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Being away for a few days I was generally oblivious about the news beyond things kicking off in the Ukraine, and our good performance in the Winter Olympics.

So I turn on the goggle box to catch-up on Newsnight to see a rabid interviewer with a single issue "Harriet Harman, you are clearly a piedophile'. This wasn't a Paxman, start off slowly, then turn the screw. This was straight to the jugular.

Now without going through the debate, a civil liberties organisation will have to represent a wide spectrum of opinions and it is right to debate how far the state controls the right of the individual, no matter how abhorrent we may now find the opinions/practices of some.

And of course anyone with half a brain cell knows how hypocratical the DM is in espousing public values whilst promoting tittilation.

No doubt HH could have defended herself better, and been more proactive in distancing herself from the PIE and perhaps the mistakes of her organisation 35 years ago. But the BBC failed in objective reporting, and the interviewer (shame on the web for not giving her name) should go back to college and retrain.

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It's all Savile shame. They'll hang DLT up by the balls given half a chance even though he's not done much more than a bit of fiddly diddly.

'Just shave off that beard, put this blonde wig on and have a cigar'

Owzabout that then?

I'm not keen Harriet Harridan but she's getting smeared by a shitrag

Oh she,s getting smeared but papers etc on the 'other' side are quite happy to say bang on about, ooh, The bullingdon Club, which may have been full of upper class twats but was not giving legitimacy to perverts....some interesting double standards about what from you past is ok and what is not......plenty of documentaries/comedies been commissioned on the back of the bullingdon set! not many on the often Trotskyist! barking and all focuessed on rights not responsibilities views that half of Tony Blair's cabinet espoused in the 70s
Yes- I went to a few WRP and SWP parties and all they do is stand around quoting Marx and Engels and talking about how they are going to lock up alcoholics and drug addicts (although they firmly believe(d) there wouldn't be any in their idea of Utopia) and set up a workers militia instead of the police- the frightening thing was that not a few of them were teachers!

4 front pages because of a historical association.

No-one is obliged to defend themselves - and there maybe reasons why - they may have had enough of that period and don't want more of what they got then.

"The ?sub?ver?sion? of cab?inet min?is?ters Har?riet Har?man and Patri?cia Hewitt was to have been lead?ing mem?bers of the National Coun?cil for Civil Liber?ties (NCCL ? now Liberty), the very organ?isa?tion designed to pro?tect us from such unwar?ran?ted abuses of our liber?ties."

"The decision regard?ing the Exec?ut?ive of the NCCL meant that MI5 could invest?ig?ate an indi?vidual ? that means tap their phones, fol?low their move?ments, break into their houses, place a bug in their homes ? simply for being a mem?ber of the Exec?ut?ive of the NCCL,"


Bollox, my earlier post failed. Time to try again.

Three more who should be put on trial.

Ben Elton/Rowan Atkinson for Blackadder II where the latter makes an unfunny comment about 'poofters'. Clearly homophobic.

Reg Varney (RIP) for plenty of patronising comments about women, and gratuitous famale nudidity, in 'On the Buses'. Clearly misogynistic.

And Jack Smethurst in Love thy Neighbour for plenty of casual racism. Even though it backfired on the white honky.

And don't get me started on Max Miller, Hugh Piddick and Kenneth Williams (Julian and Sandy in Round the Horn), Benny Hill, Dick Emery Emery, oh the list goes on and on.

So as neither the BBC or ITV has ever denied that it commissioned racist/sexist/homophobic programmes clearly it is guilty as charged. And similarly we as watchers and listeners are also guilty.

So Mulumbu, you watched Love thy Neighbour, you are clearly a racist. "But it always backfired, and the West Indian Couple always won in the end" Do you deny that you enjoyed it? "yes but I was only young and didn't know any better" So you are a racist them "But it was OK in the end because Rudoph Walker (Bill in LTN/ Patrick in East Enders) had an on screen romance with Kate Williams 35 years later (Joan in LTN/ Liz in East Enders)" But Mulumbu, you accepted that you watched the programme, but have never denied it was wrong, rot in hell racist....

Yes, I want a blanket apology by all the major broadcasters for everything that they may have ever done wrong. WE as citizens should do similar. I myself am feeling particularly guilty as I once read a Daliy Mail headline on a bill board, and I think I checked the international Mail at an ariport once for the footy scores. I apologise to personkind for supporting the xenophobic media.

I was recently impressed on the BBC Final Score where both teh BBC and Robbie Fowler apologiesd from the former's facetious comment about ladies' football. However, neither Fowler of the BBC apologised for Fowlers sniffing of the touchline a few years ago. Clearly a reference to cocaine, so the BBC support Class A drug use. As may some DM journos..

Seriously you couldn't make it up!

G?rard Houllier "He's pretending to eat grass"


malumbu Wrote:


> Yes, I want a blanket apology by all the major

> broadcasters for everything that they may have

> ever done wrong. WE as citizens should do

> similar. I myself am feeling particularly guilty

> as I once read a Daliy Mail headline on a bill

> board, and I think I checked the international

> Mail at an ariport once for the footy scores. I

> apologise to personkind for supporting the

> xenophobic media.


> I was recently impressed on the BBC Final Score

> where both teh BBC and Robbie Fowler apologiesd

> from the former's facetious comment about ladies'

> football. However, neither Fowler of the BBC

> apologised for Fowlers sniffing of the touchline a

> few years ago. Clearly a reference to cocaine, so

> the BBC support Class A drug use. As may some DM

> journos..


> Seriously you couldn't make it up!

I'm really not sure where you're going with this?

Not to Godwin it, but by logical extension are you saying that the nazi war criminals shouldn't still be purprosecuted because killing people was the norm in the 40s?

Weird frankly.

You can brush up on logical fallacies and rhetoric here

I'd suggest appeal to ridicule, red herring, straw man and undistributed middle for starters.

This just get's better:


I of course fully support the Daily Hate's view that women, and women's football, should be denigrated. Good old traditional values. That's what made the Empire. All went wrong when women were encouraged to work during the first world war. They will want votes next....

But the lady who has blown the whistle on MI5 has really shown how nasty they were

Again http://anniemachon.ch/spies-lies-and-whistleblowers-subversion-chapter

this is blowing open wide what happens - it seems to be true,

El Pibe Wrote:


> I'm really not sure where you're going with this?

> Not to Godwin it, but by logical extension are you

> saying that the nazi war criminals shouldn't still

> be purprosecuted because killing people was the

> norm in the 40s?


> Weird frankly.


> You can brush up on logical fallacies and rhetoric

> here


> I'd suggest appeal to ridicule, red herring, straw

> man and undistributed middle for starters.

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