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Asset Wrote:


> Just to point out, it's not too late once you've

> left the shop as the tills have to balance.

WEll, no.. if there was some sort of fraud/theft going on with someone pocketing the cash, the tills WOULD balance, wouldn't they?

I had a dispute with a shop once over a ?20/?10 note and they stuck to their story and said the tills balanced, but I knew for a fact I'd used a ?20, as the ?20 was all I had. They did refund me, though.

Fuschia Wrote:


> Asset Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Just to point out, it's not too late once

> you've

> > left the shop as the tills have to balance.


> WEll, no.. if there was some sort of fraud/theft

> going on with someoen pocketing the cash, the

> tilsl WOULD balance, wouldn't they?


> I had a dispute with a shop once over a ?20/?10

> note and they stuck to their story and said the

> tills balanced, but I knew for a fact I'd used a

> ?20, as the ?20 was all I had. They did refund me,

> though.

Thats why I just give up on it if I'm short changed in a pub

Though - to be honest - doesn't happen that much that I can remember.

If it happens more than once or twice in the same pub ... a quiet word with the manager is maybe in order.

> Thats why I just give up on it if I'm short

> changed in a pub


> Though - to be honest - doesn't happen that much

> that I can remember.


> If it happens more than once or twice in the same

> pub ... a quiet word with the manager is maybe in

> order.

There are lots of antifraud measures shops etc use to monitor their staff and till operation such as cameras.

Unless it's those very same cameras which are compromised and used to record PIN usage?

My own experience is that people giving back the "wrong change - sorry luv" was much much more prevealent 15-20 years ago - it used to happen once a week to me whereas in the last few years I can't think of a single occurence

Most places leave the note out in view and only put it in the till when you've been given your change.

Except in bars where the staff can't do mental arithmetic any more and have to run to the till to add up your drinks bill (sometimes after every drink they pour/pull), come back, announce the price, take your money, go back to the till to work out/get your change then bring it back to you on a little silver tray.

When I worked in a bar I could add up in my head, which meant only one trip to the till.

It is too easy to make these sorts of allegations in such a public way using this forum. If you were serious about the complaint, you could have gone to the manager or even the police, but you chose to publicly cast suspcision on ALL the LL Somerfield workers.

The complaint is not even about Somerfield the shop, but actually an allegation that one of the individuals who works on the tills in LL Somerfield is potentailly a thief. There are not many people working on the tills in LL Somerfield...

How would you feel if YOU (or your son or daughter) worked on the till in Lordship Lane Somerfield? A great many people who have read this thread will be looking at the probably perfectly innocent workers and thinking: "Which one is the thief?".

I have had many crap jobs over the years and I valued them all and wanted to hang on to them for dear life. I ask why you think someone would risk their job and regular incomme to try and pull some flagrant distraction scam in order to grab an extra few quid.

Please be careful who you point the finger at on this forum. A person's reputation is a precious thing.

BlueOne Wrote:


> It is too easy to make these sorts of allegations

> in such a public way using this forum. If you were

> serious about the complaint, you could have gone

> to the manager or even the police, but you chose

> to publicly cast suspcision on ALL the LL

> Somerfield workers.


> The complaint is not even about Somerfield the

> shop, but actually an allegation that one of the

> individuals who works on the tills in LL

> Somerfield is potentailly a thief. There are not

> many people working on the tills in LL

> Somerfield...


Could I politely ask you to read the whole thread before saying that I am alleging anything? Thanks :)

Edited to say: And why on earth would I have gone to the police when it could have been a genuine mistake?


The trouble with Somerfield is the lack of staff training, I think that sometimes they think that you are there for there benefit! They talk to each other and ignore you, items on the shelf are not currently priced and read wrong at the check-out, and most importantly, they place chilled items that are getting to the end of life period on wire trolley's so that you can enjoy food poisoning after your meal.

The new manager is always to be seen standing outside the former amusements smoking, which must make the staff annoyed as they are working and he is not!.

Having traded at the shop for many years, I think the cashier may have been on a jolley and forgot that she had to give you money. I do not think it was on purpose.


Libra Carr.

p.s. Tip of the week - Do not buy any 'out of date items that were chilled and are placed on a trolley. Your health is at risk!

