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Aeroplane noise

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El Pibe Wrote:


> Clearly it'll be harmful to those it causes stress

> to and harmless to those it doesn't.

> We're all wired differently.


> Penguin's post is spot on.


> For those who find it problematic there are three

> choices.


> 1) get some help to learn to cope with it, CBT

> seems sensible.

> 2) leave East Dulwich for somewhere not under a

> flight path.

> 3) pop yourself in a cryogenic freeze with

> instructions not to be thawed until sea levels

> have risen enough that Heathrow is no longer

> viable, or we have passed peak oil and plane

> travel has priced out joe public and we now take

> boats and zeppelins to get about (although we

> might have run out of helium too) or anti gravity

> or transporters have been discovered making for

> noise free travel.


> Anything else is howling at the moon really,

> traffic to Heathrow is only going up from

> hereonin.

CBT may not work, there may be millions of people needing therapty/councilling for some deep-seated childhood trauma leading to them becoming sensitive to aeroplane noise. Or foxes. Or the inability to stop trolling.

And the howling is effective, or we'd have at least five runways and nightflights at Heathrow...

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El Pibe Wrote:


> Clearly it'll be harmful to those it causes stress

> to and harmless to those it doesn't.

> We're all wired differently.


> Penguin's post is spot on.


> For those who find it problematic there are three

> choices.


> 1) get some help to learn to cope with it, CBT

> seems sensible.

> 2) leave East Dulwich for somewhere not under a

> flight path.

> 3) pop yourself in a cryogenic freeze with

> instructions not to be thawed until sea levels

> have risen enough that Heathrow is no longer

> viable, or we have passed peak oil and plane

> travel has priced out joe public and we now take

> boats and zeppelins to get about (although we

> might have run out of helium too) or anti gravity

> or transporters have been discovered making for

> noise free travel.


> Anything else is howling at the moon really,

> traffic to Heathrow is only going up from

> hereonin.

You forgot Option 4)


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KidKruger Wrote:


> "Do people get the same about birdsong and

> chickens in the countryside????? "


> strangely yes, when I was living in Wiltshire a

> couple of years ago a mate was complainig badly

> about the Saturday morning bell-ringing at the

> local medieval church, he thoight it was

> outrageous and should be banned !


> Regarding airplane noise - what Penguin said.

> Perhaps you need some bigger problems - to

> distract you from annoyance over plane noise.

Lol - I have plenty of big problems already. In fact the aircraft noise was stopping me sorting one of them out...

But seriously - some great ideas here - esp. the missile launching....

I have a 'hot thought' record sheet somewhere - perhaps that together with a bit of yoga. OR, could just open some wine and maybe then howl at the moon which was looking rather beautiful earlier.

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Hi Daniel

I think a lot of the replies here are not being very helpful. We live under the flightpath too, it's where the planes turn around over Peckham Rye to make their way towards Heathrow. It does make a lot of noise especially as they start at 4.30 in the morning. Don't despair though, the planes only fly over here if the wind is from the West (and I know that is a lot of the time). If the wind is from other directions. for instance if the weather is very cold or very hot, the planes do not come over here. You do get used to it but I'm afraid shutters etc. won't make a lot of difference.

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Thanks all - some good suggestions. I wish I could block it out like some fellow residents but I struggle.

Anyways, from this research it looks like damage is done in any event - oh well. If you have a snoring partner it appears you are hit by a double whammy.

www.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7238862.stm (if the link does not work - google bbc news 'sleepers at risk from jet noise')

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If you are a light sleeper and get disturbed by the planes - wax earplugs may be the way to go. Easy to sleep in and really effective. The only problem is that they don't block out noise selectively (like some of the clever silicone sleeping earplugs do). So definite risk of sleeping through smoke alarm or morning alarm if you sleep alone.
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i*Rate Wrote:


> I've put a lot on the forum about this subject.

> Get used to it - it will never go away. I hate the

> noise, it messes up my life a lot and it's the

> worst it's been ever since I moved here 33 years

> ago.

> However, on the positive side, I did take up

> 'plane spotting a few years ago in the summer

> months and identified 98 airlines from 71

> different countries - beat that! I also have a

> collection of around 200 extremely interesting

> photos of the aircraft and a smashing new anorak

> from St Christopher's charity shop.

> I suppose Vallium or similar drug could help.


> Cheers.

I know this won't help Daniel84 with the noise problem, but as you seem to have been taking an interest in the aircraft movements, I was wondering whether you are aware of a free app for iPhone/Android/PC called "FlightRadar24".

This app uses the data transmitted from each aircraft passing overhead. It shows that the majority of them heading for Heathrow pass over an area between the top end of LL in the south and Burgess Park to the north.

Also you can see what height and speed they are flying at, also their origin, time since departure, distance flown, etc.

(There is a "Pro" version which isn't expensive.)

With regard to the noise it seems surprising how far away the planes can be when the noise can be heard from ED - they can often be out over Greenwich, Lewisham, etc.

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Welcome to ED, You will get used to the noise. I found the total aircraft silence during the volcano eruption very pleasant but also slightly unsettling. Enjoy what ED has to offer and thank your lucky stars you don't live in West London where the aircraft noise really is horrific..

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singalto Wrote:


> Daniel,

> Welcome to ED, You will get used to the noise. I

> found the total aircraft silence during the

> volcano eruption very pleasant but also slightly

> unsettling. Enjoy what ED has to offer and thank

> your lucky stars you don't live in West London

> where the aircraft noise really is horrific..


Your mention of the volcano situation reminded me of the other benefit of no aircraft above - the clear skies. Normally on a bright day the sky is often almost covered in thin cloud caused by the aircraft. It was strange to see only patches of "natural" cloud each day, and it was only a day or two before flights were due to resume that I realised I'm very unlikely ever to see totally clear skies again over London.

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