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Howling Dog


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I've posted about this a good while back, but anyone living around Dunstans Road/Underhill Road or possiby some roads nearby must hear a dog howling - every day practically...? Really worrying about the poor animal as it's surely unhappy to be making the crying howls all the time. Don't know why I'm posting... perhaps just needed to share my concerns... Hope the beast isn't tied up outside or in a shed!
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Yes, I've been thinking of trying to find the house, I've asked my neighbours close by but they don't know anything for certain so walking the streets it is. Then I have to think what to do when I find/think I've found the house/garden......


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Involving the RSPCA is jumping to the conclusion that the dog is being mistreated, which may or may not be the case. Some dogs have massive separation issues and howl when they are left alone. The owner usually doesn't know anything about it. When I leave my dog alone I think she settles down and has a sleep, but if she was distressed and bothering neighbours then I would like to think that someone would knock at my door or leave me a note, rather than calling the RSPCA.
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When I phoned the RSPCA about an apparently very distressed howling dog left outside during a thunderstorm, they were not in the least interested and told me to phone the council.

Who weren't interested either, if memory serves :(

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Sue Wrote:


> When I phoned the RSPCA about an apparently very

> distressed howling dog left outside during a

> thunderstorm, they were not in the least

> interested and told me to phone the council.


> Who weren't interested either, if memory serves :(

The RSPCA is available 24/7 to report cruelty or neglect. Please feel free to call 0300 1234 999. All calls to the RSPCA are recorded.

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rspcalondonsoutheast Wrote:



> The RSPCA is available 24/7 to report cruelty or

> neglect. Please feel free to call 0300 1234 999.

> All calls to the RSPCA are recorded.


So if somebody phones to report an apparently distressed howling dog, what action is the RSPCA supposed to take, please?

Because my experience was as I have posted above :(

It was a year or so back - does the RSPCA now have more resources?

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Dogs can also howl if a bitch is in season within a couple of miles radius. Best thing would be first to identify where dog lives and speak to owner. The owner, if they work and leave the dog for any time they may be unaware. Dog daycare or a walker may help if it is separation anxiety. Key thing is try to speak to owner first.

Also wanted to add that some dogs and some breeds enjoy howling.

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Yes, I agree that it would be ideal if possible to speak to the owner first (with diplomacy). However I'm sure that the immediate neighbours would have mentioned something to them though as this hasn't just started.... perhaps they're already working with a separation anxiety issue but not getting much success and possibly given up. All assumptions though...
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This dog could well be on Wood Vale = my house backs onto this area and when working in the back of the house it drives me to distraction. It's near Melford Road I think. The dog barks every day for a good hour or so and it's extremely annoying as it's hard to describe how penetrating this sound can be. It also means doors and windows can't be opened to enjoy this fine weather...
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I came onto the forum to see if someone had also spoken out about this howling dog. I hear it every day as I walk my own dog to the park - it seems to be howling pretty much constantly anytime between 9am and 1pm. I think I have pinpointed it to the block of underhill road/ Balchier road/ Dunstans road and Ryedale but can't be certain. By the bark, it sounds like quite a big dog.

It sounds like separation anxiety to me but I'm not an expert. I would definitely inform the owner if I could work out where it was coming from, as they might not realise what their dog gets up to when they are out. Surely the direct neighbours would have said something though?

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chickenteeka Wrote:


> They said unless i knew the whereabouts of the dog

> or the dog was in harm they weren't able to do

> anything.


Did they say what they would do if you did know the whereabouts of the dog?

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boyohboy Wrote:


> This dog could well be on Wood Vale = my house

> backs onto this area and when working in the back

> of the house it drives me to distraction. It's

> near Melford Road I think. The dog barks every

> day for a good hour or so and it's extremely

> annoying as it's hard to describe how penetrating

> this sound can be. It also means doors and

> windows can't be opened to enjoy this fine

> weather...

I hear this dog too and too often. It's definitely on Wood Vale. The poor thing was barking like a mad thing first thing this morning.

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TBH I really do not think the RSPCA will do anything, since there is no proff the dog is ill treated. Many dog do suffer separation anxiety or boredome, or both. Either of which could set off barking and howling sessions.

If anything this is a matter for Southwark and the noise nuisance team. You need to keep times etc.. of when dog howls/barks and for how long. If it is during the day I would really think it quite possible the owners are not aware and I would still put the most energy into first identifying where the dog lives and then making contact with owner- at least you then have a clearer idea of what is going on.

If you stick at it you should be able to identify the house. I managed to do this last summer, when a dog was howling through the night. It took a while but the noise enabled me to narrow it down and finally locate the dog. In this instance the dog had been left in a derelict room, in boiling heat, without food or water. It took two days of constant calls to the RSPCA for them to decide to intervene.

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first mate Wrote:


In this instance the

> dog had been left in a derelict room, in boiling

> heat, without food or water. It took two days of

> constant calls to the RSPCA for them to decide to

> intervene.



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"Barking/distressed dogs on Dunstans/Balchier Street" 15 August, 2013 http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?5,1164040,1164186

"Dog howling around Dunstans Road" 17 September 2012 http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?5,962061,962201

"Howling Dog Choumert Road / Danby Street" 10 July 2012 http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?5,918314,918380

"Howling dog in Crystal Palace Road ( ? )" 24 April 2008 http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?5,118407,118735

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I remember that first mate - you were a hero! It breaks my heart to think of that poor dog if you hadn't intervened. Something similar could be happening here. Even if it's separation anxiety it isn't acceptable. The dog is obviously distressed.
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Impatient at the failure to locate this animal (first mate found his pretty quickly) I set off for the area this afternoon. Parakeets, blackbirds, booming car and van sound systems, even the occasional plane, but not a yelp. So I did a domestic architecture meander instead.

But on the way back I had a conversation with someone who did mention sometimes hearing another dog that (in more or less their own words) would howl as if it had been left on its own. They thought that was from about a couple of blocks down Dunstans from its junction with Underhill -- which would put it in the vicinity of the junctions with Cornflower or Balchier.

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I've received several PM responses to my last post.

I'd better make it clear that I'm not personally involved, in that I've no personal knowledge at all of any dog that howls. And I'm also not a greatly doggy person, certainly not enough to know whether, at least in some cases, what an owner was doing definitely amounted to mistreatment. I posted, to be honest, as in the message before that, in exasperation at the fact that, over years, nothing ever gets resolved - either through action, or in coming to a conclusion about what could or should be done or not or what other agencies could properly be expected to do.

From the PMs and my conversation yesterday, I'm pretty clear that some of you do actually know the exact location of a dog that is said to sometimes howl unhappily. One of you has told me they would like to visit the owner, but not alone. It is said to be what looks a nice house. The PMer also thinks it quite possible that the owner could be ignorant of the dog's behaviour while they're away.

Personally, if speaking to the owner isn't something that RSPCA do in these circumstances, when they have a very limited and perhaps not very compelling account, I think that a neighbourly visit or letter from two or three of you could be a good thing. You'd possibly be able to express your observations and concerns, talk with the owner, get a better idea of the situation, maybe even be able to offer help or advice. At very least it would probably leave you better informed. I just offer it as an optimistic idea. Though I'm afraid I don't feel up to taking part myself.

Some of you probably know each other already, but if anyone wants to use me as a temporary confidential hub or relay, feel free to do so.

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