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just wondering if im the only one getting peeed off with the parking problems round here! its seems to me mr le garage & son (mechanics garage next door to bells plumbing shop) seem to taking up loads of parking spaces on these roads & possibly more on bawdale rd! there have been times when i have counted at least 10 vehicles of theirs!

they are really taking the p***! i came home at 3am last friday & was forced to park on lordship lane! i really don't think this is on, i was considering enquiring with the council about permits, any views anyone?

have tried that approach already, when i called the council about it in the past, they instantly knew who they were, they both can get lairy if anything upsets them! the daytime concerns me also, as im not able to park outside or near my door! theres been many occasions in the past where they've left cars on the road for MONTHS! theres also been a time, a few month ago, one of their cars was picked up by the council at 2am! i've also seen wardens give tickets on their cars for havin no tax.

i notice they now move them to different places! looking out of my window right now, i can see at least 7 of their cars, presumably their customers' vehicles!

if the council were to put permits at least i could park in the daytime! does anyone know the cost of permits? the way i sometimes feel, i wouldn't mind paying!:(

We also have the same problem on our street! I first contacted the council a year ago! I will copy and paste the reply below. Since I received that email I have contacted them again but was told that they had reviewed the situation but weren't taking any action at this time, great! The best thing you can do is keep on at them and get anyone else who is bothered by the problem to email them. I also emailed our local councillors and although I didn't hear back somebody from the council did come to the door asking about parking (not sure if that was connected). Anyway, if we keep on at them something might be done! Think I might do that right now!

Thank you for your email, received 11 September 2007, regarding parking pressure and your support for a Controlled Parking Zone.

Your street was last consulted on the option of a CPZ in 2002/3 and the result showed a lack of public support for the scheme.

At present there are a considerable number of locations across the Borough that either have existing controls requiring statutory review or where there is pressure for consultation on the options of controlled parking and our resources for undertaking reviews are fully committed for 2007/8.

We will of course consider your representations when bringing forward our programme for parking review in 2008/9. If the area were to be included in the programme and subject to a positive response to consultation, parking controls could be in place by the end of that period.

You may be interested to read the process for CPZ implementation and some frequently asked questions about CPZs on the councils website www.southwark.gov.uk

If you know others who are in favour of a CPZ in the area I would be grateful if they emailed the controlled parking team ([email protected]) or wrote to the controlled parking team at 151-153 Walworth Road, London, SE17 1RY to make such representations. You may also consider it appropriate to talk to your your local ward councillors.

If I can be of any more assistance with regard to controlled parking, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Tim Walker

Controlled Parking Team Leader

I would have thtough regardless of CPZ issues, there should be a way of pursuing a company if they are making a nuisance. When I lived in haringey a local garage was selling cars parked on the road, and the council intervened. Suggest you contact your ward councillor?

Hi Sweetgirl...

I have regular run-ins with "Jimmy" and his son. IMO he's always been the bain of Whateley Road existence.

I've taken photos of his cars that have often been on yellow lines for over 10 days at a time without being moved and strangely no tickets clamps or whatever.

I sent the photos with date tags and guess what .... no response from the council at all.

Just got bored with it all.

I will PM you with a little more info.

You wouldnt believe what he has done in terms of building works without planning permission etcc... total PITA!

to be honest, most people who work & don't use their cars much, will not recognise the problem. try going in & out for a couple days using your vehicle & you'll find yourself driving round in circles looking for parking! especially at your gate! i live pretty close to the morons & its difficult for me to park at my door.

i know there are households here with more than one car, but they're not a problem! if mr le garage's cars were all moved there'd be plenty of parking space available!

Not having a pop Sweetgirl, but do you think that you should be able to park right in front of your house in inner London?

There are far more car owners than spaces on most streets so I have always taken it as given that sometimes I get a place outside my house, sometimes I am a few doors down, and every now and then I have to park on the next road. If I am very anal I can usually pop out and move my car to a closer space within anything from 5 mins to an hour.

I can't speak for your particular concerns about the garage but I would say that it has been there for quite some time and that it would be something that I would consider in the pros and cons of moving to that particular street.

Edited for late night spelling

you see wino, the thing is, there is plenty of parking on our local streets, but when one person parks up to 10 cars around here, i think they're taking the p***! i know of households around here who have 2 or 3 cars, many of them do, but thats not a problem to me. its the garage, whose keeping more cars than they can cope with. at this present moment, from my window i can see at least 8 cars that belong to that garage!

since the loading bay was painted beside the police stn, they've also been using that, not as a loading bay, but to park their cars! i cant be sure but i think the loading bay was introduced for bells on the corner, for their deliveries.

