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Lots of insinuation going on there SJ, very naughty. To be honest, I do not for a moment understand why people have such an issue with Katie. She speaks her mind, what's wrong with that? Sure she is less than tactful and at times obnoxious, but that's all part of what makes her, her. I don't think she is a troll, I think she just does what it says on the tin. She criticises jumped up Z list celebs, and makes a living out of doing it. Nice work if you can get it I say.


I agree. Trolls hide behind a computer screen, the likes of KH do not. Love or hate her, she's no coward!

Louisa Wrote:


> Lots of insinuation going on there SJ, very

> naughty. To be honest, I do not for a moment

> understand why people have such an issue with

> Katie. She speaks her mind, what's wrong with

> that? Sure she is less than tactful and at times

> obnoxious, but that's all part of what makes her,

> her. I don't think she is a troll, I think she

> just does what it says on the tin. She criticises

> jumped up Z list celebs, and makes a living out of

> doing it. Nice work if you can get it I say.


> Louisa.

Each to their own SJ

I was just comparing her with those who operate behind the cloak of anonymity, all too easy in our online world. I know who I admire more. H

StraferJack Wrote:


> No one is accusing her of being a coward. Not all

> trolls hide behind keyboards


> But to express any admiration for her? How low do

> your standards have to be

Why not? Personally I find her quite extreme but I absolutely admire her for saying exactly what she thinks regardless of who she may upset. Come to think of it, not dissimilar to my feelings about the late Bob Crow....but we're way OT now!

StraferJack Wrote:


> You don't have to admire either surely?

I think we can all draw a distinction between a media figure who regularly makes herself a laughing stock and a Jihadist who may advocate mass murder.....can't we?

StraferJack Wrote:


> But why is that admirable? I don't get it


> Jihadists say what they think. Is that admirable?


> Having something admirable to think and say? Now

> that is harder

I agree

I didn't at any point say I admired her views!

StraferJack Wrote:


> Of course we draw a distinction. But we don't

> admire either. She is no jihadist but her views

> on, say, the poor, are toxic. Nothing to admire

> there

The thing is, Katie Hopkins is rather self-deprecating anyway, so making a loose comparison between a TV personality who makes fun of wannabe celebs and Jihadists is a bit bizarre. SJ in answer to your question I think people admire her for saying what she thinks and encouraging debate, rather than being a PC lets all agree and be happy type. How is that ever going to solve anything?


SJ I know some of her platforms have been on rather shaky ground, but overall the overriding theme of her 'persona' if you like, is to encourage a debate, she polarises often already polarised arguments and makes them more accessible for debate, however bizarre or contradictory her views may be.

Give some examples of the poison she spreads, and when doing so, compare that if you will with the paid for poison we get from politicians on a daily basis. You'll see where I'm coming from.

I personally found her debates on This Morning rather informative to a point, and putting down a spoilt brat celebrity over something like child care, children's names et al isn't just entertaining, it exposes these dire deluded z listers for what they really are.


When did "encouraging a debate" for its own sake, on national tv, become a good thing?

I know that columnists from all sides are basically rent a gobs, but most of them I just disagree with

Others, like Hopkins, rod little and others go further

Examples? That business about other families names and deciding she would or wouldn't let her children associate with them

Helicopter crashes in Glasgow? There she is talking about Scottish life expectancy

She can't hold down a job (which isn't so bad except she tried so hard. And then she condemns others)

As soon as something, anything happens she goes for a lowest common denominator response. And the "anti pc brigade" applaud her

Slow handclap.

I think you'll find the debates were encouraged by certain TV companies, not by Katie herself. She was invited along for her opinions. If she is given a platform that isn't her fault if she then says what she thinks.

I don't see how Katie goes any further than the average commentator in the media. Many of the topics she talks about are almost pantomime based arguments based around rather vague topics such as kids names or hiring fat people etc.

Maybe she can't hold a job, and that's why she is a commentator on things, she's good at it as you've already pointed out so technically she is holding a job by being controversial on TV. She goes for a lowest common denominator response because that's what she does well. She often over exaggerates a perfectly eloquent point just to get a rise from people. You'd have to be slightly dim to take everything she says seriously 100% of the time.


"You'd have to be slightly dim to take everything she says seriously 100% of the time."

But people do. Never underestimate how slightly dim the general populace is.

Katie Hopkins is a vile and poisonous cunt who is paid to be controversial. I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire. Is that controversial enough for you?

Anyway, we've gone right off topic here and I'm surprised this thread hasn't been whooshed to The Lounge.

So, The Draft House... still closed, nothing much happening. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

She's not encouraging debate, or speaking her mind. She's a publicity whore pure and simple, and one getting rich off the attention.

Like all trolls she should be ignored not encouraged, but then the broadcasters are the ones chasing cheap controversy and publicity by inviting her on hoping she'll say something crass.

She's at it again with an even more poorly timed/taste comment


Granted she's just a stupid man's Clarkson, but at least there's a modicum of charm, humour and intelligence (if you like that sort of thing) about him. She's an insight vaccuum.

Oh yea, draft house closed and will be a franco manca. nuff said really.

I can only agree that there is nothing to admire in someone for "speaking their mind", when they do so without consideration of other people's feelings, or simply to boost their own profile. But I'd question whether Katie Hopkins is actually speaking her mind - I suspect her recent public persona is a caricature of herself, bile amplified to eleven in order to increase her fame and wealth.

It was telling watching her first 'performances', like the first tentative steps of an actor wondering if they'd got their lines right. Opening night was a way back now of course - and buoyed-up by repeat bookings - she's more sure of herself now. Must be great meeting people at parties..

"So what do you do..?"

"I pretend to be an utter tw@t"

Hopkins whole deal has been like watching a child punch a kitten then, after getting wildly enthusiastic support from her parents/tv co.s goes on the stick the nut on a baby seal in the hope of more approval/cash.

I suspect they'll tire of her soon and to avoid a lifetime of "Weren't you that bitch who...?" she'll attempt a reality tv-style rehab/makeover or perhaps even a tragic alcoholic decline then a Sunday serialisation of her depression and how TV producers made her say stuff... then a year or two on Loose Women before her next book...etc...etc

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