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It's the new Harris ED primary - will be on temporary site (think at Harris Girls on Homestall Rd) for the first year and then on the old police station site on Lordship Lane from Sep 2015. As it's not yet built and is a completely new school, and the permanent site wasn't confirmed by the time of the deadline for Southwark applications, the application process was run in parallel to the Southwark one.
Yes I am pleased as I am pretty certain that we will not be getting any other offers tomorrow (we live in the black spot off forest hill road). I have attended all but one of the meetings held about the school and met the new head at the most recent. I think the school will be able to offer a lot of opportunities to our children, things that bigger schools (there will only be two reception classes in the first year) won't be able to and I hope that they make the most of that opportunity. The children will be in the unique position of being the eldest throughout the school and will have a large part in shaping the school.
Hi - this is very interesting. Because there are no siblings yet, I would imagine the catchment to be fairly wide. I think it would be interesting to understand who will put their children to the new Harris school, even if they have one of the other local schools (Goodrich, Fairlawn, Horniman, Heber, St Anthony...) How do you rate, in your family, Harris FS vs. the other established state schools? Why would(not) chose Harris vs. an other one, if given the choice? ... As I don't know anything about the new school, it is hard to judge...Thanks for your candid comments, I think it will help a lot of parents in the coming days!

This is what it says on the e-admissions website (where you had to apply)- I just looked it up as I couldn't remember whether or not you get an email:

"Outcome of your application and responding

The outcome to your online application will be sent by email during the evening on the following days:

Monday 3rd March 2014 - Secondary, UTC and Studio schools

Wednesday 16th April 2014 - Reception and Junior schools

For nursery schools please check the Local Authority details page, ONLY the following 3 Local Authorities allow nursery applications online. Bexley, Enfield and Merton.

Other ways to see the outcome to your online application:

You can log in to your existing account to see your 'My school admissions' page, then select 'View outcome and respond'.

Your Local Authority may send your outcome by letter as well. Please read the letter carefully."

@selbe yes I expect the catchment will be wide, with strong emphasis on those living in the black spots.

I think that the new school will find it difficult to attract families at first as

A. It isn't an established school, no buildings yet etc

B. Location on homestall road, changing to the police station in a year, might well put people off

C. There seems to be quite a bit of negativity towards Harris in the area

However there are a number of factors that also make in an attractive option, as I outlined in my post above, key to this will be that there will be 60 children in the first year, I think that will be fantastic. Having met the head and some of the people involved in running the school, I have been pleased with the ethos they represent. Ultimately though, as with any school, the class teacher will be key as that person will have the biggest impact on the children.

In terms of choosing this one over any other school, I guess the first year isn't the right one to look at to determine this. As the application was separate, we didn't have to put it in rank on the online form, for us it would certainly be in the top 3, however I very much doubt that we would be in a position to choose between Harris and another school, it would be interesting to hear other views on this. The added bonus for us is that the temporary site makes it probably our closest school anyway.

I am a teacher myself and I intend to become involved in school with my son, that would be the case whichever school he went to.

Good morning everyone,

5pm onwards is when offers via the CAF system go live. There will be 60 families holding 2 offers, Harris ED (separate application as location for school was unknown in January) and the one via their CAF form (eg Mariamadeit and Gemmamala above). The 60 places have gone into the council's calculations of places required for the ED area. This will lead to more movement on the waiting lists than usual as parents holding 2 offers turn one down. You will automatically be added to the waiting lists of schools higher than the offered on your form, and all of them if you have been allocated a school. If you are unhappy with the school you have been offered, you can request to be added to the waiting list for other primaries.


Hi Bubblebob, sorry to hear that you didn't get what you wanted. Did you get one of your preferences, or were you allocated a school? I'm happy to help, please email me details.

