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Petty Annoyances


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Alternatively, time is a construct of the conscious mind. When we dream we are clumsily tripping around the unfamiliar landscape of the unconscious like a drunk in a dark house. Sometimes we unintentionally stumble through a doorway that opens through the 4th dimension and get a nasty surprise when we turn the light on.

What I?m trying to say here Moos is that those dinosaurs are real and you should probably take a rolling pin or cricket bat to bed with you.

Edit: for the sake of Moss

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Tony they really were real. Unlike leprechauns, America, Britney Spears and democracy they weren?t just invented by Hollywood. Dinosaurs were very real indeed and existed for about a month, 4 years after God created the world, 4000 years ago.
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Brendan Wrote:

Tony they really were real. Unlike leprechauns, America, Britney Spears and democracy they weren?t just invented by Hollywood. Dinosaurs were very real indeed and existed for about a month, 4 years after God created the world, 4000 years ago.

Brendan,say it ain't true!

Leprecauns don't and never have existed?(6)

btw: I knew about Dinosaurs as I remember that Marc Bolan.(tu)

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Um, well I think I know what the dream was about, so yes I think you are right.

I shan't take a cricket bat to bed because it won't be there when I'm dreaming. Many years ago, my mum gave me a magic sword to fight monsters in my dreams which worked very well, but I lost it some time in my teens.

PGC, stop feeding my dinosaurs and encouraging them to be lounge lizards purring on your sofa.

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people on the bus , who raise their voice at the end of each sentance , as if every statement they make is a question .

people who barge past you to get into a lift before you have had a chance to get out of the lift .

people on the bus who take up one and a half seats ( for what ever reason )


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Dinosaurs are always fascinating, sometimes lovable, mostly dangerous, and they are alive only in our imaginations. Consider all of the details of the dream and try to tie these ideas to some aspect of your life. The dinosaur, whether you have given it a positive or negative connotation, represents something from your past or an aspect of your personality that you have altered over time. Dinosaurs may represent old issues that have not been properly addressed and that continue to have the power to effect your life in the present.

Use it as a positive!-TLS.

Just woke up and had a draem about one.

Its nearly 4.00AM!

What have you done to me?


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Addressing envelopes to people who live outside London.

Any self-respecting London address only needs 2 lines. But if you live in some big bloody house in the country everyone has to know about it when they write to you at,

Snatch Baron Farm House

Snatch Baron Farm

Tenfriggers Lane

Off Spatchcock Avenue

Wiggles Bottom

Near Dimpleley


East Humbria

Blah blah blah blah


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Can't remember if I've said it before or not - search doesn't throw anything up.. but

People at cashpoints, faced with a choice of:

"Cash with receipt"

"Cash only"

Choose the former and then either ignore the printout or just chuck out on the ground without looking at it!!! It happens more often than not and I don't understand why. Same gobshites would probably say it was a revenue-raising exercise if they were charged for the fekkin thing

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