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funny peculiar? as in why is some using a us-centric term beloved of mastabatory internet trolls who fantasise about going postal, use the n word alot, immerse themselves in self-contradictry conpiracy theories, and obsess about cabals and agendas that ususally boil down to 'them thar jews'?

Yeah, hilarious!!

I always find the UKIP-style demand that people who come to Britain should learn the language and integrate amusing, since they are usually the most likely to head off to Spain to retire, don't integrate and never bother to learn the language.

I always find people who hate UKIP amusing, as they are usually the most likely to criticise those who head off to Spain to retire, don't integrate and never bother to learn the language.

There was an interest poll done recently, I'll see if i can dig it up, that had ukip voters as most disposed towards liking europeans and or thinking of moving there.

The thinking britain is going to the dogs and wanting to leave it go hand in hand, and for want of anything else to blame, like you know, the implacable march of technology, globalism, sociological change, its an easy target to blame the EU, and think leaving it will cycle everything back to an imagined pre-immigration utopia.

So not entriely ironic, though the lack of any integration that end is of course hugely and depressingly so.

Bah too many polls about europe, i'll perservere though

Ukip seems to be a very useful red herring to avoid discussing which of the other bunch of lying, two-faced, hypocritical self-interested slugs one is casting one's X for; kind of a "At least I don't support Ukip!" stance to make us all feel better.

So who's in the race? The lying Libs? The legislation-crazed, I.D. card-hungry, War-criminals of Labour? (dropping "New" doesn't make it alright) or the divisive Tories?

Farage loves all the martyr stuff and that kind of defacement - whilst perfectly acceptable as political comment - is more likely to get those entrenched ukip supporters out to vote ("No bloody paint throwing do-gooder is going to tell me how to vote") than make the undecided to vote against him.

Is there a government in history that couldn't be tarred with a sound bite friendly phrase

There seems to be an idea abroad that older, previous governments were somehow better

Or worse, that the notion of government itself is abhorrent

Both need to get a grip. We live in a democracy which means a shed load of compromise, grumbling, occasional violent protest

But if there is a better system, what is it?

Because voting for ukip is simply an unnaceptable alternative. Not as a protest, not as a warning, not as a joke

And if anyone pipes up with "typical liberal telling people what to do" have a word. You have a million choices, including voting for these incompetetent yet dangerous clowns. But don't pretend you don't know they are more than they pretend and it's "unsurprising" people vote for them if the "big" parties are so shit

Sometimes there are absolutes and relativism is downright scary

StraferJack Wrote:


> Is there a government in history that couldn't be

> tarred with a sound bite friendly phrase


> There seems to be an idea abroad that older,

> previous governments were somehow better

I guess they didn't have the social media and 24 hour news to contend with so they didn't have to be so media savvy. The media savvy bit is what's annoying about modern politics.

We have to face it..... UKIP has only come to prominence as a result of changes undergone by other political parties and their failure to respond to the feelings of the silent (or is it silenced?) majority.

Labour was highly Euro-sceptic not too many years ago. The Conservative leadership got rid of Euro-scepticism when they got rid of Thatcher. Only the Libtards have been consistently pro Europe and anyway they dont count. They change their policies more often that Miliband changes his socks. They are Pick & Mix.

Both Labour and Conservatives promised referenda on Europe but failed to deliver again and again.

Both Labour and Conservatives promised to do something about rampant immigration and did nothing.

Hence the rise of UKIP and the fact that it is being attacked vociferously by all three parties.

All three are sh*t scared of the erosion of their voter base by the new kid on the block.

What is more worrying about UK politics is that all the leaders in the Labs, Cons and Libs are career politicos. They started off as SPADs and none of them have ever had a real job in Industry or Commerce. They have never managed anything related to business or economics. How can one expect them to be able to manage the country!

They are all in it for themselves and will do anything to stay in office. Hence appeasement on issues like immigration and failed promises on Europe.

Their abuses of expenses and allowances go unchecked. Their personal tax returns are handled by a dedicated and secretive HMRC department in Cardiff.

And some of you attack UKIP! Vote for UKIP and give these despicable career/establishment politicians a bloody nose!

What business did churchill run btw?

All this better in the past bobbins

Silent majority? Majority don't want what you want. Silenced? Obscene to even suggest it

Words like appeasement? And you have cheek to tell people they are emotional on other threads?

By all means pick apart the problems with mainstream parties and the eu. But ukip as an answer? Incredible

And there you have the kip thing in microcosm.

They are addressing real concerns, they are capable of saying quite reasonable and sensible things, but they undermine it all with hyperbole, distraction, half truths and total idiots saying massively racist things.

