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What are those brown ducks then? And WHAT is that sound!

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Nature lovers - duck lovers - what the blinking flip are those two lover-ducks in the Peckham Rye Park Pond? Unlike all the other ducks, they're brown, in different shades of brown, and they looked very loving, and there were only the two of them, being very sweet and pecking one another's beaks / bills in a sort of "if we had proper lips and not these daft bills we could get down to some proper kissing" sort of a way!

And can you hear that "Hnnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhhh" sort of a noise as you wander through? No, NOT the dogs trying to squeeze out a smelly one, but the sound of all the buds on the trees and especially the flower buds on the branches around the English Garden hurrying to squeeze out their flowery selves to us all!

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It looks like you've got it bad, but don't worry, it'll soon pass.

At a guess, they might be little grebes which are small, as the name implies and brown, as it doesn't. They make a noise like a horse down a well, and that tallies with your description, even though they're not plants. Plants, even flowery ones, tend not to make noises if they can help it, as they're unable to run away from rampant herbivores and, at least until they've developed veils of leaves to hide behind, keep quiet. There are exceptions to this rule, of course, and the whistling bramble continues to baffle plant psychologists but, on the whole, the silence of plants can be taken as a given.

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Thank you so much. The ducks were silent, it was the plants who were only making a noise in my mind.

But the ducks were not small, they were the same size as all the other ducks.

I recall a TV series called Tales of the Unexpected, where someone had developed the ability much to her horror of being able to hear plants and trees, especially when they were in danger or being cut down. I can't recall what happened in the end as I never stopped crying at the idea.

I love how this thread has (to date/time) been seen by 235 views but you're the first to actually reply. Thank you kindly. Enjoy Springing!

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You're more than welcome. But I can't help with the ducks. Unless they had tufts and blue noses, in which case they're, slightly disappointingly, called Tufted Ducks, of which the females and young are brown. But they're probably not, Tufted Ducks being renowned for their inveterate and irritating tootling.

Oddly enough, those researches continued, and plant neurobiology is, near enough, an actual science (plant psychology, like the whistling bramble, remains a bit made up, I'm afraid). However, plants being what they are, it got complicated and not very telly-friendly and, as nobody's yet worked out how to make money from it, it doesn't get umuch funding. In either case, you can dry your tears now, as the experiments rarely get more aggressive than the occasional attempt to replace pesticides with inspirational music. Whether that's intended to inspire the plants or annoy the bugs remains unclear.

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I'm enjoying this thread, much more than the property porn or planning arguments. I love the Sexby Garden, didn't know it was previously called the Olde English Garden.

For an unexpected treat, I can recommend the canal path behind Peckham Library in about five weeks' time. Reminds me of the country lanes where I grew up.

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Can't help with the ducks but I loved the TV series - Tales of the Unexpected...can you hum the theme tune:)

PeckhamRose Wrote:


> Thank you so much. The ducks were silent, it was

> the plants who were only making a noise in my

> mind.

> But the ducks were not small, they were the same

> size as all the other ducks.


> I recall a TV series called Tales of the

> Unexpected, where someone had developed the

> ability much to her horror of being able to hear

> plants and trees, especially when they were in

> danger or being cut down. I can't recall what

> happened in the end as I never stopped crying at

> the idea.


> I love how this thread has (to date/time) been

> seen by 235 views but you're the first to actually

> reply. Thank you kindly. Enjoy Springing!

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Wisteria tends to err on the flat side imho, a fully fledged Laburnum is what you need for the high notes (crystal clear with no tinny top-notes). I had a begonia that was always sighing - eventually I had to give it away. It was just too much to handle.

Edited to put the 'o' in 'no'. And to reflect aftersmelling hearing the roses.

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Living three floors up with a wisteria in a very very large pot on the back balcony, I can still hear the ducks and Canada Geese in the park opposite, but the wisteria's own Hnnnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhh is drowning them out at the moment. Meanwhile, having bought far too many packets of bee friendly seeds which are heaving themselves into leaves but with no space to plant anymore, if anyone would like a tray of 15 or so PM me. I won't put this on the FS section, I'll just let you find it and PM me. They're noisy, mind. They're drowning out The Kick Inside.
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We saw these lovely ducks in the park last week, and following some research thought that they might be Egyptian Geese. Link with photos here: http://www.gobirding.eu/Photos/EgyptianGoose.php

They appear to pair for life, which might explain the the fact that there seems to be only two of them in the park: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_Goose

Hard to believe they're classified as pests!

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