LibraCarr Wrote:


> The trouble with Somerfield is the lack of staff training

I don't think that can be quite true. I clearly remember, a few months ago,

a staff member wearing a Trainee Manager badge. He briefly engaged in a

tug-of-war with me, over a packet of herrings I was holding (and which we

both knew was my property), and sportingly let me win.

Jimbob Wrote:


> Sue, no matter how you try to defend your post,

> you are insinuating that an employee of SF

> engaged you in comversation in order to deprive

> you of your cashback and no matter how many times

> one reads the post it still reads the same way.


Well obviously that was one way to interpret the situation, but not the only one. And yes, I said in a subsequent post that I was suspicious.

It seems rather a waste of energy for me to keep reiterating what I've already said and for others to keep making the same points in response. Of course it could have been a genuine mistake, and I - and you - will never know.

If I come upon anything which might be suspicious in the future, I'll make sure to keep it to myself. Then if everybody else does the same, we might all be a few quid down or there might be a few burglaries or murders but hey, at least we won't be accused of unfairly maligning other people whose behaviour might have been perfectly innocent :-S

If it was not your intention to cast aspersions or make accusations then what was the point of starting the thread?

Since it "seems rather a waste of energy to keep reiterating" what you've already said, perhaps you should rephrase it instead. What was the point you wanted to make initially?

Was it that a person working at the till in Somerfield was chatting to you (how nice) as you paid for your groceries and appears to have forgotten to give you your cash-back (the silly billy)? Not exactly sensational news.

Or was it to beware of the Thieving Gypsies working in Somerfield? They'll rob the eyes out of your head!! Burn the Witch!

I am with Sue on this one. Know plenty of miscreants who have worked in Supermarkets, and this is a popular one and much more lucrative than old fashioned short changing because the returns are much higher and less detectable because the till will still balance.

Staff on the thieve? Why is it so hard to believe? I always presume that young people on supermarket tills are out to rob me. Perhaps that's the product of a misspent youth? Makes me more savvy though.

OK imagine this hyptothetical scenario: An acquaintance gets home from the pub and realises her purse has disappeared from her bag. She remembers she was sitting next to me at one point and that at one point I engaged her in conversation and "distracted" her.

Could it be that I took the wallet out of her bag? She's not sure. Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. She doesn't want to mention it to me, because after all, she can't prove anything, but she does feel it is her duty to warn as many people as she can that there is a possibility that I may have nicked her purse out of her bag.

Just a 'heads up' generally, you know, to warn people that I am possibly potentially maybe a purse thief.

so the lesson to learn is: if you ask for cashback, make sure that you collect it

if the scenario reported is indeed some sort of criminal scheme, i've got to say i wouldn't have too much sympathy for victims that can't remember to collect cash that asked for a few seconds beforehand from a person a few feet away whether criminal distraction tactics are used or not

Sue Wrote:


> Jimbob Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Sue, no matter how you try to defend your post,

> > you are insinuating that an employee of SF

> > engaged you in conversation in order to deprive

> > you of your cashback and no matter how many

> times

> > one reads the post it still reads the same way.


> xxxx


> Well obviously that was one way to interpret the

> situation, but not the only one. And yes, I said

> in a subsequent post that I was suspicious.


> It seems rather a waste of energy for me to keep

> reiterating what I've already said and for others

> to keep making the same points in response. Of

> course it could have been a genuine mistake, and I

> - and you - will never know.


> If I come upon anything which might be suspicious

> in the future, I'll make sure to keep it to

> myself. Then if everybody else does the same, we

> might all be a few quid down or there might be a

> few burglaries or murders but hey, at least we

> won't be accused of unfairly maligning other

> people whose behaviour might have been perfectly

> innocent :-S

No Sue don't keep it to yourself,but at the same time don't put inflammatory comments on a public forum without anything to back them up, if you are so concerned speak to the manager of the store or contact the local plod.

It's only "inflammatory" because some people have chosen to interpret it as such. I have reread my original post and think it is perfectly reasonable.

I have already said, why would I speak to the manager or the police about what could have been an innocent mistake? The post does not identify anybody - going to the manager or the police would direct suspicion on a particular person. You think that would be better?

I think it's more appropriate to suggest to people to be careful - whether a genuine mistake or not, the outcome is the same, you don't get your money.

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