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Vote for North Cross Road Market

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tallulah71 Wrote:


> Whilst I'm sure you are, I am not too au fait with

> 'internet memes'. I don't use it enough to

> care...I was writing what I wanted to say, that's

> all.

A right which you appear to believe is yours alone, judging from your unpleasantness on this thread.

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edcam Wrote:


> tallulah71 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Whilst I'm sure you are, I am not too au fait

> with

> > 'internet memes'. I don't use it enough to

> > care...I was writing what I wanted to say,

> that's

> > all.



> A right which you appear to believe is yours

> alone, judging from your hostilty.

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Ahhhhhhhh the picture from DulwichFox is my hometown ... Annecy. If you have the chance to go there for Sundays market ...

Farmers Markets in Herne Hill, North cross road and most of farmers markets in london are not good at all. 95% of the market is focused on process food and nothing on the actual "local" (i.e. English) products.

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*Bob* Wrote:


> DulwichFox Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > North Cross Rd. is not a market.. It does not

> sell

> > anything..


> > We have some of the lowest standards in

> food...


> > DulwichFox.


> http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/file.php?5

> ,file=120310


> You're right - fruit and veg is EXACTLY what's

> missing from NXR


> Ooh, hang on

One Swallow a Summer does not make.....

10 boxes of fruit & veg is NOT a market. It'a fecking greengrocers

Albeit a fine Greengrocers..


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nico_las Wrote:


> Ahhhhhhhh the picture from DulwichFox is my

> hometown ... Annecy. If you have the chance to go

> there for Sundays market ...


> Farmers Markets in Herne Hill, North cross road

> and most of farmers markets in london are not good

> at all. 95% of the market is focused on process

> food and nothing on the actual "local" (i.e.

> English) products.

It looks a fine market. nico_las


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DulwichFox Wrote:


> I agree with edberg..


> I moved to ED 1980.. It was a much more pleasant

> place then...


> You could walk into ANY pub back then and know

> someone, if not most people..

From my recent experience you seem to be able to find someone you know.

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DulwichFox Wrote:


> I agree with edberg..


> I moved to ED 1980.. It was a much more pleasant

> place then...


> You could walk into ANY pub back then and know

> someone, if not most people..

> It was real community back then.


> Although some of these folks are no longer with

> us, many still are but seldom venture out.

> And I am talking about people who are 50-60. Not

> very old people.


> Pubs can be very hostile.. Well they are mostly

> not pubs..

> Most cannot make up their minds if they are Pubs

> selling food, Restaurants selling Beer.

> If they are music bars,??? Coctail Bars ???


> There are too many shopping tourists..


> East Dulwich cannot cope with it..


> The Sea-side resorts made parking so difficult

> (Ramsgate virtually impossible) to reduce the

> influx

> of W/E travellers. People have got there Town

> back and the place is a much better place for it.


> DF

to be honest Foxy what planet do you live on? I live on a road off NCR and one adjacent to LL - apart from some peak problems around oooh 11ish - 3ish on Saturday, parking is rarely a problem; ED is hardly ever 'overcrowded' in fact I've NEVER seen it overcrowded....do you reall want Lordship Lane of boarded up shops and no people; many shops will close down without some outside visitors and shoppers and the market; the old pubs were largely dying out...it is not 1980 anymore FFS.....

People should be very very careful they don't get what they wish for....miserable old gits

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*Bob* Wrote:


> Could a stall offering services like picture

> framing and suchlike work on North Cross Road?

> What do you think, Foxy? Sure, we have one

> already, but one swallow etc etc

No.. I cut my own Mounts and use ready made frames.. Not IKEA I hasten to add.


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Mick Mac Wrote:


> DulwichFox Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > I agree with edberg..

> >

> > I moved to ED 1980.. It was a much more

> pleasant

> > place then...

> >

> > You could walk into ANY pub back then and know

> > someone, if not most people..



From my recent experience you seem to be able to find someone you know.

I said ANY pub.. True , if I go to Curry Club , I will know people. or the EDT.

Even went to The Flying Pig and met.. someone I knew. lol.

When I said know people.. I mean know them well. Know their families , kids. Where they worked.

Inside leg measurement.


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KidKruger Wrote:


> "Inside leg measurement."


> Foxy did you used to run that jeans shop on the

> corner of Cyrena and Whateley, then ?

Hahahaha.. Well I remember that place... No, weren't me.. and I never went there.

Did it not get busted for dope.. ??

Not sure if it was the same guy that had the clothing place on L.L. Lane.

He used to lock the door.

My shop was on Uplands Rd. No. 13.


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KidKruger Wrote:


> "My shop was on Uplands Rd. No. 13"


> What - jeans ?

No it was called Seasonal Supplies (Ltd)

It was a company that provided seasonal goods.

Catering Equipment. Gas Bar-b-cues before they were generally available . For sale and hire.

Disposables Plastic cutlery. Bulk Paper plates, cake boards.

Electrial goods.. Toys and novelties, cards , Umbrellas , motor oil.

Was one of the only shops along that parade. Bit isolated.

1993.. Foxy helped to kick off the Upland / North Cross market..

I was there 21 years ago..


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"I moved to ED 1980.. It was a much more pleasant place then...

You could walk into ANY pub back then and know someone, if not most people..

It was real community back then.

Although some of these folks are no longer with us, many still are but seldom venture out.

And I am talking about people who are 50-60. Not very old people.

Pubs can be very hostile.. Well they are mostly not pubs..

Most cannot make up their minds if they are Pubs selling food, Restaurants selling Beer.

If they are music bars,??? Coctail Bars ???

There are too many shopping tourists..

East Dulwich cannot cope with it..

The Sea-side resorts made parking so difficult (Ramsgate virtually impossible) to reduce the influx

of W/E travellers. People have got there Town back and the place is a much better place for it."

I'm sure most of this is true, or at least sincerely believed. But everything described is the result of economic/demographic changes, and you can't turn the clock back. The alternative to pubs that make money from food is pubs that have closed down. Get rid of shopping tourists and shops close down. And the example of seaside towns is an interesting one - in the 80s and 90s towns like Ramsgate were dying, and it was money from outsiders (weekend visitors, and visitors who ended up staying) that kept them going, and then revived them. The fact that they are now victims of their own success doesn't mean it was ever an option to sit tight and not change.

Re NXR market, of course it's nothing like an old school market, here or in France, and there's no point in making the comparison. But it has some good stuff and a nice atmosphere and on balance it must be better that it's there, than not.

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Ted Max Wrote:


> Seasonal motor oil?

People asked for it so I got some in.

The garages behind the shop used to pop in if they were caught out.

I sold non seasonal goods as well. Supplied businesses with Ultra-Violet bank note scanners.

They were relatively new 20 odd years ago.


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Ted Max Wrote:


> "People asked for it so I got some in."


> You hum it, I'll play it.


> Foxy, you've got me feeling sorry for your pre-Fox

> alter ego. Would you prefer a Sitcom treatment or

> gritty "The Street" style psychodrama?

If you say so Ted..

Never ceases to amaze me how people of very little substance result on every occasion to sarcasm.

People who have never done anything or even tried anything for themselves.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Well at least if you never even try, you can never lose.


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Strange response. Let me say I mean you (the alter ego who set up a local business, who seems popular in the pubs and curry houses of East Dulwich) no harm at all.

I'm not alone in finding the DF persona's relentless negativity in almost all matters incredibly tedious.

So I was trying, indeed, to reach the non-DF alter ego. It seems I succeeded, yet it's just as rainy inside as out.

I won't bother you again.

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