Sent on behalf of Cllr Dora Dixon-Fyle, cabinet member for children's services

Dear Colleague

In a climate of increased demand for reception places across London, in Southwark we are pleased to confirm that every single on time applicant, all 3,389, has been offered a reception place for September. Just under 80% of these received their first preference and 94% one of their 6 preferences. Letters confirming these offers have been posted to families today. 98% of our applicants applied online this year. They will be able to view their offers online from 5pm this evening. There are some families who did not receive one of their preferences, a high number of these only nominating one or two schools. A personal email from the admissions team has been sent to those families today informing them that phone lines will be open until 9pm this evening enabling direct contact with an officer to discuss the offer and possible options.

Southwark has been proactive in planning for an increased number of applications. Sufficient capacity has been established to cater for the majority of preferences. It is also important to remember that 90% of our schools are judged as being good or outstanding by Ofsted. There is also a new free school opening in September 2014, to serve the East Dulwich area, offering 60 reception places.

It is important to recognise that the 16th April date is the beginning of this process. Parents across London have until 30th April to refuse offers and we know from previous experience that this will create movement over the forthcoming weeks. Officers will continue to work with families up until the end of August to ensure that everyone receives an offer with which they are happy. We are continually reviewing the situation with an endeavour to ensure that as many families as possible are provided with a preference.

Information pack

Primary transfer into a reception class for September 2014

We understand that applying for school places is very exciting for many

parents and carers whose child or children are ready to start primary school

and that you may have lots of questions. We hope this guide to primary school

admissions will be helpful to you.

Q. I have been trying to contact the admissions section by telephone to

discuss the contents of my offer letter but it has been constantly

engaged. What shall I do?

A. All local authorities in London sent out their offer letters on 16 April 2014,

so families will be receiving their offer letters at the same time. This is also a

very busy time for the school admissions team, with a large number of people

trying to contact us regarding their primary offer letters.

Before you contact us you may want to read this leaflet, your offer letter or go

online to view the Southwark ?Starting primary school? booklet as you may

possibly find the answer to your question here. If you feel that you still need

assistance then you can contact the school admissions team by:

1. Email - If you have access to the internet then this is probably the

fastest way to contact the school admissions team. Our email address

is [email protected] or

2. Telephone - If you are unable to send your query by email then you can

contact our call centre where our trained staff will be available to help,

Monday to Friday between 9am and 5 pm.

The phone lines may still be busy at certain peak times of the day so please

remain patient and someone should be able to assist you. We advise you to

try and avoid calling at midday and if your query is not urgent, then please

allow a few days to pass before contacting us.

Q. Why didn?t I receive my offer letter on 16 April?

A. The Southwark Admissions Team post OUT all offer letters by first class

post on 16 April 2014. This means that most families will receive their offer

letter a few days after this date. If you have applied online, you will also be

able to check your child?s offer of a school place at www.eadmissions.org.uk

after 5pm on 16 April 2014. You must log in using the same user name and

password that you used when making your child?s application.

Q. My child has not been offered any of his/her preferences. What

happens now?

A. The school admissions team will try to ensure that all children in Southwark

are offered a reception place at a primary school before the end of the

summer term. If your child has not been offered any of his/her preferences

then we will try and offer a place at their nearest school where vacancies are

still available. Your child?s name will automatically be added to any Southwark

school waiting lists where a higher preference place could not be offered.

You can contact the school admissions team for up to date vacancy

information about Southwark reception places on Tuesday 22 April 2014 on

020 7525 5337.

Q. I do not want to accept the offer that has been made to my child. What

do I do?

A. Southwark Children?s Services will only make one offer of a primary school

to your child on 16 April 2014. It is important that you accept this offer for now.

If it is possible for us to offer your child a place from a waiting list at one of

your higher preference schools, we will contact you immediately.

Alternatively, if you have accepted a place at an independent fee paying

school please let the school admissions team know by 30 April 2014 so that

we can update our records and offer your child?s Southwark primary school

place to the next child on the waiting list.

It is important to remember that the primary transfer process does not end

after 16 April 2014 but continues right up until 31 August 2014.

Q. Will my child remain on waiting lists for the Southwark school/s they

were not offered?

