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Anti social behaviour (a man urinating)

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I think it's awful someone would go to the loo like that in public - there are plenty of bars etc around, where they'd hardly be noticed if they went in and used the bathrooms without buying a drink. There could have been kids around etc., but not that i'd like to have seen it especially if the person turned around and faced me like he did to the poster. It's gross. And yes people can be bursting to go for many reasons, but if that person was behaving casually on the street then there can be no excusing it really!!
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Seriously though, if I had to take a leak in a public place and then someone TOOK A PHOTO OF ME DOING IT, I'd do a lot more than wave my fanny at them. The nerve. Why don't people mind their own business?

There's serious stuff happening in our local community and in the country as a whole. And you're making a massive fuss about someone peeing. PEEING. It's not like they were masturbating in a child's face is it?

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come on muffins. 'there could have been children about'. from my experience kids unlikely to be offended by someone having a piss. probably wouldnt have even noticed if it wasnt for someone shouting and taking pictures...
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What about if you see a dog or cat relieving themselves in the street or someone's garden is that offensive too? How far do we push the boundaries with this? No one is suggesting as far as I can see that regularly taking a number 1 or 2 in the streets is a normal thing to do, and let's face it, it happens so rarely that most wouldn't see it happening anyway. But if a person is extremely desperate and can only find a spot such as this to use then so be it. In that particular area it's probably the least 'public' spot for what is otherwise a relatively public place. They could have used the pub, for whatever reason they didn't, we don't know all the facts. Hell, why are we even having this conversation? Person has a pee up against a wall, and?


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You seem to adopt an argumentative attitude Louisa. We are not living in the 14th century and now have indoor plumbing and everything. We have also eradicated major disease and have a decent standard of public hygiene so would hate to see a return to any of that. You seem to be ignoring the fact that it was on a public green next to where children may be playing the next day and as you say he could have used other facilities but he didn't also his loutish behaviour towards me. It's concerning that you appear to support such anti social behaviour.
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PT where is the local mythical public convenience you speak of? Were you there? Did you hear his excuses? Is it only men now who relieve themselves in the streets? Do we have statistics to prove any of this? Lots of assumptions as per.

And cella, I am not ignoring it was a public space. I'm suggesting we don't know his reasons for doing it there, illness or another factor could have come into play? And you suggest his behaviour was antisocial when you were waving a phone at the guy threatening to take photographs. As already mentioned, provocative, not helping to peacefully resolve the situation.


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How many parents let their children pee in public once they are off the nappy, but have to do it? Quite a few I'd say. No need for the guy to wave his willy at you, but you were provoking him.

It's not unknown for a female on this forum to admit peeing in public. Why does a car wheel remind me on this?

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Louisa it is common knowledge that many men pee wherever they like with no excuse. That's why it's a public order offence. And that's before getting into the sanitation hazards. Take a walk around soho on an early Saturday morning. All you will smell is male pee. It's not ok. There are plenty of referneces to people being fined for just this online. None of them had mitigating health excuses.

Alan, you make a good point regarding parents letting children pee in public places. I don't know where I stand on this, but at some point girls learn that to be antisocial in practise and some boys don't. I would guess that has everything to do with seeing adults behave in this way. Boys see men doing that, whereas girls don't see women doing that, in general. I know quite a few men that never urinate in the streets. They see it as unecessary as I do.

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Ok PT thanks for answering at least part of the handful of questions I posed. In answer to soho, it probably stinks of urine because their are stand alone public conveniences aimed at men all over the shop. I know of three near Trafalgar square alone. And they are used regularly.


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Before those stand alone loos it was far worse. But take a walk down any alleyway off any of the streets like Wardour and Frith etc and you'll see what I mean. The funny thing is that the area if full of bars and restaurants and you have to assume on a Saturday night that most people are there for the bars and restaurants. So that's where education comes into play. In spite of a plentiful supply of public toilet facilites in the area, people (mainly men, but some women too no doubt) still think it's ok to go wherever. They just don't see what the issue is with that.

People with medical conditions I find to be more responsible on this matter anyway. They know they have a higher than nermoal need for toilets and so more often than not make sure they are in reasonable reach of one.

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Does anyone else remember the block of public toilets just by the entrance to goose green play area? It closed down sometime in the early 80s and was eventually pulled down. Considering you have a children's play area and numerous other facilities nearby I find it odd that we have no public convenience nearby. Bizarre.


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Interested by how differently "social" and "anti-social" behaviour are construed. When living in Japan I found that tachi-shomben, pissing against a wall, was regarded as un-refined -- but no worse -- and was entirely excused if the pisser was drunk. Contributing as someone who with advancing age has been troubled by loss of capacity and increase of urgency: Sometimes it happens. Do as you would be done by, Celia, PokerTime, and others, and turn a blind eye, please.
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Louisa isn't alone in thinking this is a bit OTT.

Okay, so peeing in a public place is far from ideal, but most of us have done it at some stage. And it's not just men, I know loads of women who's squatted behind a parked car at 2am when they couldn't hang on.

Not great, not nice, I'm sure we'd all rather make it home, but not the end of the world.

If on the other hand the guy really did turn towards the OP and wave his cock around in a leery manner, he's a twat and needs a slap. But I suspect he was just completel;y shit faced.

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Yes he really did I'm afraid. Not sure I agree with either slapping as a solution or treating his behaviour with either wry amusement or tolerating it due to him being shitfaced - he did not appear to be drunk - just loutish and arrogant. If he is prepared to do it in public and expose himself then jeer at women then he is definitely suspect in my book.
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I wasn't suggesting you actually slap him, it's just an expression. And wasn't saying being shitfaced excuses.

But yeah sounds like on this occasion the bloke was a complete tool.

But I stand by my post about less leery public place peeing when needs must.

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The problem is Otta that what is just you being caught short is actually lots of people being caught short. Hundreds of people peeing in a street or alleyway is not uncommon in central London. Most people who urinate in public places don't even consider trying to make it to a toilet. And how would you react is someone peed against the wall of your house, or behind your car?
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You are entitled to your opinion but hopefully, as with any other public order offence, it will assist the police who may be able to identify and caution him. That may be enough to encourage him to think about changing his behaviour and his attitude towards women.
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