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Thanks EP. I'll check out Head Over Heels tonight then. The group that made it Ocean Software, were great. Together with Ultimate and Hewson, they were responsible for most of my favourite childhood gaming memories. I'm now looking at old editions of Crash when I should be working http://www.crashonline.org.uk/42/index.htm. Oh well...

I'll check it out. I noticed that there is a version of the Lone Wolf books on IOS, but it appeared to lack Gary Chalk's original illustrations, so it was a hollow experience for me. I guess in this spirit of admission, I openly admit that as a child I:

Played games on a Spectrum

Read Fighting Fantasy books

Played the Warhammer role playing game on a few occasions

Painted some Citadel miniatures

Ahh it feels good to get that out.

Dopamine1979 Wrote:


> Not quite as old but anyone remember this game on

> the Spectrum?


> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/archive/4

> /44/20130614135449!Treasure_Island_Dizzy.png

Oh my God I loved Dizzy games! That screenshot is from the opening screen of Treasure Island Dizzy (the second one) which was the hardest because you had only one life and no save points.

Remember playing the first 3 on my Amstrad "Dizzy", "Treasure Island Dizzy" and "Fantasy World Dizzy".

It was only last year when I discovered there had been several others and I managed to play one on my phone via an emulator. Bloody brilliant games, really charming and with some good puzzles.

A couple of years back I was using Roms4droid and playing loads and loads of old skool games on my phone. I loved it.

Revenge of Shinobi on megadrive = Awesome!!!

this thread has got me going, i have just managed to get a ps2 emulator up and running and mounted the ICO iso. Best, or atleast most beautiful, game of its generation by a country mile. Ripe for a reboot in the source engine?

Configuring the controller to the keyboard is going to be a right bastard though!!!!

It's funny there isn't game snobbery in the same way there's music snobbery is there.


El Pibe Wrote:


> really? you look down on people rather than just

> not like those sorts of games? I think that's the

> difference. Music can be about posturing, but in

> gaming you either enjoy the experience or not I'd

> have thunk.

No not REALLY.

But maybe a tiny bit.

I like the COD games for their sheer mindlessness. Gaming anaesthesia. I've had some good times chatting on Xbox Live with mates, while half-heartedly ambling around COD maps. I second Ninja Gaiden. I guess on the snobbery question. Musical taste is part of our repertoire for impressing members of the opposite sex and or wider society, so we take it quite seriously. Getting a triple collateral in Black Ops 2 is a fallow field in that respect. Sorry about the Dworkinsesque reductionism by the way...

original, i do have them (game and console), and they work on a 360 which is nice (can't bloody save though, which believe me is necessary!!!)

I loved the first COD, that beach scene was quite gut wrenching until you worked out it was quite easy.

And they've had a few moments here and there, but there quickly came a point where rails shooters were ten a penny and all the same game with different bells and whistles.

But have been bright moments in there. First Halo (despite some boring and overlong level design), clive barker's undying i remember fondly, marathon.

In fact i highly recommend Outlast, an FP rather than FPS as you just have a video camera. No recourse to the shooty button and very scary things afoot is a brilliant combination for getting through underwear!!!

Ico had a hd fresh lick of paint (along with its spiritual successor shadow of the colossus) on ps3

Very nice they are too

But I never lived the "hit black shapes with sticks" element

I'm with otta on cod. Playing them is like being in a city of london bar, on a Friday night. Truly awful online community as well. The sort of game that turns me into a mail reading parent who hates computer games

I was once invaded by a player in dark souls who ran up to me and bowed (not uncommon)

But before we started he gestured me to follow him so I did (no talking in dark souls allowed) . We walked for a good bit to a dark forest where he had made a circle of lit stones. He took off his weapons and shirt and it was clear he fancied and old fashioned boxing game. So I did same

Now that is multiplayer larks

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