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I like to get up as the sun rises, today opening the curtains in the front room, there was my fresh glass milk bottle on the brick gatepost I get the milkman to put it up there as I cant bend.

Relying on my trusty Zimmer I made my way to get the bottle. Nearing it I raised my hand to pick it up,

But it fell at my feet smashing to bits, in a state of shock I realised that a van driver had pushed a large box on the post top causing the bottle of milk to come off. ?Sign here and print here? So I signed. ?What is it?? ?I don't know only deliver them?.

I looked at the label it was addressed to next door, ?I thought you would take it in for them?. He left.

I tried to lift it but it was too heavy, and if I could put it on my Zimmer I could not lift that as well.

I could not leave it there out on the gatepost any person passing might take it. It was now pouring with rain, I went into the house put on my raincoat and get my grasper tool that picks things up for me, I brought back a carton so that I could pick up all that broken glass, and put it in, to carry to the Wheelie Bin.

It stopped Raining, if I could not move the box I must at least hide it from view, so I took off my raincoat and put it over the box. Now to put the glass in the bin at the side of the house, tipping the glass into the green bin then the carton in the blue one, I reached in with my grasper picked out a plastic bottle to bring water from the garden tap to wash away the milk on the path.

As I returned to the front I saw a youth just about to pick up the box, I shouted, he ran away, I recognised him in the distance by my raincoat he was wearing, I looked in the garden shed to find an old hessian sack I put this over the box it did not look as attractive item now.

Later the woman (not very nice )next door had come home I could see her car outside, I had her phone number so called her up, ?Hello this is me from next door, I have signed for a parcel it is too heavy for me to lift can you come and get it as it is perched on my front garden gatepost?. The woman replied that she had a young baby to look after and could not come, ?You had better bring it?. ?I cant lift it?. ? How did you put it on the Post then?? The driver put it there Its been there all day I have had to keep my eye on it as I had signed for it.?

At least now I had told her it was there so if it got pinched it was down to her.

Going back now into the house I was ready for my cup of tea, but we were not going to get any today were we?

I hope it don't rain I wont be able to go out now.

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Thank you for your kind offers of getting milk and help. We managed.

I think the youth who stole my rain coat will be afraid to wear it he might get recognized.

Yes the Christmas card list is getting Shorter. My own Army list of those who served with me has dropped from over a hundred to only six, Shame I could not attend their funerals.

Today here is my Thoughts

You hear of things that you never thought you would need to help you.

I have now become dependent on a Reach Grabber that is a device that is about half a metre long with a hand grip that when squeezed will close the two fingers at the other end, gripping light articles to pick up from the floor, no good for heavy things, with loose lids or open top containers, if you drop them it makes such a mess.

The only drawback is if you drop the Grabber you cant pick it up the answer is get two, one to pick up the other.

You must have seen this device that grips the reluctant lid from opening, the only thing is you cant hold the jar still as it twists in your hand, answer buy two.

Do you get that phone call on your home phone? It rings and the Answer phone recorded message I left says; ?Please allow me time to get from another room to get to this phone I take a little to get up and get to the Hall.? ?You can leave your Number and I will call you back, but no message is left. I always answer the phone as I am expecting to get a booking for my wife from St Thomas?s Hospital.

In the very windy weather three weeks ago my BT telephone line went dead, so how can I report it with no phone or use of computer. My wife tried to report it on her Mobile but she had to wait that long the battery went down.

At long last she did report it but it was not repaired for over two weeks.

The fault was on a Telegraph pole the wire had corroded and broken, I found out that it had been repaired by getting a phone call from the engineer, to say it was now working.

I think that this service is very bad especially when they charge me six pounds a quarter added to pay the bill by Visa.

No discount for the loss of use for two weeks.

Charging the mobile phone does cause a problem, as I cant pull the plug from the wall socket, I now leave it in and just disconnect the other end from the phone.

I have found putting the electric kettle on a tin biscuit box and only putting a small amount of water in it allows me to just tip it in the teapot without lifting.

I do use my Zimmer a lot, not always convenient when going by car as I have to put it on the back seat, then get in the car.

I must confess that I get annoyed at Car Parks finding one meter out of order, then finding one that works, trying to remember my car number to punch in before putting the right change in the slot, I often put in more money than I should as I have no change.

Its often easier to go by bus as it stops closer than walking the distance from a Car Park space some times up several floors, and I cant use the stairs with my Zimmer so have to walk down the car ramp.

Yes I could apply for a disabled Pass but I am not Registered Disabled, and so long as I can do without I will, there are more needy than myself. I do not claim for any other things other than my state pension.

My thought for today.

I wonder how elderly people used to get their shopping home, I used to go to the Superstore to try to select items that I could afford such as cheapies, these are mainly out of reach, very high up or bottom shelf being unable to see if there is any left at the back I ask another shopper if they would look for me. It is hard to place my Zimmer in front of me and pulling the trolley along the isles.

Eventually having to curtail my shopping as the trolley becomes to heavy. 1. The handling of the items over and over adds up.

So I select from the shelf to put in trolley. 2. At the cash point place the items on conveyor belt, not very quickly as I have a problem holding them, much to the annoyance of the following customers. 3. Take the items from the conveyor and put in trolley again, I have to refuse the carrier bags as I cant lift a full bag. 4. push the trolley with Zimmer on top across the car park avoiding the speed humps. 5. Put the items into the boot of the car each one singly, Push the Trolley to Trolley parking shed to get my pound back, back to the car using the Zimmer. 6. At home slowly take a few items at a time and put them just inside front door, later taking them into the kitchen to put in cupboards.

