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Fish is healthier than chicken and anything is healthier than the kind of chicken you find in fast food shops. I agree with Louisa here. The explosion of cheap chicken shops is not a good thing. Go and see how the chickens they use are produced. You'll never set foot in one again.

Jeremy ultimately no take away meal is going to be healthy. But fish deep fried does not absorb (or shouldn't if cooked correctly) any of the fat. The batter effectively steams the fish inside it. Also the thicker the chips the healthier they are too, which chip shops tend to serve. A fried chicken shop tends to be lower quality, chicken absorbs fat because it's a different kind of batter coating, and the 'fries' are skinny which take in all the unhealthy fats. I wouldn't be surprised if two average pieces of fried chicken with a portion of chips and a pot of coleslaw reached in excess of 1500 calories.


Not only that Louisa, but the type of chiken they use is fast growing and has more fat content than protein. After slaughter, it then has to be bleached to rid it of batteria from the feaces and urine it has had to live in. How can any of that be healthy? And you are quite right. Chunky chips from cut potatoes are full of vitamin c. Fish is full of protein and Omega oils. Fries are reprocessed and reshaped mash. Basically you get what you pay for. Nasty chicken and fries for ?3, or healthier fish and chips for ?6.

Absolutely PokerTime. I've seen documentaries about a certain famous brand of fried chicken and was shocked by the ill-treatment of the animals involved. This poor quality meat is stuffed full of steroid injections to bulk up the meat and as you say bleached, it's then put in some 'special recipe coating' god only knows what goes into that, and then it's deep fried in a low quality oil. We consume this stuff? I'd rather eat a doner kebab in all honesty, at least you get a bit of salad with it! I agree fish and chips for ?6 is about right, and if you pick the right chippy they'll be more than happy to tell you the source of their fish.


Posters write about there being rules, perhaps, but they're not being enforced. It's all part of the general "can't be arsedness" of the British public, including those in supposed positions of authority. When was the last time a bus driver chastised anyone for anything less than dismembering of fellow passengers? Do rail guards/drivers/conductors actually bother about their trains' being sullied by litter and loutish behaviour? Is the average commuter brave enough (like you really should be "brave" to ask someone) to not play their music out loud? I think not. It's a real shame and it's perplexing and very disheartening.
Isn't all this missing the point, which, as far as I can understand it, was that the row of hairdressers on Blenheim Grove are blighting the area around the station? I support the idea that local, well-established businesses should have precedence, but the amount of litter they generate (hair, packaging, food packaging, drinks bottles) is astonishing, and we all pay for it to be cleaned up. I'm also sick of walking past towels drying on bollards and, yesterday, a massage table in the middle of the crossing refuge. Regardless of who owns the businesses, they have a responsibility to operate in a manner that does not cause detriment to the local area, or they should be levied for additional clean up costs.

RachaelP Wrote:


> and, yesterday, a massage table in the middle of the crossing refuge.

Oooh that was there this evening - I thought they'd put it out expecting a swift pick up by London rag and bone!

Surely they don't treat clients in the middle of the street so why is it there!?

Agree tumble weave is a damn nuisance, more so for the poor pigeons than me!

seem to have moved off track here. The redevelopment of peckham rye station is a very good thing. it will vastly improve this part of the ry lane. this station is getting ever busier and there is a need to move with the times. there are more than enough grocers and weave shops so there's no harm done in losing a few. if they're that bothered, the owners of the businesses can take the compensation and occupy one of the many vacant shops on rye lane.

as for the weaves all over the road, has anybody tried speaking with environmental health? stop whining about it and take some action.

Why is it racist to complain about local businesses who cause a mess that they don't clean up? Surely it would be racist (not to say very patronising) to argue that businesses owned by a particular part of the community should do as they please and not be required to clean up, because that would be expecting a lower standard from them. Surely all businesses that cause a mess should be held to the same standards, regardless of race, colour, creed, gender, sexual orientation etc etc.

Zebedee Tring Wrote:


> Why is it racist to complain about local

> businesses who cause a mess that they don't clean

> up? Surely it would be racist (not to say very

> patronising) to argue that businesses owned by a

> particular part of the community should do as they

> please and not be required to clean up, because

> that would be expecting a lower standard from

> them. Surely all businesses that cause a mess

> should be held to the same standards, regardless

> of race, colour, creed, gender, sexual orientation

> etc etc.

