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Best Curry in East Dulwich


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I think I have tried almost all curries on Lordship Lane. In my opinion they are all very similar and I just cannot pick a clear winner. Have also not had a bad experience so far. So in one way very good that they all hold a good standard. In another way a bit disappointing; variety would be nice (well not on quality but at least on style / cuisine).

Many people think that Tandori Nights is the best but to me they are just a few pounds more expensive and not that much better, also it is very cramped in there and you while they may be more professional in the way they provide service you also feel a bit rushed.

Ok, I have not tried Bombay bicycle club yet that cannot really compare as they only do delivery.

So from following this thread I thought it was time to try something new so we went to Ganapati which technically is not in ED but only a few minutes away.

The food was excellent and focusing on south Indian food certainly different. So food-wise this would be my top choice.

In terms of ambience, service and price it is unfortunately another story. Ok, it is not expensive for what you get but the service was a mixed experience (e.g. the waiter said ?time is money? when you asked for another minute to order, and ?that?s ridiculous? when you say you are too full for desert ? I guess it was a joke but still). The other person who served us did a very good job of explaining what we had ordered so maybe just inconsistency rather than across the board.

Also in opinion the ambience feels dated. Don?t get me wrong, I like alternative and bohemian to some extent but this was just not right for the price bracket / location.

So for great food (possibly the best around ED) head to Ganapati but don?t expect slick service and ambiance that match the price you pay for.

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I used to love The New Dewaniam (their Chicken Joypuri was right up my boulevard and have never seen the dish anywhere else) but we had several bad orders in a row - too oily, too cold, too wrong when they eventually arrived and in spite of trying to give them feedback many times to improve things, nothing ever changed. Are they worth trying again?

I think they might have a new chef at The Mirash (my closest). I always considered it mediochre until recently one night when I was hungry, home alone, late back from choir and couldn't be bothered to cook, so tried them again - have not looked back since.

Ganapati is still (for me) definitely the best within walking distance of home though!

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David Mc Wrote:


> I used to love The New Dewaniam (their Chicken

> Joypuri was right up my boulevard and have never

> seen the dish anywhere else) but we had several

> bad orders in a row - too oily, too cold, too

> wrong when they eventually arrived and in spite of

> trying to give them feedback many times to improve

> things, nothing ever changed. Are they worth

> trying again?


If that's the one the other side of Camberwell, we went there on New Year's Eve for their Indian Elvis experience - the Indian Elvis was brilliant, but the food was absolutely dire and we were massively overcharged (amazingly I was not too drunk at well after midnight to notice, so they did change the bill when I pointed out the error in addition ..... )

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Omrith is very good for food and service, but, you know, I think the layout and decor is lacking. It's a bit clinical and empty and has a cafe feeling rather than a restaurant. I still like it a lot and would go back in a shot (but I am in a Coriander vein at the moment). Bangla beer is good, though. It's nicer than Cobra.
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Based on recommendations here we tried Omrith for take-away (well delivery) the other night and was not disappointed. In fact it was one of the best take-always I have had for a very, very long time. In particular veggie dish was very good (very fresh and not overcooked). The chicken dish was very nice as well.

For those who still put your bets on Tandoori Nights. Can you please explain why - I agree that the service good (if you can get a table) but why do you want to sit packed like sardines when to me the food is just similar to the rest? I'd be happy to go again but could anyone in the ?fanclub? tell me if there is a specific dish I need to try?!

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Bozza - for me, the main plus point with Tandoori Nights is that the food isn't too greasy, which means I'm not busting out curry flavour burps the next day. There also seems to be more depth of flavour than your average curry. I very much doubt the food is authentic (not that I'm qualified to say), but it tastes good to me.
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Jeremy, thanks - will ensure to pay better attention the 'curry burp test' next time! I will eventually give it another go as while I thought it was good I did not think it was fantastic (e.g. similar to Pistacchio Club mentioned above but a bit more upmarket if such a term applies to a 'english high street curry house').

Thinking back, the food we had at Ganapati on the other hand was fantastic (just a shame that the overall service/ambiance experience let it down). Even brought back memories from trip to India a few years ago.

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I've only ever experienced excellent service in Ganapati, but I agree the ambience isn't great.

But I think that the wonderful food (that crab starter, yum. Ditto the beetroot curry (?) and yes I know it sounds disgusting but it's truly yummy and I normally hate beetroot!) and original choice of drinks (beer from small Greenwich brewery, for example) more than makes up for that.

In my opinion.

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I like Pistachio Club and have no idea why it's not busier, as I think that puts people off trying it out. Curry Cabin is good but a bit crowded and hard to get a table sometimes. Tandoori Nights has excellent food and super-polite staff but a bit more expensive than some of the others and there are loads to choose from so you are spoilt for choice!
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Pistachio Club is our 2nd choice along LL... but while some of their dishes are lovely ("red chicken curry" and some of the fish ones), some are a little bland. I can see how you could come away feeling rather underwhelmed.

Had a takeaway from Jaflong last night, and after a rather dodgy looking bit of chicken, I shall not be returning for the dine-in experience.

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Finally got round to trying Ganapati last week after several failed attempts and have to say i was impressed all round. will definitely be going back soon. Tandoori Nights is the only other curry house in the area in my opinion that is in the same league. (i exclude Babur here, as whilst very good, it's not your typical curry house - curry wasn't meant to be posh nosh!)
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