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Mugged at knife point this evening (Peckham Rye, midnight, 21 Jan)

little h

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My husband was mugged at midnight this evening by a young man with a very large knife. The police have taken details. Please be careful if walking alone across Peckham rye - it happened directly outside the one o'clock club as he walked from bus stop from Barry road towards the other side of the park. Attacker took his phone and coat.

He's fine but shaken up. Police have been very helpful


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There was a proposal that anyone caught with a knife should get a mandatory 5 year prison sentence.

This hasn't happened. There is NO real deterrent against carrying a knife.

The problem will continue until someone takes this seriously and actually does something about it.


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I was attacked November 2006 junction of Crawthrew Grove / Lacon Road.

I woke up on the floor after being knocked unconscious. Last thing I remember was a tree.

I first assumed I must of walked into the tree but I wasn't that p****d

I must of been attacked from behind. I assumed someone pushed my face into the tree as my face

was really bashed in. I simple cannot remember seeing anyone. My Phone and Money were stolen.

Worst of all the Bastds. nicked my kebab..

Got home to realise my glasses were missing. Foolishly went back out to find them but no luck.

Even went back in daylight but could not find them.

Do not know what happened that night.

East Dulwich Police were really good and sent a Police Officer to my home to see if I was ok.

Same 'Copper' you still see on LL most evenings. Real Life Dixon of Dock Green Character.

Was followed up by Southwark Police station but never resolved.

Most of these cases sadly never are.


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This is exactly the detail that seems to have little or no bearing on what happens to the perpetrators of crimes like this. It's as if personal fear at night on the streets and the physical damage and psychological trauma the victim experiences are irrelevant. Any such crime should be an extended mandatory sentence behind bars with a great deal of suffering to help the conclusion in the mind of the attacker that it was probably a bad choice to hurt that person and nick the phone. Spineless government won't ever fix this so you're on your own in the UK in respect of these types of crime. I don't give a toss what the 'background' is of the assailant, the punishment should be harsher than the crime committed otherwise why wouldn't you just carry-on doing it ?
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It is indeed a complete farce if there is no repercussions for the person who carried out any wrong doing on another. When the damage is beyond the physical, it may be never rectified, and this is completely wrong.

I hate intensely that people cannot walk around without having to be aware of their surroundings, who's walking behind them or towards them, or who might be around the next corner. Why should anyone invade the space of another in any capacity and be allowed to get away with it? Why do those who do it, feel that it is their right to do so? If they had any heart, they'd consider their actions - but as they commit the crimes, they don't care about anyone but themselves. I will never understand it, and I totally agree with KidKruger - I don't care what background anyone comes from, the bottom line is, no-one has any right to invade anyone elses space.

I just hope that you find that there is justice in this case, and Dulwich Fox, I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you - its simply not nice at all.

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The sentencing guideline for robbery indicates 4 years custody as the starting point for robbery with a knife. That it took place at night is an additional aggravating feature.


In my experience knifepoint robbers have always got pretty chunky prison sentences, and the trend has been for longer, not shorter onbes. The idea that robbers get let off with a slap on the wrist is nonsense. Catching them though, is another matter.

Helen, I hope your husband is feeling better - it must have been a terrible experience.

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Even when you are robbed and they are caught, trying to get them to court is a nightmare when they are asked to take part in a video ID parade and are allowed to change their clothes, change their hair and remove or alter facial piercings. Even when you see the gang who were with the person who actually mugged you in the same video "ID parade" laughing into the video making you feel worse than you already do.

Being mugged is not a nice experience but the truth is that these people have rights too and even with some great police officers out there catching the baddies there is still no guarantee that they will have to pay for the crime as there always seems to be a way for them to get away with it.

Helen, I hope your husband is doing OK and feels safe going out, and glad that he has not come to any physical harm.

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F**K the 5 year prison term I don't want them sitting on their ass playing xbox in a nice cosy prison for 5 years on my taxes! chop off their hands! that'll teach 'em not to steal again!

Really sorry to hear the news about your husband Little H hope he's doing ok now.

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Why can't we use mace? Or pepper spray or be allowed to defend ourselves. The stats show that crime is going down but that is only because people don't go out (less people out and about less deterrant to the scummy perps), our homes are like Fort Knox or you can't get reasonable insurance, cars are more and more impregnable- that just leaves crime against the poor unfortunates who have to go out to the streets.
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It's sickening what is becoming of society. It seems as each day passes something else is happening locally and it's enough to frighten you into never leaving home again. I for one invested in an extra lock on my front door and I am terrified to leave home at night. Why are these people allowed to get away with doing this to others? As a society we need to crack down on it. It wasn't this bad too many years ago whatever the happy clappies wish to tell you.


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It isn't fair on innocent people but the number of incidents reported on here confirms just how dangerous it is for us out there. It's a terrible shame that we are put in such a position but that's the reality of where we live. Unfortunately you have to be suspicious of everyone otherwise you could end up in a compromising position.


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I suppose actually it doesn't matter if it is day or night, I just reminded myself, that twice, both during rush hour in the morning I've been what people would call, sexually attacked. Once on my way to West Dulwich station when I lived there at the time. The second time (which I put a thread about at the time to warn people) was when I moved here, on my way to work again. (Please don't think I was dressed proactively or anything, both times I was going to work in town etc.).

I wasn't writing the above to detract from what happened to little h's husband, but more to say it can be day or night - and actually highlight that these people have no shame, they'll do it even if there is a chance they may be seen.

So vigilance is key, but still think it's crap that we can't even pop out for a pint of milk without having to be concerned about what may happen.

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It's definitely the case that if you leave the house after dark you have a 50% chance of being murdered - or worse! And if your killer is ever caught they will be given a stern talking to and a lifetimes supply of haribo.

The world has gone to the dogs. Down with this sort of thing!

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DaveR that's a frightening statistic. Is it really that high, 50%? Is that a greater London general statistic or specifically regarding this particular corner of the capital? That sends a shiver down my spine. I'm just going to make sure the doors are all locked and bolted. Scary stuff.


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DaveR Wrote:


> It's definitely the case that if you leave the

> house after dark you have a 50% chance of being

> murdered - or worse! And if your killer is ever

> caught they will be given a stern talking to and a

> lifetimes supply of haribo.


> The world has gone to the dogs. Down with this

> sort of thing!

Sly Father Ted reference, appreciated

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