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Anti social behaviour (a man urinating)

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You can't make an exhibition of yourself and then complain if someone doesn't respect your modesty (by taking a photo). If you want to keep it private don't go in the street. I'm not going to pretend I've not been caught short before, but I've tried to be discrete, if caught I would be apologetic. This guy sounds like a dick (excuse the pun)
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If the act was simply that of urination in a 'caught-short' situation, I am all for live-and-let-live. Many of us, over time, have had to 'go' when public conveniences weren't to hand (and when are they in modern London?). If the act was intended to offend - i.e. it was an initially aggressive act, then that is different.

It appears that this may have been an 'innocent' situation segueing into an intended insult - which may have been triggered by the reaction of the OP to it in the first instance.

My own feeling would be that this is a difficult one to call. Insulting behavior, whatever the apparent trigger, cannot be readily acceptable, but equally people are too easy to take offence when none may have (originally) been intended. Micturation is entirely natural and the sight (if there was one) of a male member innocently displayed in the process shouldn't really scare the horses. A male member displayed intentionally offensively is a different matter. However this all seems to be in a very different camp from the male displaying (exposing) intentionally as part of some sexual fixation - where immediate action by police may well be called for.

We should perhaps be more relaxed about bodies and natural bodily functions, save when their locations (i.e. children's playgrounds, your own front door) suggest differently.

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It seems to boil down to a case of the behaviour of one of the people involved in this incident was OTT.

If the guy having a leak was seen to be trying to be discreet about it I just don't think the OP would have reacted. Most of us have had the experience of being caught short and we tend to recognise the body language of someone who is at once desperate but trying not to be noticed.

It seems to me, from what the OP has said, that the reaction of the OP was triggered by an indifferent/couldn't care less/even slightly exhibitionist attitude displayed by the public widdler. That kind of attitude might be the result of extreme inebriation, but the OP has said he did not appear to be drunk in any way, it might also be consistent with getting a little thrill from doing something a bit off in a public place, it could also explain the 'perps' further reaction of laughter and more aggressive display of genitals on being challenged.

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There is no over analysis of this necessary. A guy takes a pee in a public place (public order offence). He is seen doing so and challenged (perfectly reasonable) and then laughs in the face of the challenger by waving his willy. I'll bet he wouldn't have done that at a sizeable bloke. In no way can any part of his behaviour be classed as reasonable or acceptable. That's all there is to it. That the OP took a pic and reported him is neither here nor there.
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PokerTime Wrote:


> There is no over analysis of this necessary. A guy takes a pee in a public place (public order

> offence). He is seen doing so and challenged (perfectly reasonable) and then laughs in the face

> of the challenger by waving his willy. I'll bet he wouldn't have done that at a sizeable bloke. In no

> way can any part of his behaviour be classed as reasonable or acceptable. That's all there is to

> it. That the OP took a pic and reported him is neither here nor there.

I disagree - the OP taking a photo of someone else's genitals is a crucial part of the proceedings. How can it not be?

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I can't really think of any situation were it would be acceptable for a man to front up to a woman in a public place and wave his dick at her. If you piss in the street it's a bit much to claim that someone with a camera is offending your modesty. I think the guys lucky that no one thumped him.
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If it was out of the blue then yes. He was taking a piss, she shouted at him and took photos. I think his reaction was within the normal expected actions of someone in the position the OP put him in.

If she'd have waited until he'd finished his piss then I doubt he'd have taken it out just to wave it at her.

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You can't know that LD. Had a Police car driven by they would have stopped to reprimand him too. It's a public order offence (whatever anyone may think about it being so). Any member of the public has a perfect right to challenge or report such an offence. He was in the wrong from the moment he unzipped his flies. The OP was merely gathering evidence which is perfectly acceptable. That's how the law would see it.
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Cella....I still want to know what the police said about you taking the photo of the man before you challenged him...

Did they think it was a good thing to do....yes or no?

Because, personally, I think that it was a very provocative thing to do, whether the pi**ing against the wall was right or wrong.

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From someone who's seen an elderly man standing outside what was the Hope (now paddy power) on Rye Lane, urinating up against the entrance to the flat next door whilst drunkenly singing to himself. I am now immune to male pissing in the streets. We live in an urban area, all sorts of unsavoury stuff happens and in the grand scheme of things it's not something that's going to make the front page of the South London Press.


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If I may be allowed as a 'newbie'? Read through all of this and can't believe that it was posted in the first place. Ok pissing in a public place not ideal, but it happens, and with the amount of rain we've had not a hygiene worry! Hey we're living in London. although some of you think some kind of village, and yes I've been there and done it myself! If left alone I'm sure the bloke would have finished emptying his bladder, given it a shake, zipped up and been on his way. Not something any of us would would want to see on a regular basis but wftf! Yes a toilet stop in a pub or the like would have been better but an alfresco sometimes, with no disrespect intended, the only way to go ! PC Plod should have better crims to catch unless they are actively @#$%& and being perverse in a public place!!
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