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Box of shirts - Crystal Palace Road

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My husband 'absent mindedly' left a box of his shirts on CPR this morning (they were supposed to end up in the car but we drove off without them). We are now in Kingston for the day so can't go back for them! I was wondering if anyone might possibly have found them/is nearby and could have a quick look?

It is a brown box on the pavement, on CPR, just up the hill from The Actress, on the other side of North Cross Road.

Thank you in advance!

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I just wanted to say i saw this box on CPR around 1ish. I didnt pick up the box and didnt see anyone else pick it up however it did cross my mind that someone may have wanted to get rid of some shirts and thats why it was on the street!

Sorry not helpful but hope you find the shirts

Nabz x

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Hi all,

Thanks again for all your help, we are no closer to solving the disappearance. He took the number into work today for Tree of Hope, so who knows...

Nabz, on the tiny off chance they haven't completely vanished, whereabouts did you see the box? A guy at The Actress very kindly took a look for us late morning and they weren't where we left them so I wonder if they'd moved up the road (clutching at straws really as we did trawl up and down the road last night!).

Thanks again x

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No consolation, but worse things happen. Remember (Prof. Sir) Frank Kermode?

"But when he was moving house about 10 or 15 years ago, the main parts of his library were packed up in boxes and left out on the street, as he was waiting for the removal men. He went inside for a few minutes and Cambridge Council?s rubbish collectors, thinking the boxes were rubbish, picked them up and threw them in the incinerator." http://selectedpoems.wordpress.com/2011/05/10/berryman-kermode-and-cambridge-council-incinerator-interview-with-natalie-galustian/

There are some more colourful versions -- the Indie obit even has him genially answering the door to the collectors and helping them with the shifting -- but the core remains in all.

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Oh well, it was worth a shot. Thank you SO much again to those who took the time to look, I really appreciate it. Just hope they've gone to a good home (turns out there was a suit in there too). I imagine he won't make the same mistake again and worse things could indeed happen. I'm not surprised at all that everyone thought they were rubbish - they looked like rubbish! And I will play him the above clip in a carefully chosen moment.

Thanks again, and obviously if anyone did rescue them, would love to hear from you.

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