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Rats in Dulwich park


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Mustard Wrote:


> Surely a line is better than xxxxx, as those

> indicate crossing out.


But you wouldn't delete something online with crosses, unless you somehow put the crosses over the top of what you'd deleted because you wanted it still to be seen?

You'd delete with the delete key leaving no trace, surely?

Anyway, I've no idea how to insert a line into a post!

Perhaps I will try using different symbols - probably not though :)

EPB, :)) :)) :))

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entirely up to you Sue, but sometimes thos x's come across really strangely if the tone of a discussion is less than cuddly

if it was me (and few people seem to need to do this) then any of the following would be better suited




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You can distinguish your writing from the lines you are quoting by putting these (the quotes) in italics - you write (then the text quoted) (leaving out the spaces inside the ) - putting something in bold - substitute 'b' for 'i'.

That way you don't need to put lines between the quote and your response. It also allows you more easily to write: Quote; Commentary; Second quote; Second commentary and so on.

Edited to format as I suggested

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I saw a mini-plague (in the absence of any other collective noun!) of rats from the boardwalk last week.

There used to be loads round the ponds in Brockwell Park. Making ducks ill be throwing tons of white bread at them is the problem.

In Brockwell Park they poisoned them - and several dogs and crows died too.

The dog deaths were 'unexplained'. But small terrier type dogs dying at the same time as a mass rat-poisoning exercise?

Educating folk about feeding ducks is the better way of managing rats.

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I took a walk along the boardwalk with a friend yesterday, telling him about this thread as we walked. He told me where he usually sees them but tragically, I didn't see one - not one.


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I'm quite bemused by the sudden interest in the way I write my posts, but hey ho.

Thanks for all the suggestions, but I'm not about to change! Most people appear not be confused, as this is the first time it has ever been mentioned, on this or other forums :)

I'm even more bemused that some people appear to think a row of xs to show where my own post starts should demonstrate affection!

Anyway, back to the rats. I agree there should be more education re feeding bread to ducks, but what you can do? There are already notices up. Maybe the cafe could sell more suitable food for ducks?

Personally I'm more concerned for the health of the ducks than the fact that rats are attracted. But then I like rats :)

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adonirum Wrote:


> I always thought you were indicating "sarcastic"

> affection, Sue


> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Maybe you should read my posts more carefully, then, as I'm rarely sarcastic, in inverted commas or otherwise :)

Not sure why this sudden interest in the way I write my posts, however.

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adonirum Wrote:


> Having read your post carefully ............


> I always thought this was one of those rare

> occasions when you were indicating "sarcastic"

> affection, Sue.


> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


How do you make that out?

What is your definition of "sarcastic", then, because it's clearly different from mine!

And why don't you just leave me alone when this is supposed to be a thread about rats in Dulwich Park?

All the xxx s in the last three posts have been yours.

If you want to continue to have a go at me, why not start a new anti-Sue thread in the lounge? Provided of course this thread hasn't already ended up there :(

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When we moved, we discovered we had a feral dog padding around our land. She went and had six puppies and increasing amounts of poop meant we got the local SPCA to catch them all and get them proper homes.

Now we have rats, so I guess I know why the pups looked so well fed.

Aaaanyway, long story short, to reiterate civilservant's question, given that the lack of urban waste, toxins etc, are clean rats still disease bearing or are they no more troublesome than squirrels (rats with good PR)?

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Nicoledulwich Wrote:


> Rats do live in nice big lush spaces too and

> Dulwich park is one such place...shouldn't be a

> problem unless there are too many one day. Just

> part of life and nothing to worry about.


Completely agree!

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