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Attempted Credit Card Fraud 'The Rye' Pub


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Just to let people know ....

I received a message from my bank this morning regarding suspicious activity on my credit card ..... turns out that someone in The Rye tried to use my details between 6:30 \ 8am this morning to the tune of ?150.

Only people I can think of who would be in a pub at that time in the morning are the cleaners or the staff having an extended lock in from the night before ....

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fair enough Tony but it strikes me as odd that a pub that does so much business with credit cards behind the bar would play fast and loose like this - reputationally it would kill them if it was to come out

have you raised it with pub management and the fact that the card is new and only been used there?

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bigtony2 Wrote:


>turns out that someone in The Rye tried to

> use my details between 6:30 \ 8am this morning to

> the tune of ?150.



Then the pub would have the details on their card machine records, surely, and would see that something was wrong if there was a transaction going through at that time?

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bigtony2 Wrote:


> .. its a new card and the only place I have used

> it was in The Rye.

Have you actually been told by the card company that the attempted use was made on the Rye premises, or named the Rye as address? Did the card company mention the Rye?

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The transaction never went through because the bank flagged it as suspect and prevented it from happening ... there was an attempt.

It is in the banks hands now as to how they deal with this. No mony was taken from me so I am actually not that bothered.

New card is in the post apparently .....

.... ps. I will still use The Rye as they show the football ! ..... I will just pay in cash fom now.

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Inbetween yes and no - you simply don't know, haven't contacted the Rye, and are posting unsubstantiated rumours on a public forum.

You haven't been sent a new card, or PIN? Which suggests it's an error on the bank's part, otherwise they would have stopped your card?

Poor form...

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Lowlander Wrote:


> You haven't been sent a new card, or PIN? Which

> suggests it's an error on the bank's part,

> otherwise they would have stopped your card?


> Poor form...

The OP has already said that a new card has been sent.

Best to read the whole thread before piling in...poor form

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Why not help the Rye to investigate it bigtony2 ?

They don't want to employ anyone who may be capable of theft (attempted or otherwise). I think you have lost support because you posted a serious allegation about possibly a member of staff at a local business, and when the manager of that business expresses concern and asks for details so that he can address what might be a serious allegation for the reputation of his business, you just dismiss his efforts with a 'I'm not that bothered'. You were though obviously bothered enough to make a public declaration, which as someone posted above was unfair before speaking to the business itself first.

I think the Rye Pub have shown themselves to be anything but a fraudulant business.

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red devil Wrote:


> Lowlander Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > You haven't been sent a new card, or PIN?

> Which

> > suggests it's an error on the bank's part,

> > otherwise they would have stopped your card?

> >

> > Poor form...


> The OP has already said that a new card has been

> sent.

> Best to read the whole thread before piling

> in...poor form

Doesn't say if his existing card had been stopped. Point taken on your second!

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When this happened to me - I saw it as the banks business, not mine. they refunded me - the fraud was against them not me.

Sometimes there are internal bank issues or it's part of an ongoing larger fraud investigation - and you have no idea. The pub could easily be a patsy which is why the thread should probably go.

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It doesn't make any sense to me. How would a bank know that a fraudulent transaction was being attempted from the pub, unless someone was trying to buy something in there - hardly likely when the place is shut (and without physically having the card). Or had the person somehow obtained the card number from the pub's card machine and was trying to buy something by phone or on the internet, without knowing the address of the cardholder or the last 3 numbers on the back of the card. I don't get it.

My guess is the phone call from "the bank",if genuine, was referring to bigtony2's actual use of the card in the pub, or, if not, a scam to obtain his card details from him.

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Funny you say that. Not been in for ages, popped in tonight for a pint after work. Thread must have put it in my mind.

ETA...I don't think The Rye are at it in terms of publicity by the way.

John Brady Wrote:


> They do say there's nothing like free publicity.

> I mean even if it cost them a hundred and fifty

> quid I think the pub has come out of this well.


> Or maybe I have misunderstood.

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