A. Yes, your child will automatically be placed on the Southwark school

waiting lists for those higher preference schools where a place could not be

offered. The school admissions team at Southwark Children?s and Adults?

Services will hold waiting lists for non-community, free, voluntary aided,

church, foundation schools and academies until 31 August 2014.

If you wish to check your child?s position on a waiting list for any Southwark

school please contact the School Admissions Team after 16 April 2014 on

02075255337 or mail your request to [email protected]

Please also refer to your letter.

Q. I want to educate my child at home if I cannot get them a place in the

school I want. Can I do this?

A. Yes, for further information please visit www.southwark.gov.uk/icss

To request a home education information pack for parents/carers and their

children please contact Southwark Council?s integrated child support service

(ICSS) on 020 7525 2693.

Q. I would like to appeal against the decision not to offer my child a

place at the school/s of my preference. How do I do this?

A. If you wish to appeal for a Southwark community school please contact

the school admissions team on 020 7525 5337 to request an infant class size

appeal form.

If you would like to appeal for a Southwark non-community school (voluntary

aided, church, foundation, free school or academy) you must contact the

school directly to request a copy of their own appeal form.

If you have applied to a school outside of Southwark and wish to make an

appeal please contact the relevant school admissions section of the borough

in which the school is located to ask for their advice. For example, if you wish

to appeal for a Lambeth school, please contact the Lambeth school

admissions section. (Please also refer to your offer letter). Listed below are

the contact numbers for other London borough school admissions teams

which you may find useful.

London borough Admissions contact details

Bexley 020 8303 7777 option 6

Bromley 020 8313 4044

Camden 020 7974 1625

Croydon 020 8726 6400

Greenwich 020 8921 8043

Hackney 020 8820 7501/7245

Islington 020 7527 5515

Kensington and Chelsea 020 7361 2210

Lambeth 020 7926 9503

Lewisham 020 8314 8282

Merton 020 8274 4906

Newham 020 8430 2000

Tower Hamlets 020 7364 5006

Wandsworth 020 8871 7316

Westminster 020 7641 1816/1817

Having not received any of our 6 (which I find unbelievable, but anyway) I emailed admissions and they were very helpful and prompt and told me my place on each waiting list. I'm hopeful that between now and September we can secure our place in one of our chosen schools. If not we'll be embracing Catholicism at St Francesca Cabrini...

Renata, you've missed a dot in the email address so the correct one is [email protected]

I think if you need to attend those surgeries it's too late. The schools are bursting at the seams and siblings policy makes it much more difficult but I don't think any party would commit a political suicide by abolishing it. If you want your child in a good school buy or better rent within a spitting distance of the school and then you can move any time after deadline. There is no other way to avoid anguish. There will be more movement between now and September but I don't think every family's wishes can be accommodated.

Mrs c - we didn't get any of our 6 (nearest) choices either. But we do have a place at the new free school also. I have to say though that I am surprised at some of our friends who have got into our/their first choice school when we didn't. I wonder if Southwark didn't bother trying with the people who they knew would have a Harris place. The letters do make a fuss about all of the reciprocal arrangements. ..
None of our 6 choices here either, despite also applying for our nearest schools. Makes a mockery of the "choices" and "preferences" nonsense peddled by the government, it feels. But thank GOODNESS for Harris, where we will be sending our son. Honoroaky, we knew we were in one of ED's dreaded black holes, and I know others who are holding a Harris offer but got their first choice from Southwark, so hopefully it's not the case that Southwark didn't make such an effort for Harris applicants. But if you go with Harris then be reassured that there will be at least one other family who really cares about getting behind the school and making it a success. I think there are a lot of positive about it, as an earlier poster has already suggested.
We've been offered a place at Harris too and are not overly happy with the local authority school we've been offered. What to do! Is it a gamble sending LO to school we know very little about? I just don't know. Also if we take up the offer of at a free school does that mean we're endorsing Gove?! ;0)

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