this place and promises BIG and REAL change

Think of the hope in that person. Why wouldn't you warn them of the sticky grave ahead?

Whatever the side of Chris and antonia, they were winning custom and cynics alike. There was, in a place that has been a graveyard for years, a buzz. That was entirely them

I get the impression some "it's bullying" commentators are picking fights with who is posting rather than facts

Worries about business getting bad rap on here? There are a million threads to pick from

Which bit are you disagreeing with?

I remember you when you were quite happy to put the boot into this place as well

We COULD all shut up and keep quiet. In the meantime good people will continue to gain employment briefly, full of hope. They need to be made aware. That is entirely fair

All I am saying is. "You are new and want to drum up business? Have a look at the people before you. The road to cherry tree success is littered with bodies before you. The last half a mile is from the last 6 months alone. You think you have autonomy and can delivery ANYTHING? Not a chance. And not my opinion. Just the facts from the last what.. 10 plus years"

If you haven't got inclination or time to read precious threads then don't be so quick to dismiss them

I'm disagreeing that it's your, or anyone else's business. Warning the new guy, what is this? I'm assuming they're an adult capable of finding themselves a job and discussing things ith their bosses. Yes Chris & Antonia say they were lied to, and perhaps they were, but we don't know what this chef has been told, and I suspect it's along the lines of "this is your pay, these are your hours".

And yes, I've made no secret (including on this thread) that I've had my issues with the place / the owner in the past, but I've not so much as stepped foot in there for a good 6 or 7 years, so I've no right to really slag today's business off over what it was doing then.

Instead of numerous first time posters bigging up The Cherry Tree that are obviously fake and connected to the owners, it might be better if the owners posted as themselves instead, admitted to mistakes in the past and asked for advice as to how to make the pub the best in ED.

Which it could be due to size & location.

Chefs are irrelevant if you don't have any customers to eat the food!


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