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Attempted Bike Jackings / Muggings Surrey Canal Path


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The lights are currently out along a large stretch of Surrey Canal Path, which many of us use as a cycle path from Peckham Library to Burgess Park.

Last night at about 5:30, a man in a balaclava jumped into the path along this dark stretch just ahead of me to block me passing or try to knock me off. I stopped and screamed at him. He left, either scared off by my shouting (?!) or by other cyclists coming up the path behind us. I learnt when I got to the traffic lights at Library Square that he got a hold of a (male) cyclist ahead of me but couldn't keep his grip.

Clearly as muggers or bike jackers go, he wasn't very competent, but it was still very frightening.

The police and park warden have all taken reports. Meanwhile and especially whilst those lights are out, please don't cycle that path alone and keep an eye out for each other.


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That must have been very scary Jacqui and thanks for the warning. Hope you are not too shaken up.

There have been a few of these type of instances reported here over the last few years and I've stopped riding that way after dark and go along Trafalgar Road and right into Sumner Road which is not too bad at all. It will bring you out at the Library and well worth considering.


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Sorry to hear about your experience and glad you are OK.

For years I used to cycle this route and it seemed that every year some section of lights would fail and I always felt vulnerable until they were fixed again, especially if I was cycling outside of core rush hour time in the evening. There's been many an occassion when I have made sure I'm either in front or behind another cyclist so give me the comfort of safety in numbers.

If you haven't already done so report the fault to the Council ( [email protected] ). They will fix them eventually. Perhaps copy in one of your local councillors and outline what happened to you - this might hasten the repair.

Personally I'm avoiding this route for the time being, though this was mainly brough about by the bridge works that have closed the path at times.

I skip past the left turn off Trafalgar Avenue, go over the bridge and turn right down Sumner Road. There's more traffic to contend with but at least its well lit.

ETA (too slow - see jonsuissy goes the same way as me..)

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I can quite understand the fears, but I've cycled this twice a day most days since late 2007 and never had an incident.

I have, however, had kids chuck stones/other missiles in Burgess Pk, which has no lighting.

So it's far from ideal to not have the lights on, and going via road is sensible if you're worried (also possible with Burgess Pk) - but mostly it's fine there.

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Talk of problems with the lights on The Surrey Canal Path reminds me how useful it would be to have lights on the main path through Burgess Park. This is so much safer a cycle route away from traffic that it is a shame that it can't be used at night. When the park reopened I was surprised to see that they had not been included as routes like this are generally so much safer for cyclists trying to avoid traffic on the roads.
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The lights being out is a big danger from a safety pov too. Many of the path users and parents & kids on the way home from school. Due to the bends it's hard to pick anyone out until you're on top of them - I had to slow to a snails pace the other night.

Really cyclists shouldn't use the path at night unless they are prepared to go a lot slower - which is easier said than done when one's running scared due to the black-out.

Agreed Sumner Road is a good alternative, but be careful if you go straight ahead at the end (as opposed to turning left towards the library), the following area http://goo.gl/maps/epFQI at night has a lot of parked up (occupied) cars and can be a bit edgy.

Glad you're okay Jacqui, safe cycling everyone.

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Actually all the new housing that runs from St Georges Way to Peckham Road seem perfectly safe. Very well lit and seems like nice unthreatening neighborhoods. I go down Chandler Rd sometimes and cross into Lyndhurst Way. The Canal path can be a lonely place at night.
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Jeremy Wrote:


> There have been stories about the canal path ever

> since the start of the forum.

And even before that, though it might seem novel if you didn't grow up with teatime Westerns on the telly. The path couldn't have been designed for ambush any better, even with the lights.

I have used it, twice, in daylight and with reluctance and bafflement. Like every other cycle 'facility'*, from Sustrans's cheerless routes to nowhere to the projects spawned of graspery that have left London a sclerotic palimpsest of half-arsed 'networks', 'grids' and 'superhighways', which even nineteen maps can't make sense of, it's a death-trap best ignored.

* Apart from cycle parking stands, which I slightly love.

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it's a good route, but I wish the barrier didn't go right across Chandler Way (so as to allow bikes past).

jimbo1964 Wrote:


> Actually all the new housing that runs from St

> Georges Way to Peckham Road seem perfectly safe.

> Very well lit and seems like nice unthreatening

> neighborhoods. I go down Chandler Rd sometimes and

> cross into Lyndhurst Way. The Canal path can be a

> lonely place at night.

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Really hate the barrier.

Cars park by the gap making the only way through via the pavement (after having stopped and dismounted of course).

rahrahrah Wrote:


> it's a good route, but I wish the barrier didn't

> go right across Chandler Way (so as to allow bikes

> past).


> jimbo1964 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Actually all the new housing that runs from St

> > Georges Way to Peckham Road seem perfectly

> safe.

> > Very well lit and seems like nice unthreatening

> > neighborhoods. I go down Chandler Rd sometimes

> and

> > cross into Lyndhurst Way. The Canal path can be

> a

> > lonely place at night.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I emailed Southwark about the barrier on Chandler Way and got the following response:

"..Thank you for you enquiry in relating to the barrier on Chandler Way. The council is keen to encourage cycling and indeed this street has been identified as a potential route as part of the Mayor of London's plans to boost cycling. Developing the route would be a medium term objective, but in the shorter term we have a funding allocation in 14/15 for small interventions to improve network permeability across the borough for cyclists and I will add this to the list of possible projects to take forward in April."

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Good work RRR.

rahrahrah Wrote:


> I emailed Southwark about the barrier on Chandler

> Way and got the following response:


> "..Thank you for you enquiry in relating to the

> barrier on Chandler Way. The council is keen to

> encourage cycling and indeed this street has been

> identified as a potential route as part of the

> Mayor of London's plans to boost cycling.

> Developing the route would be a medium term

> objective, but in the shorter term we have a

> funding allocation in 14/15 for small

> interventions to improve network permeability

> across the borough for cyclists and I will add

> this to the list of possible projects to take

> forward in April."

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Almost one month on & that section of street lights are still out.

There are yet more lights out on the quieter section north of Willowbrook Road. At 7pm this evening I spotted two youths standing on the edge of the path in a dark section whilst passing in immediate succession with another cyclist.

Unfortunately the guy some way behind us wasn't so lucky. They apparently kicked his back wheel in an attempt to knock him off. Somehow he managed to evade them. He later caught up with me near the library & asked me whether they'd attempted to attack me or others too.

I've reported it to 101 & he said he'd do the same too.

This was a great off-road cycle path / footpath and it's a shame that southwark council are neglecting its maintenance that has encouraged this mindless, anti-social behaviour.

Cc: Borris

(If only I knew how to do that on EDF)

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rahrahrah Wrote:


> it's a good route, but I wish the barrier didn't

> go right across Chandler Way (so as to allow bikes

> past).


Last night I rode up to the barrier, got off, walked around it and started riding again. Total time off bike 10 seconds. It's not that much of a disruption to one's journey.

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