Using public roads for commercial storage (of vehicles) is against the law. You could investigate this.

It's worth considering that this business is going to be the owner's livelihood. They're likely to be very upset that you've taken the food out of their kids' mouths so you can park closer to your door ;-)

Using public roads for commercial storage (of vehicles) is against the law. You could investigate this.

It's worth considering that this business is going to be the owner's livelihood. They're likely to be very upset that you've taken the food out of their kids' mouths so you can park closer to your door

yes huguenot, you are so right! this is exactly the reason for them to be more considerate to the residents!

these people aren't the type you can reason with, i can assure you by now i would've tried talking to them!

they need to understand, this could be their livlihood down the pan!

Lets not also forget that whilst they may have been on this site for nearly 20 years, they do not own the land. They simply started building on a public thoroughfare and the council have never done anything but balls up any action tehy have taken against them - and they have taken a lot!

I understand your point wino but until you live near them and see all the cars that they "own" then you dont realise what an affect it has. I can point to several cars that havent moved in months and others than come and go.

Ultimately they are breaking the law AND having an impact on those who live around them (although I know Monkey doesn't seem to think so).

As for taking food (burger and chips most days - Jamie where are youuuuuuuu?) out of their kids mouths - perhaps we could mention this to the kids of the party wall surveyor to whom they over over ?20k for the investigations into all the un-sanctioned building that they have undertaken?

Benjaminty, I certainly agree that cars that "belong" to the garage and are left on the public roads are a different matter. Although I have no knowledge of what the actual legal stand point is in regard to this?

I used to live near a garage that had a rotation of customer's cars that they parked on the streets before service and collection, but the turnover was regular and so spaces would always become available albeit not always outside my front door.

This is not so much Bawdale road as a bit of information that may be useful to all ED residents with crossovers, the Council; has now recognized that residents with crossovers are entitled to the law being behind them when their drives are obstructed. Here is part of the reply I received from the Local Borough Council.: Quote:

?We will remove any vehicle that intentionally blocks a drive way or vehicle crossover and either relocate it or impound it. If you or your neighbours experience problems then please call the POUND on 02073943334 and a removal truck will be sent to your location immediately it is available.?

Hope this helps try it we know it works now.


sweetgirl Wrote:


> Using public roads for commercial storage (of

> vehicles) is against the law. You could

> investigate this.


> It's worth considering that this business is going

> to be the owner's livelihood. They're likely to be

> very upset that you've taken the food out of their

> kids' mouths so you can park closer to your door




> yes huguenot, you are so right! this is exactly

> the reason for them to be more considerate to the

> residents!


> these people aren't the type you can reason with,

> i can assure you by now i would've tried talking

> to them!

> they need to understand, this could be their

> livlihood down the pan!

Dont want to be antagonistic, but hav you been living on the street longer than Dell have been in business ? When I buy, I usually check out what is going on beforehand in the environs

you cant move next to an abbotoir and then kick off about the dead flesh being wheeled about during the week, distasteful as it may be

The rule of the law is one thing, but on a day to day basis, is it that bad ? Garages often have pet projects that are done by the owners when they have time & usually ( where space is short ) these projects are wheeled out each day to allow their bread and butter business into the ( usually small ) garage space - do you begrudge a fairly long standing local business making a living or should they be kicked out an some organic mung bean clothing boutique opened in its place ?

If he car is taxed, then its legal on the road , if not, then they should be ticketed / towed

Hi Snorky,

It isnt Dell. I've used Dell and they are great. We're talking about Le Garage in Whateley. And understand what you mean about projects etc..... but some of these are cars left for months on end without being touched WITHOUT tax as well. Council wont remove an untaxed car if anyone complains unless it has also been vandalised or has moss growing on it (I kid you not)...

If the Council were doing their job then this wouldnt happen. When they do touch a car it's actually on the street which is completely against the law. They have a site (obtained un dubious circumstances) so use it.

benjaminty Wrote:


> Council wont remove an untaxed car if anyone

> complains unless it has also been vandalised

One simple solution springs to mind!

trust me .... I've been there (in thought at least)



lol, :)

its becoming a joke, that silver audi was outside my door for a few months before its present location! it really peed me of when i couldn't park my car there!

just like the audi theres been many others, theres the burgundy bmw, the white van the little red car, the jeep, & many others which are left parked up from time to time. they leave them parked up here at the weekends also, which again takes up parking spaces. they should carry them home & park them in their drive/road! theres also the other cars which belong to their customers...... left on these local roads, at the weekends!

they take the piss!

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