The above post is for the most part very reasonable and addresses real concerns, but the singular use of libtard gets it filed under 'poster is a moron'.


The problem with the current political class is that it's a post Blair situation, whereby the intent of the politician is everything, even if the means are disingenuous.

They are sceptical about being able to sell a message about the advantages of immigration, the problems of demographics and pensions and the fact that in or out of the EU we'll have to jump to its financial tune and abide by its laws if we want to sell to it (setting aside for a moment the ukip having your pie in the sky and eating it of leaving the eu and remaining in EFTA).

So they just try to ignore the voters to large degree, patronise them.

Despite the accusations of libtard, the liberal party is the only one honestly setting out its stall and telling truths to the electorate, and has been trounced by populist soundbites, and appeals to fear (see also electoral reform referendum), so can we blame the two main parties for simply trying to ignore the problem and making minor concessions to this ugly undercurrent in order to keep ukip at bay.

Are they shit scared? No. Protest votes in European elections are easy but people know a clown when they see one and they will be marginal come general election. Are they concerned enough that they are losing the faith of core voters? Absolutely. Are they afraid that not appeasing this will mean another hung parliament. For sure.

But as SJ hints at, we Ey flippant about the emerging nationalist movements at our own risk. We can see in Ukraine how easily lies are latched on to how rhetoric can galvanise and how ugly a force nationalism is.

As someone pointed out recently, fascism is often vaguely comical, and never says 'out project involves violence, militias, an end to rule of law'.

It says 'we will restore your pride, we will give you back your jobs, we will make things safe for us' and that's the messGe I'm hearing, no wonder that Indian member resigned and said 'I'm feel like them in your rhetoric chasing power'.

Ukip have been seduced by the very power they accuse others of abusing.

I genuinely think an abstention is a valid protest vote (though that can certainly be a dangerous tack) but for gods sake don't vote for ukip as a protest!!!!

The mainstream parties are owned by commercial interests and UKIP are as scary as a pre-war National Socialist German Worker's Party.

The only party that comes close to being worthy of my vote is the Green Party, but unfortunately they are being drowned out by the constant noise surrounding UKIP.

StraferJack Wrote:


> Is there a government in history that couldn't be

> tarred with a sound bite friendly phrase

Hm, yes... but here is how some may just view things...

Suppose one has been (perhaps) a life-long Labour voter (let's say) and came (for example) to loathe everything the Right stood for - then they experienced the New Labour regime with its almost constant knee-jerk legislation, its drive to restrict personal rights in the name of fighting terrorism - and the war thingy; then a fellow might have looked kindly on the (oh how nostalgic it all seems) "I agree with Nick" thing.

Before they revealed themselves as lying chancers there was a possibility that integrity and honesty (especially when it came to promises made) still mattered and that even if right and (new) left tore into each other a voice of sanity existed. The spectacle of Cable justifying the hedge fund profits from selling of the Post Office, long after the tuition fees argument had faded, was a timely reminder that (in exchange for a laughable charade of a vote for electoral reform) the libs are whores who will do anything if the price is right.

Labour and Conservatives are only vying now for who gets to take the whore into bed.

Don't know where ukip fit into this - vying with the EDF (not this one) and BNP as the home for the mad, bad and dangerous to live next door to?

I have zero interest in voting UKIP - I think we should be in Europe and I am an immigrant myself. But democracy needs parties like UKIP - and even the BNP - to exist. Hopefully no one will vote for them, but if they do, it gives people the chance to be heard.

UKIP has hit upon some people's fears. Now I believe those fears are misplaced, but they are there. The correct reaction to this is to debate them, calm those fears or understand them better. The wrong reaction is to call the party and their potential voters names. All that does is make them martyrs.

I don't think UKIP are a racist party as a whole, nor Farage a racist. They do have some pretty unsavoury people in their ranks but I think that is because they're not a big enough party to vet every single candidate. Let's face it, the big parties still let the odd dodgy person slip through. I'm sure even the Greens have some people in the party we'd rather not have power like some extreme animal libbers.

So UKIP existing just means democracy is working. They just need their arguments countered.

This is quite interesting. It's an article about how the Greens not UKIP could be the real threat to Labour in the Euro elections.


Might be wishful thinking (not that I know which way the author votes), but I live in hope :-)

It would be good if some interviewer would really nail Forage and get him to admit that many of the UKIP policies are far to the right of the Tories, especially low rate flat taxes, which would result in even more massive cuts in public spending. Then the poorer, Labour voters who are contemplating voting UKIP might start to realise that they would be really screwed financially if Forage and his mates were able to put their policies into effect.

So far Forage has been able to get away with murder (metaphorically of course).

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