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Large Aggressive Cat Intruder - Possibly Bengal, East Dulwich Grove Estate.


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Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone might know of this cat? We live on the East Dulwich Grove Estate and are receiving daily and nightly visits from a cat which I think might be a Bengal breed - or some sort of Bengal mix. He/she is large, lithe and is of tabby colouring but the markings are quite distint, he also has greeny blue eyes and no collar.

He/she is terrorising our cats - two small female torties. He/she chases them up the stairs in the night and is terrorising them in the garden. We have now had to start blocking the catflap at night - not ideal as one of our cats had two accidents the night before last! He seems totally fearless despite our attempts to chase him away with a water spray. He's destroyed packets of cat food and goes on top of the fridge freezer to get to the biscuit tin.

Does anyone know this cat? I am considering whether to catch the cat and take it to Battersea if I can't identify an owner as it does not have a collar and it is becoming a real nuisance.

Many thanks!


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Why take it to Battersea?

IF you do catch it - and I can only think you'd sensibly only do this if the animal looks to be neglected or in distress and not just because the feline is a nuisance to you and yours - you'd be better off taking it to a local vets where they can check whether said feline is chipped, whether it's reported missing etc. keeping it in the neighbourhood rather than handing over as a missing pet to be rehomed.

Have you tried to approach the cat? How does it respond? Have you tried to deter the cat from your garden and intervene when it's "terrorising" your own cats? What is it actually doing to "terrorise"?

You don't know the circumstances surrounding your visitor and I think trying to catch it is a little drastic. Think how you might respond/feel is your cats were reported to be acting this way?

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Thanks Kalamity Kel, yes I could take it to the vets in the first instance to see if it is chipped.

I have approached the cat and have intervened spraying him water, he runs away initially but often returns a short while later. Re it terrorising my cats, he chases and stalks them. I have heard the most terrified noises coming from my cats and in the night he chases them up the stairs. I have found fur all over the house and one of my cats hides behind the settee.

I'd like to identify the owner in the first instance.

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intexasatthe moment Wrote:


> Bexy ,no helpful comments to add I'm afraid (

> though I've heard that sand or similar thrown on

> to a cat is a better deterent than water ) but

> just wanted to say what a nightmare .

> I feel your pain .

> We keep our 2 cats in at night and provide a

> litter tray .

Do not even consider sand! You wouldnt let children throw sand so why would you?! Sand can easily get in eyes. Its simply cruel!

Using a water spray is a good method.

Constant reassurance to your own cats is a must. Itll boost their confidence especially if you're in the outside space at the same time the aggressive cat is.

We have a lot of cats come through our garden some that get along others do not. Most of it is territorial and a lot of the noises you hear are much worse than what it really is.

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Hi Bexy

This is a very long shot as the Bengal breed of cat has these characteristics but we lost our beloved bengal 'rebel' a number of years ago and never did find out what happened to him but he certainly did all the things that you mentioned. Our other cat, a Maine Coon was delighted when he didn't return, however we were not so enthralled. If you do manage to catch him which would be very difficult indeed, if it is Rebel, he was chipped and would identify him as being ours.

Thanks for post as I am sure whoever the owner is would like to see him/her safely returned.

All the best


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I too had this problem, even when we had the magnetic collar cat flap, intruders kept coming in and terrorising our cats, and oh god - the smell. I was highly extremly sceptical of the expensive cat flaps which electronically read your own cats' microchips, thereby only letting in your own cat - was unconvinced for years. My eventually vet persuaded me that very many of his cat owners swore by them and so I reluctantly forked out the expensive ?80 or so - as I was desperate. This has been one of the BEST ?80 I have ever spent. Despite looking flimsy, as if any big bruiser cat could barge in - the cat flap does indeed work. Only my two cats can get in, they just had to learn there is a slight delay before the reader recognises their chip, and the flap opens for them and only them. I watched the intruder try a few times - butting the flap - but as it never worked for him, he VERY soon gave up and we have never had the intruder problem since. I now realise the reason these cat flaps are expensive is because they really do work. We have the SUREFLAP one. There is a Staywell all also. Read all the reviews on Amazon etc. Fairly accurate reviews. This has been my longest post ever. Hope it helps.
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Thanks very much everyone for all the tips! Our cat flap is within a window pane so I'm not sure how it easy it will be to replace.

Brendan - surprisingly I've not seen the cat today, but next time I do I will get a picture and send it to you. You can let me know if you think it is Rebel. If not, perhaps you can tell me if it is a Bengal breed or not. Don't worry though I won't do him/her any harm!

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I think Celia Hammond can provide help for this. Sounds like the cat needs trapping and checking for microchip and possible neutering. A long time ago I had a neighbourhood unneutered tom come in my house in daylight and chase my poor cat and beat him up. It was very distressing.
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Thanks Bexy

It would be absolutely amazing if it was Rebel, a photo would be very much appreciated and I would be able to confirm if it is a bengal as we had a 2nd one and that unfortunately passed away at a young age so not had much luck with this breed of cat.


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I cannot imagine being terrified of a cat.

I think you definitely need a picture of the cat on here, so you can identify it and possibly speak to the owners.

I don't let my cats out at night and have never had them crapping in the house mine are however used to being out during the day 8-6, occasionally they want to nip out. Routine is good.

Paper collar is a good idea . One of may cats returned modelling a very fetching bandanna with a message on it.

Hope you sort out soon, would be amazing if it were someone's missing cat.

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Domme_Jay Wrote:


> I cannot imagine being terrified of a cat.

I can. I love cats, on the whole. I have 3 at the moment (I know, officially a witch).

There was a stray big black Tom which started doing the same as this suspected Bengal. I would come home sometimes and if I walked into a room where he was camping out he would go loopy. I once walked into my bedroom one night and closed the door, only to find that the cat had been behind the bed. I was pretty much pinned against the back wall as he went beserk, racing up the walls and screeching at me if I tried to go back to the door to let him out. Yes he was scared, but so was I and I still have the scars from where he scratched me to prove it.

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Thanks once again for all the tips and advice. Here is a picture of the cat taken this morning. My fantastic neighbour managed to catch the cat and has taken it to the vet to see if it is chipped. I hear that it has also been terrorising another of the local cats.

If this is your cat please let me know - neither myself or my neighbour will do it any harm.

It would actually make a nice pet I think as it is not unfriendly with humans!

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He does look a big boy. Hope you find it's owner. I've had this problem with a big male cat coming in the house terrorising my three females. They're all neutered. One of mine used to be out day and night but she justs wants to stay in a lot now. I used to be able to leave the catflap open at night but now for the past 4/5 months have had to lock mine in of a night.

He comes in during the daytime too as as soon as I put the key in the front door he races out the catflap.

Trouble with the collar controlled catflaps is that a few times my cats rush towards the catflap from the garden (being chased by this other cat) and literally skid/fling themselves through! I think if they had to wait a few seconds for it to work they might injure themselves.

The cat comes in mainly for food I think but is aggressive too.

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