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Anti social behaviour (a man urinating)

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PokerTime Wrote:


> Most people who urinate in public places

> don't even consider trying to make it to a toilet.

How on earth can you possibly know that?

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Otta Wrote:


> PokerTime Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Most people who urinate in public places

> > don't even consider trying to make it to a

> toilet.


> How on earth can you possibly know that?

I assumed it was completely based on personal experience...

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Men take a leak in public places all the time.

It's a man thing. They can't wait & don't have time to search for a toilet.

I agree that the person in question should have been a bit more discreet but to actually take a photo?

That's OTT in my opinion.

If you had just ignored him and walked past, he wouldn't have retaliated and there would be no need for this thread.

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I live in a small street, right next to pub (ie with easily accessible toilets) and quite often see men pissing up against the wall. What's that all about? Laziness? Weird cat-based territory marking? Exhibitionism? Barely repressed urge to get knob out at any chance?

Put it away chaps and if you're incapable of managing your bladder take a look here: http://www.tena.co.uk/men/products/

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I've caught hell from some landlords asking to just use the loo. When I get caught short I hate it and it winds me up that there's never public loos. Those open air urinals as per Holland should be positioned in all major piss-stops.

I used one a while back on the North side of Soho Square, just as I was heading there for relief - so simple / practical.

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Otta Wrote:


> Maybe it's because pubs don't take kindly to

> people walking in and using the loo without buying

> a drink.

Wasn't the government going to pay some organisations to do this.

I always assumed this happened AFTER chucking out time - hence the open loos in Charing Cross

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This happened outside my house a few weeks ago, around noon. I heard a woman shouting at someone and a drunk man's voice saying "I just needed to go, alright?" and "Well, stop looking at it, then!" I saw the guy finish peeing against our front garden wall and then pass by our window, privates still hanging out. He was scruffily dressed and clearly drunk, so probably not the same guy.
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We all get caught out from time to time. Men & Women.

I am diabetic and there are times when necessity can be sudden with no warning.

Finding somewhere to pee is not easy.

I have to restrict drinking on events like Office Reunions up Town for fear of not making it home on the bus.

Police clamp down on people caught Peeing. I doubt very much if there is a single copper who has not been

in the same situation

There simply needs to be more Public Toilets.


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I am wondering whether the OP was the one who took a photo of me and started yelling whilst I was taking a dump next to the Plough the other day! It was very distracting as I was trying to read the Times at the time.
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DulwichFox, I am in complete agreement with you. It is a telling measure of a society that can't cater to this fundamental thing. (It is also equally telling in how such facilities get vandalised, sadly.) I remember visiting Nyhavn in Copenhagen a few years ago and being flabbergasted with the fine ornamental porcelain, the like of which I don't think I've ever seen in public conveniences in this country.

Copenhagen really is a fine city though. I was with some friends, just walking around and we saw a row of prams outside a building, and we wondered what it was. Turns out that if you're a mother in Denmark, you can leave your pram outside the restaurant while you are having sunday brunch without fear of it getting nicked.

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I think all the above comments are true, happnes mostly after chicking out time, lack of public urinals, laziness on the part of others to look for a toilet. But there is one thing that underlies all of this and is kind of apparent on this thread too. Men think it's perfectly ok to pee in public spaces, women do not. So it is a gender based cultural thing. Women learn to hold it in until they can find a toilet. Men learn that if you have to pee you pee wherever you are. Obviously that's not true for everyone or in every case, but a shift in education and peer pressure would I'm sure bring about a different attitude from some men.
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Loz Wrote:


> To be fair, it's less a 'cultural' thing and more

> that we have the plumbing. If women could do it

> more easily, they almost certainly would.

Yes, we would.

Far easier than walking the streets looking for a McDonalds!

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There are two issues here, a man peeing in the street... Fairly unpleasant, but also fairly commonplace. Then there is a report of a man facing down a woman in the street whilst waving his dick at her. The latter action is completely unacceptable and a serious matter IMO.
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you can leave your pram outside the restaurant while you are having sunday brunch without fear of it getting nicked.

How many times has that happened in SE22, London, the UK? If you are the victim of a buggy-napper, please let me know.

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If my bladder is full, I can't hold it and I can't find a toilet, I'll squat behind a parked car/down an alley/behind a bush and pee.

I've done this in broad daylight as well as night time because I had no choice. I'm not going to piss my pants. However embarrassed I might feel at someone catching an eyefull, walking home in piss-stained clothes would be worse.

If someone then took a picture of me in my desperate state, I'd probably want to shove their phone/camera up their arse.

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The key thing there though is that you say 'If I can't find a toilet'. Many people (mostly men) who pee in public places don't make any effort to find a toilet. I've lost count of the number of times I've come out of a pub only to see a guy peeing up the walls metres away (and usually having come out of the same pub). It's complete fantasy to think that most of the men peeing on street corners are unable to find a toilet in time. They just don't think they need to.
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