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Announcing the annual EDF POSTS awards.

Humorous. Based on posts not persons.


Sweetness; belligerence; sheer front; reason; humour; dedication; charity; meanness; most valuable post; world turned upside down post; etc.

Nominations, Winners, runners up. Members or panel Voting? Donations for awards or mock Certificates of Pomposity?

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I have noted before that some fora allow one to endorse a post - the FB equivalent is 'liking' it - that has the advantage of stopping people adding to the thread just to say that they agree with a poster - and also quickly allows readers to guage the level of endorsement - if an outlier opinion receives none there may be no need to weigh-in and refute it. Additionally it would allow people whose posts do receive significant endorsement to be recognised. Some fora also allow you to identify individual posters as 'favourites' (the equivalent of 'following' without actually having to do that) - again this would allow some review of posting popularity.

HOWEVER - it must be remembered that some posters may not be popular, but may equally be justified or 'right' in their posts - soemtimes unpopular things are still worth saying.

I have 'followed' some posters on fora not because I agree with them, but because I like the forthright way in which they make their points.

Rich_T_Bisquit Wrote:


> I shouldn't be telling you this, but the world

> needs to know the truth. If only so there is some

> lasting testament to all those young, idealistic

> men that have been lost to the cause.


> I'm all that remains of the fifty and I haven't

> got much time left. The... change has started. If

> that doesn't get me then it's just a matter of

> time before my cover slips or the government

> 'retire' me. So sit comfortably and listen well.

> This post will probably be removed fairly quickly

> but hopefully some will learn the truth before it

> casually wiped out - like the rest of my unit.


> In late 2009 a clandestine group of government

> officials met under the pretext of 'The Census

> Corrective Thinktank'.

> This group were formed by a group of like-minded

> individuals within the government who had stronger

> concerns than most about social ghetto-isation

> within London.


> Early projects were innocent enough - such as

> trying to curb the spread of single-speed bicycle

> ownership in Hoxton;

> One hundred practical bikes, some with up to 21

> gears, were introduced to the area over the course

> of April and May 2010. By July 2010 the synopsis

> made dark reading. Yeah, a few of them got ridden

> on the odd occasion, but at the end

> of that three month period 63 bikes had been

> converted, 17 bikes had been removed from the

> area,7 destroyed and the

> remaining thirteen unaccounted for.


> The CCT just didn't learn. Operation Blerks would

> suffer a similar fate in East Dulwich.


> I was one of the fifty single males selected for

> operation Blerks. We were all top of the

> single-man game. An entire

> month of takeaway food wouldn't phase us, we

> laughed at the idea of a seven hour playstation

> session clothed only in

> underpants and scatter-cushions were something

> that would never find its way into our bedsits. I

> myself was recruited because of my specialist food

> skills: Being able to create a sandwich from

> literally any foodstuff. I'm talking pie

> sandwiches, last-nights-chinese sandwiches, the

> works.


> We took our mission in good faith. Proud to be

> working for the government we left the training

> camp and were slowly

> filtered into ED. Our cause, to re-balance the

> dearth of unattached menfolk in the area.


> The first few weeks we lost over 20% of our

> number. Mostly due to sloppy mistakes such as

> forgetting to wear the standard issue white-gold

> wedding band when buying meals-for-one in local

> shops. Schoolboy error.


> Others were things we couldn't have been prepared

> for. One of my cell members got lucky after work

> one night. It had been six months of enforced

> celibacy before that and he did what all single

> men find it impossible not to do in that situation

> - he spent the next day walking around like a man

> carrying two invisible pots of paint and grinning

> like a chimp.

> No one who is married ever experiences that level

> of smugness combined with relief and he was soon

> spotted in Lordship Lane. Taken to the forced

> marriage and breeding camps like so many others.


> Now it's August 2011. Again the synopsis makes

> dark reading. Yeah, a few of them got ridden on

> the odd occasion, but at the end of that period 33

> singletons had been converted, 7 removed from the

> area, 4 destroyed and five unaccounted for.


> There's only me left.


> Last month my final contact went dark. I recently

> saw someone who I thought was him walking on Goose

> Green, wearing clothes designed for someone ten

> years younger than him, sporting a goatee, trendy

> specs and pushing a buggy. I never

> thought the change would get him, but it always

> does. It always does.


> I've also started noticing odd things happening

> within myself recently. Sometimes I'll wake up

> sweating, mumbling in a patronising voice,

> "Oedipus,don't do that to mummy...". Other days

> I'll wake up with a hangover and remember that at

> some time in the night I bought a bottle of wine.

> Twice its even been prosecco. Prosecco. I've found

> myself jogging on occasion, chopping herbs from

> time to time and even doing my laundry on a

> regular basis.


> The final straw is posting on the East Dulwich

> Forum. The place has got me; in two weeks I'll be

> married to a hip-mum and have two children with

> very individual names.


> Don't weep for me, I'm already lost...

This is very old but one of the best posts ever.

steveo Wrote:


> *Bob*


> but


> Burbage should be in there


> alliteratively speaking

Hmmm. I find Burbage's prose a little floral. Good points but without the poise and balance of the great Ted Max. Who is in my opinion untouchable when it comes to the written form. (No pressure for your next one Ted).

Surely this is deserving of a "trophy full of spittle" award

It's made my Monday morning this has

I thank you

Re: Tiny Little Things That Cause You Irrational Rage new

Posted by Jah Lush Yesterday, 10:50PM

That fecking irritating beyond belief advert on the BBC with those two irritating smug useless @#$%& James Corden and Gary Barlow for their up and coming programme when "When One Fat Smug Useless One Tricky Pony Tosser With A Neatly Trimmed Beard Met Another Fat Smug One Trick Pony Tosser With A Neatly Trimmed Beard."

FFS! It even has Barlow raising his right arm in a fascist salute. @#$%&! It makes me want to hunt them down and kill them and stomp on their grotesque smarmy smug licking each other's arsehole faces for all eternity. @#$%&!

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