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Separation anxiety is quite a common issue in dogs. Research indicates that it is either a true illness/phobia, in which case medication is probably required or, more usually, it is a learned behaviour that becomes a habitual way to deal with stress born of frustration/boredom. In either case the remedy is two part- slowly teach the dog how to be left alone in a way that does not spark anxiety or stress; ensure the dog has adequate levels of stimulation and exercise and that it is not left for protracted periods. A dog walker is one option, leaving the dog with another person/relative while the owner is out, is even better.

If you have to leave the dog for long periods of time while at work you might be interested in the website ? http://www.borrowmydoggy.com

It teams up people who love dogs but can't have one with people who have them but occasionally need someone to help walk it, dog sit,etc. I borrow a dog that I take into work with me one day a week. It's lovely.

Mustard Wrote:



> Why not try knocking on immediate neighbours doors

> and ask if they can hear your dogs when you aren't

> there and study their faces very carefully to see

> if they look ill at ease.


http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view/239473/stare-down-o.gif GIFSoup

Thanks everyone. To answer all the points

1. Have discussed with my immediate neighbours (who I get on with very well) They confirmed dog had been barking but hadn't thought to bother me about it. Apparently it starts about 3-4pm? I work so it is a bit strange that it is so late in the day - separation issues normally kick in as you leave them not after they have been alone for a few hours.

2. The last couple of weeks there have been builders repairing a flat roof on another neighbour's house which is right on my boundary. That may have triggered some barking as the work is a bit noisy (but obviously essential).

3. I have put an anti-bark collar on her yesterday in fact, but she took it off somehow. It is on again today - a bit tighter! it sprays her with citronella when she barks. I'm hoping that will work.

4. I am booking a dog behaviourist ( the guy from the Dog Borstal show, in case you want to know). I am hoping that the person who wrote the note was just having a meltdown and doesn't really intend to poison them. And that he/she will give me time to put things right.

5. I do have a dog walker twice a week - but they came yesterday and she obviously was barking all the same.

6. I also have a dog flap so the dogs can go out into the garden during the day. I think she must be barking outside from what the neighbours have told me.

Catwoman - great suggestion. I will take a look at the site.

I live in Belvoir Road/Underhill/Melford Road area - I too was worried they might carry out their threat and kill a cat instead...

KidKruger Wrote:


> Or... Address the dog and his anxiety, which is

> what's actually the problem.

The OP is obviously conscientious and is from their above post dealing with the underlying problem. This is akin to suggesting that a woman who is raped should look at the length of her skirt to rectify the problem. Stupid comment in the circumstances.

To even think about poisoning somebody's dogs just because they are making a noise is a bit sick in my opinion.

The normal reaction would be to speak to the owner or just leave an anonymous note letting them know that their dogs are causing problems.

I think the OP was right to inform the police.

KidKruger Wrote:


> Or... Address the dog and his anxiety, which is

> what's actually the problem.

The dog's anxiety has to addressed but understanding who wrote the note is also important. Knowing you live next to so done who would behave like this is disturbing as it's a bit sociopathic

I'm so sorry to hear all this that's been going on .

I live 4 doors up from you and you know me , please call round or I'll call round to see you ,you must feel quite shaken . My dog suffers the same anxieties but as you know mine is rescue and older , I think you have every chance to nip it in the bud . I myself have only heard them occasionally and there are other neighbours to you with dogs that bark too at cars outside . I personally think it's totally out of order somebody threatening you like this , don't forget I'm here if you need help x

I think its limiting to presume its an immediate neighbour; dog barking travels far in a quiet area, potentially it could be aggravating a wider group than realized. As an immediate neighbor however, the OP has been pro-active in addressing the issue and clearly doesn't want her animals to be distressed let alone be a nuisance. We raised a concern directly with her (not in the way of a threatening note) and can vouch for her commitment to work it out. Dog noise is frustrating to hear when its persistent but I'm sure most dog owners are oblivious to what their dogs do once they leave the house unless they are told and any decent dog owners will always want to remedy the problem as the OP has shown. You can get sound activated recorders/cameras to try to work out actual timings/triggers for why/when behavior is occurring to give a better idea of scale as opposed to when neighbours are home to notice it which won't always give the full picture. Anyone who believes poisoning an animal is a solution is obviously a moron. I hope the more balanced reactions shown here go some way in outweighing the feeling of threat left by the note.

Hi, That's terrible your dogs have been threatened! If it was me I would keep knocking on doors to ask if anyone left the note and also to ensure them you weren't aware of the barking and are addressing the issue.

Putting an anti bark collar on is a terrible idea if it is a separation anxiety problem as why would you punish your dog causing fear for being anxious for not wanting to be left for long periods?! Also surely its a good thing your dog barks at strange noises for security reasons! Citronella aswell is horrible, spray yourself with it and see how it feels.

A better and kinder to your dog solution is to buy Adaptil Spray (Dog Appeasing Pheromone Spray) which is a pheromonatherapy for dogs; relieving pet stress & anxiety. One of my dogs has terrible separation anxiety and spraying this all over his bedding stopped it.

I don't know if you're dog has any other behavioural problems but seems extreme to call upon Robert Alleyn not to mention really really expensive just because your dog is barking a couple of hrs a day!

Surely a long walk first thing in the morning before work (to tire your dog out) and someone popping in at lunchtime just to keep your dog company will make a huge difference.

Also not sure what breed of dog you have but mine for example needs to be able to see out the front window when I'm not home so they can check out any strange noises they hear otherwise they would go stir crazy.

Nylabones & Kongs are also great boredom breakers for dogs who are left alone at home for hours.

I would advise do all of those things before calling a behaviourist.

Good luck with address your dogs problem and so sorry to hear your dogs were threatened, I personally would install CCTV if it was me incase the crazy person who wrote you that note comes onto your property again then I would know who I was going to beat the cr@p out off!

Thanks Chunksmum. Have PM'd you re all your useful suggestions.

And thanks feedingsquirrels - Amazon should be delivering a Petcam with two way audio very soon! I hadn't thought of that and it is a fab idea.

There will be someone here all day for the next two weeks (painting house) and my son returns from a year away very soon as well. That should also help with keeping them amused and quiet. Meanwhile I will work my way around all the potential neighbours affected to apologise and try to make peace with whoever I have angered to such extremes.


What kind of person would send a note like that? I'm so glad you reported them. I'm sure it was just a meltdown issue from the writer, but scary nonetheless.

I run an animal charity (dog rescue) and we often have to deal with animal behaviour issues - I would strongly urge caution with citronella collars as they can make dogs panic. Imagine if you were scared and then something squirted in your face every time you expressed that fear. Wouldn't help! That said, a dog with separation anxiety wouldn't just bark at one time - it would be constant. Your dog is probably just bored at that time (how long is s/he left for?) or has heard something nearby (that's school finishing time after all).

Please PM me if you need more help. And maybe a wire mail cage behind your letterbox?? xxx

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