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Forest Hill Road Traffic lights


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Cannot find the old thread on this.

I was wondering a year on, what people though of the lights at the junction with Dunstans and Colyton Roads. I know a number of people did not approved when they first went in but womdered if people had got used to them.

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They take an absolute age to change colour.

The other day I was sitting waiting for them to change, no one was crossing the dunston/colyton junction and we all sat there.

They are not forest hill rd biased, which is strange, as ten times more traffic crosses that main rd.

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Nightmare. If you want to turn right going down Forest Hill Rd you hold the traffic up behind you, and the same goes for if you're turning right (past the DIY shop) coming the other way. If it's a van or truck turning then there is no way round. I have seen cars mounting the pavement in their eagerness to get by - obviously very dangerous, especially as there are lots of parents and children milling around that area.

The lights were fine as they were. The traffic jams were never like this!! In fact, it was rare to see a jam at all. Not so now. :(

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A pelican crossing on the co-op/clinic side of Forest Hill Road would've been fine, with box junction markings across the crossroads to allow vehicles to turn without hindrance. Anyway, weren't these lights meant to be temporary?
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I agree that all that is needed long-term is a pelican crossing somewhere close to the doctors' surgery (and possibly a box junction at the lights themelves). At present people leaving the surgery to get presciprions made up have a tedious detour to get to the pharmacy opposite, and the temptation is simply to cross directly. (I think the surgery staff are now doing the same to get coffee etc from Cafe 2050! :)))
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The lights are temporary whilst the work continues on the underground pipework/main from Honor Oak Reservoir as are the 'painted in' road cushions on Colyton Road.

I quite like the lights when crossing Forest hill road into Dunstans as it used to be a nightmare with cars edging out all the time and a number of near accidents. I would not like to see the return of the zebra crossing when/if they are removed but would rather see a Pelican crossing in its place.

I would vote to keep them but look at their phasing.

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I opposed them when they were put in and still do. They have completely ruined the normal traffic flow on Forest Hill Road - until they arrived I never saw traffic back up from the Dunstan Road junction to the FHT, as is routine nowadays in the morning.

There are meant to be temporary with a review due early 2009 I think. The stated purpose is to allow large lorries, working on the reservoir works, to turn out into traffic, tho' I've yet to see such a vehicle.

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I don't think the lights are temporary, I know the removal of the speed humps is temporary, as you say, until they finish the pipeworks. I did ask one of the workmen when they were digging the road up. I agree they do take a long time to change, especially when the bus is coming down Forest Hill Road and you're trying to catch it.


zephyr Wrote:


> The lights are temporary whilst the work continues

> on the underground pipework/main from Honor Oak

> Reservoir as are the 'painted in' road cushions on

> Colyton Road.


> I quite like the lights when crossing Forest hill

> road into Dunstans as it used to be a nightmare

> with cars edging out all the time and a number of

> near accidents. I would not like to see the return

> of the zebra crossing when/if they are removed but

> would rather see a Pelican crossing in its place.


> I would vote to keep them but look at their

> phasing.

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Lizziedjango Wrote:


> Yes but PeckhamRose, depends what type of

> roundabouts you mean. Mini ones are a nightmare.

> Most drivers aren't aware - or don't care - that

> they should give way to the right.

Not quite true. "Most drivers" obviously are aware or there would be more deaths. Are you saying everyone obeys red lights? Course they don't. But the advantages roundabouts have are:

1) The traffic progresses, and you don't have to stop just because a red light tells you to.

2) You give way to traffic on your right. Some people don't but when there is a lot of traffic they have to.

And in my maybe naive opinion, if everyone knew that they could get to their destinations without unnecessary waiting for no other reason than a red light told them to, and everyone got into the regular habit of giving into the traffic on the right, then as a result I believe there'd be less road rage.

But I shall reiterate a point I made elsewhere, the reason cyclists go through red lights is because they choose to take a calculated risk (they know they'll hurt if they come off), and they are making a decision. We are out of practice of being able to make a decision for ourselves - judgments - common sense - it's all going slowly as more laws tell us what we can and can't do.

A roundabout is a small way for us to be polite (give way), and let's us progress when traffic allows and not because some arbitrary electric coloured light tells us to.

A small or large roundabout? Depends on the size of the road! I ride around a lot of London regularly. Other boroughs (and even in some areas of Southwark) use roundabouts more and they're successful.

This junction under discussion is just another example of more control and causing more traffic jams so that those in charge can say "There's more and more cars and more and more traffic jams on the roads let's CHARGE everyone more money!"

Since you asked ;)

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When I used to live in East Dulwich I used this junction regularly for 25 years without any problems...total overkill,no need for lights there at all.

I guess it does it give you a bit of time to admire that odd hardware store on the corner with it's bizzare outbuildings

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I repeat what the majority thinks that the number of cars out of Colyton Rd is miniscule compared to those on Forest Hill Rd. It was a ludicrous idea to put the lights in and whoever did so clearly didn't do their homework. There is more congestion now as stated and the buses are often queued up because they're unable to drive around the turning car.

I have never seen more than 1 car turning right off FH Rd.- this shows how little traffic travels down Colyton whereas FH Rd often has 20 cars/vans backed up!.

Keep the crossing by the shops or shift it up nearer the Surgery, and put another on Colyton to access the park if need be this should help both ped's and drivers.

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With regards to the "odd" hardware store on the corner of Dunstans road, do you mean odd in a good way?! I suppose the people who work there could be described as odd, with the exception of me of course! Actually, none of the outbuildings at the back belong to us,they're owned by various people,and are mostly unused.We objected to the lights at length when the idea was originally raised, and they certainly cause terrible jams, but as time goes on i suppose you get used to the sequences, and cross the road accordingly, green light or not.
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Every time I go into your store, a part of me secretly wants to ask whether the pane of glass would really cost me ?2000..?

I'm still not sure what the sequence of the lights is. I just make a run for it like everybody else - green man or not.

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I know this is about the dunstans road lights,however I'd like to point out the danger of the next lights up. Having just witnessed the fastest burn up yet, up the forest hill road immediately after dunstan lights, going uphill, a porsche. Looked like 70mph, (reached in a blink of the eye). ive heard of people being mowed down at that point. I know of a sad story of a teenager on a motorbike who did the burn and died at the top. Many times ive seen people not stop when the lights there are red. just sayin'. To some drivers it looks like a flat race track. Catch up the time lost by dunstan lights.
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*bob*....maybe we could offer discounts for breakages made by anyone called Bob!

*pagey....I'm glad the shop stands out- we like to be noticed! As you say, there are'nt many shops like it anymore and that's a shame, because personal attention and service means a lot to people, and that was always Barries intention when he bought it.

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