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Yes let's see how many of us are Arty/Media types.

I expect it won't be very many because most actors/artists unless they've made something of their careers would be able to even afford to live in ED!! (I've spoted the TV soap stars hanging out in New Cross Road of a Morning in their Crocs being effortlessly yummy mummy's and daddy's)

I expect it would be high in the numbers of City workers judging by the plethora of 'suits' I have seen manically operating their Blackberry's looking distressed on the train in the mornings.

So how do we get this vote started?

MadWorld74 Wrote:


> Snorky,


> What does ' not this effete theatre rubbish we see

> nowadays' mean?


> Are you thinking of any production in particular?

I dont mind a good old sing song at the theatre it must be said - reminds me of the old days when things were better.

The problem is that theatre can't capture the action of a good film - can you imagine Charles Bronson trying to convey the emotion of Death wish 3 on a rickety old provincial stage somewhere ? imagine him sharing a stinky old dressing room with a handful of overmadeup confirmed batchelors, all twittering on about Beckett ? course not.

One of the few benefits of theatre is that it gives OAPS something cheap to do on wet midweek afternoons and keeps a certain selection of "artistic" workshy ne-er do wells off the streets and away from lurking around public toilets for a few hours.

As to specifics regarding productions ? I find that judging a book by its cover is invariably the correct approach when it comes to "theatre". You dont need to eat a dog poo to know its going to taste bad.

I slipped into the Palmerston early yesterday evening for a quick snifter or two only to be confronted by a bunch of suits, so I got the hell out before they started playing with their Crackberrys and headed for the Drum only to find it shut (again), strode down to the EDT with a very determined stride as I was getting thirstier by the minute to catch the first half of the Chelsea match and it seemed to be packed with the sort of people who will probably be supporting Manchester United next season. Caught the second half in the Magdala which was packed full of oiks but I quite like that as I am a bit of a low life myself. I suppose I should have gone to Inside 72 if I'd wanted to mingle with the hip young arty types but I'd had enough by then and needed the sustanance of a Chinese takeaway.

Lol, no, we the photo gang (well the 3 remaining members after much drop-outage)

It's definitely a 'done up' pub, but it's not over the top and remains a boozer, despite the thin crust pizza on offer.

As conversions go I've seen a million worse in yer face nonsenses than this one.

I wandered past Franklins last night and it was pretty much empty, which is a pity as I quite like it there myself and the Bishop I find is usually choc-full of Claphamites and yuppie scum but I fully agree with your comment on the Herne. I preferred it when it was a dump and full of plebs but at least it had more atmosphere then.

Now that most of the local pubs are no longer for the 'local' people as in the lads and lasses who have lived in SE22 all their lives...where do they all go now? I know there's still a fair few that come into the Herne leaning on the bar in their site clothes talking 'business' in between popping outside to have a B&H, but what other boozers have they all gone to that haven't (yet) been done up in the ED style?

The Bishop is a no go area at the weekend. Too full of idiots. Sunday afternoon is okay though.

Good grief! Is that what it is Polly. If only I'd known. And what's more I'd like to know what a PITA is too, seeing as I read the Indy as well, well the Sindy actually, but then I read the Daily Mirror and the Metro too, that way I get a good cross section of the news. By the way I think you'll find most of the clientele who used to drink in the ED boozers in the old days you'll probably find most of them up at the Plough or the Castle and probably the British Legion club in Barry Road, none of which appeals to me and I've lived in Dulwich most of my life.
Jah Lush, seeing as you've round these parts for a while maybe you can shed some light on something for me. The bloke who owns the fabric shop near The Mag told me that he's be a 'local' in ED for years and that it's one of the roughest places to live in SE London. "No! surely not I hissed, I've just had a glass of wine in Franklins and it all seemed jolly nice to me!!!Whatever do you mean man?"..He just laughed and said "You'll see once you've lived here for a bit".....any idea what ED used to be like before the trendies moved in, and to what he was banging on about?
Well, for the most part I think he's talking out of his arse. Sure, it could cut up a bit rough in the old days but I've always been a bit chameleon like and managed to blend in wherever I am without too much trouble. If he thinks ED is so bad I wonder what he would think about certain parts of Peckham, Camberwell and the Walworth Road.

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