Agree with this, there has been no racism in this thread, this is about rubbish and waste being left in public places which would be unacceptable in any community.

how is it racist to want the fruit and veg shops to stop leaving their rubbish, boxes, rotten produce etc all over the pavement? how is it racist to want the weave shops to stop the weaves drifting around on blenheim grove?

what a very strnge world some of these posters live in. Suggest you get a dictionary and some common sense.

just focus on the actual thread - redeveloping peckham rye station. upgrading it for the people that use it.

as the world and society in this area changes, are you really suggesting that the station should stay as is? is it really worth preserving in its current state? surely you'd agree that improvements are needed?

without wanting to get in to a philosophical debate on capitalis v communisim as some of you have written, in a capitalist world which we all benefit from in the most part, there will be developers wanting to make things better (for a profit). that is how the world works in 2014. The planning system is there to manage sustainable economic development. if you don't like the proposals, engage in the planning process with rational arguments (suggest design, mix of uses, loss of shops, parking, densiity of development) and seek to influence things that way. you will be ignored if your comments harp back to "the good old days". Think how you can change the design for the better (perhaps providing retail space for the existing businesses?) and put those thoughts forward.

Nobody has said the station should not be redeveloped - not a single person.

Why don;'t you read the entire thread, where you'll see what the real issues with the redevelopment plans as they stand are. Network Rail plan to flank the station forecourt with two high rise residential blocks, that will be higher than anything in the Lane, boxing the forecourt in. This is not complimentary to the surrounding area. They plan also to displace the businesses and galleries and bars at the back of the staion and all along the arches in the adjacent roads, and for what?...more residential blocks they can make a fast buck from.

Now given that Network Rail themselves, aren't paying for a lot of this redevelopment, I think it's perfectly reasonable that the same people that lobbied for the station to be opened up (and improved), make sure we get the right plans for the surrounding area too. At the moment Network Rail are simply seeing it as an opportunity to make a fast profit. They have completely missed the point of why opening up the station forecourt was proposed in the first place.

  • 3 months later...

The next stages in the development of plans for the area around Peckham Rye station are just emerging. The official Ash Sakula consultancy-led ?co-design? process is likely to start in August. In the meantime the scale (1:100) model of the area around the station built by over 30 keen local residents is to be launched by Peckham Vision at a community event next:

Wednesday 23rd July @ CLF Art Cafe, Bussey Building, 133 Rye Lane, SE15.

3pm-7pm: drop-in exhibition and model launch.

7pm-9pm community public meeting.

Residents have each been creating individual buildings for the model. Those buildings will all be part of the model in its first public display at the forthcoming event. Don't miss this opportunity to see and hear how our familiar town centre is being hand crafted and viewed from new angles. Also there will be latest news on the co-design process for the Peckham Rye Station Gateway development. The Ash Sakula consultants will be contributing.

There will be something for everyone to connect in again, or connect for the first time, to community discussions about our town centre through creative activities, the town centre exhibition and the community public meeting. Follow this link for further details: http://www.peckhamvision.org/wiki/Peckham_Rye_Station_Gateway#23rd_July_2014_3-9pm_launch_of_community-built_model

For further information:

Southwark News article: http://www.peckhamvision.org/wiki/images/d/de/SNews_14.06.20_CHQ013_19062014_ISSUE1173.pdf

Download a poster: http://www.peckhamvision.org/wiki/images/9/97/A4_PV_23rd_July_event_poster.pdf

To keep up with the community news on the town centre, link into the news posted on Peckham Vision digital media as it happens - any one or more of:

* Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PeckhamVision

* Blog - http://peckhamresidents.wordpress.com.

* Tweets -

* Website - page for news on Peckham Rye Station Gateway: http://goo.gl/eiEaV1

* Email [email protected] to join the mailing list

If you are wondering exactly what streets and buildings the model to be displayed on Wednesday is covering, see attached picture. This shows about a third of it. The station building is roughly in the middle of the model and Blenheim Grove, Holly Grove and Elm Grove are in, as well as the nearby section of Rye Lane on both sides.