Was this a costly and inconvenient way of shopping ? There was the cost the petrol, and several hours spent away from home and there was things that I could not add to the trolley. Now very tiered and aching I must rest.

This was the way to shop, but it has changed, but only if you have a computer and can contact your store, today it is just a matter of getting your favourite Superstore on line, booking your day and time of delivery, actually seeing the items you want and selecting them, there is a basic cost of your buy at ?25.00. then the cost of the booked time of delivery, it varies from ?3.00 to ?6.50.

The delivery person will expect you to unload the baskets of items into your hallway, where they stay until I can take them to the kitchen, but this is at my own time so it does not matter unless something is frozen.

I am pleased to think that I had not had to go to the store, or all those times of handling the items, no time wasted or petrol used.

We are lucky to be able to use this service and not rely on others to do it for us, but many older people cant do it, and I?m afraid have to get someone to do it. Some older people will not ask and go without.

I urge you to apply for a Blue Badge from your council, it costs ?10. There is no limit as to how many the council can issue, it is meant for someone in your position.

You do not have to be registered disabled, it means that if you drive to the supermarket you can park in one of hte bays closer to the shop, and if parking on the street there are some allocated parking spaces closer to the shops.

I got one for my Dad who is 88 and it was one of the best things! he could not get in and out of a normal space because of his walking sticks . I bet, like him, you have paid in to the system all your life, and it is time fr society to give you the right to park more conveniently.

You might be entitled to some type of Attendance Allowance too!!

Pm if you want some help in the form-


An extra thought for you.

How do you type a Tick or correction mark into a message?

As the tick has no key.

Like this ✔

I can't send the code as it will show as a tick. so the only way to give you the code is to tell you the keys to hit.

The and sign,Hash,number one,zero.zero, zero, number 4, dot over comer

There's often special characters you can call up depending on the font you're using (I think this is mainly when using a word processing package like MS Word, but you can find the characers also in MS Powerpoint. Not sure about when typing emails though. Loads of tech-savvy people on here will know how to do this though.

What package / application do you need type the tick into ?

loads of alt codes here, though tick isn't one. http://www.alt-codes.net/

you can always bring up the character map (if you're using windows)

Quickest way is to press windows+r then type in charmap and press enter. you can select any symbol and copy it to your clipboard.

A ring on the bell.

There is a way of sorting out the callers to your front door, most come uninvited hoping for the chance of getting some work, some try the old trick of telling you have tiles loose on your roof, and they will repair them for a very high price, you can tell that there is no name on their van so they don't want to be traced.

The last one said he was going to put up his ladder to show me, I said if you do I will pull the ladder down, and phone the police I have already written your van number down.

Every other caller is claiming to be a tree surgeon, and will cut your trees for you, seeing that they only have a small van it is most unlikely that they could take away the cuttings anyway.

The chap today claimed to be a tree surgeon, I asked him if he had any proof, and pointed to one of my tall Yucca trees and asked him to name it, he replied it was a wood tree, I said you must be joking. These trees are now in bloom with the tall flower, how would he cut this back at this time of the year? He started laughing, I said I don't think I can use you. Thank You.

He had obviously had a good look into my hallway because he said of my full scale stuffed toy dog sitting there ? That dog looks real? ?I said it is real its only waiting for me to tell him to get you?

The latest scam is for the caller to show you a file of pencil drawings that they claim to have made, these reproduced from the Internet are all A4 size, and too precise to be real, and there is no impression of a pencil on the back of the paper. They want ?10.00 each.

Thoughts return to haunt me.

I was driving behind another tank, at speed down a narrow main street of a remote German village, I was startled to see a cloud of leaves sent up from the road, some coming in through my visor (Window), I realized that these leaves were in fact placed onto the road using petals, leaves, twigs to form a large Mosaic these had been grown in gardens tended and picked in bags to keep for the Mosaic, that the women and children were patiently lying in place to reform flower's and plants, the twin rear exhaust pipes of the Cromwell Tank were now blasting them from the display, and destroying hours of work.

There had been many Mosaics measuring about four metres by four, along the road one outside each house.

It was not up to me to do anything to stop, as all my orders came from the Tank Commander up above me, giving me directions over the earphones I was wearing, I could only carry those orders out.

I later found out that it was the annual Festival of Thanksgiving for the years Harvest.

I still feel guilty for that, although I could do nothing to change it.

Strange how a memory stays with you as this was over sixty years ago.

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    • Oh my oh my, you really do seem dissatisfied with the "service" you've received. Good luck with the Ombudsman, personally I found them to be an utter and total shambles staffed by unqualified clowns who neither listened or were willing to do any background reading, when I had to involve them regarding a local dental surgery. My experience with the Tessa Jowell Surgery as a new patient is poles apart from the one you describe. They have been pleasant, kind, informative, helpful and genuinely caring. I have followed their online protocols and everything has been fine.  Perhaps posting your complaint on a public forum wasn't the best way to try and get it addressed and maybe if I may suggest an alternative approach could be for you to arrange a meeting with the Practice Manager and raise your concerns with them and have any evidence available, or just find another practice that meets your needs. 
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