The model will be on display from 3pm as part of Peckham Vision?s community exhibition about the town centre and the ?Station Gateway? development. At 6pm there will be a screening of a short documentary being made of community responses to the Gateway project. The evening meeting will be from 7-9pm. More info about the event here: http://www.peckhamvision.org/wiki/Peckham_Rye_Station_Gateway#23rd_July_2014_3-9pm_launch_of_community-built_model

Light refreshments will be on sale at the CLF Art Caf? same floor.

This is the first post on edf that has been more than three pages long that i've continued to read just to see if people could get any more ignorant to the world we live in than they already are. I'm disgusted by the comments on here it seems as if all these so called intelligent people live in a bubble. I grew up in herne hill lived in Camberwell and now live in nunhead but I have been all over london as im sure many have and have seen all the things talked about on here so its not just in peckham rye or LL. Yes I agree that rye lane does need a major clean up it amazes me everytime a new hair shop, nail shop, pound shop etc opens up that southwark council allow this. I'm not against any of these shops I dont "want a m&s or waitrose" but we don't need these other shops in abundance. Peckham rye will never be like LL no matter how much 'middle class' people buy in to the area but as it was mentioned it would be nice to have a good cultural mix like brixton now does. The state of the streets again can only be blamed on southwark council although they employ street cleaners it is evident it is not enough so why have they not enforced rules upon the shop owners to keep the place clean. Rules was put in place in certain boroughs during the Olympics so it should of been continued and enforced in all boroughs.Yes a large number of these people in the hair shops and whos children are running about outside are of african or jamaican nationality and in their country, it is the norm for your kids to entertain themselves and to throw down rubbish as they don't have waste bins. I'm not then condoning that this is ok. when you reside in a different country you try to live the way they do but again if this has never been enforced they will do what they know not as they see. So instead of rude obnoxious comments how about using some of your big words in putting a letter to the council and complaining to the right people and put social services on your mailing list whilst your at it. Because if you stop just caring about yourself and your journey home from the station or the mess from the green grocers you will see that there are many younger toddlers/babies sat in these hair shops all day everyday which to me is neglect and child cruelty im sure thats more important than "weave and unruly children". As for the issue on the buses.again im sure tfl are the people you want to speak to if you have an issue with people eating on the bus. For the statment about parents feeding their children mcdonalds.if a child is hungry wouldn't you put your sensitive nose aside to know that their being fed. Its not always convenient to "wait until your at home" maybe mcdonalds isn't the best food but who are you judge what someone eats. It's also not only "fried chicken" thats consumed on the buses, thats usually between school hours as its what the older school child choose to eat as it fills their belly and is cheap,call it adolescents. I've seen people going to work in the mornings eating bagels,baguettes and sometimes even porridge as im sure they didn't get the chance to do so at home. All of which some people may think 'stinks' so instead on focusing on what gets YOUR back up what about thinking as a whole and express your thoughts to stop it all together. Prams and wheelchairs on and off the buses is appaling to bring up if you don't push one or your not in a wheelchair. Public transport is for people to get from A to B and if a wheelchair user or pram pusher finds its easier even if for two stops then why shouldn't they, you don't know the struggle they may be going through. Last thing I want to clear up for the rest of you folk who wanted to have a go at louisa. Just because you haven't experienced the "yummy mummies" doesn't mean it doesn't exsist its not just on the streets that they do it also at one o'clock clubs and at the school gates these "mummies" are in a world of their own they pay no attention to anybody whos not in their 'group' I'm not saying its done intentionally its just that their so far off in another world they don't realise. I guess no different to a group of students who take up space in a kids playground to 'chill' although they can see kids trying to play. The way of life I guess. By the way I'm a 25 year old mother of one, of black ethnicity who lives in nunhead, has been to jamaica and have great knowledge of africans. I shop in peckham for my meat, afro carribean food products and hair products but also shop and commute within my surrounding areas of dulwich cambewell brixton etc just incase anybody wants to ask me what right I have to have these opinions.if you feel so strongly about something make a change,being sarcastic and rude to one another gets you no where.BE HAPPY ITS NICE TO BE NICE IS MY MOTTO

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