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DKH estate regeneration charges


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Although not living in E.D. ( or London for that matter ) at the time ( about six years ago ) I was still working here and that work took me into the homes of council tenants. During the course of this work, I came into contact with several older people who had exercised their right to buy back in the 80's.When work was carried out they were liable for, what was described to them, an equal pro-rata share of the bill. One particular case was a widow in her 70's who had received a bill for 16k, yes that's right, 16k for the fitting of a new uPVC front door and a double-glazed window installed in the wall, yes the wall, of the walk way balcony, replacing the iron post gaps. No. I couldn't figure that one out either. As she had absolutely no means with which to pay, Southwark Council had very "kindly" told her they would not persue her for payment, but would instead put a charge on the flat repayable by her family upon her death. Genuine sympathies to you, Hoak, if this is the type of situation you now find yourself in, but it has been going on for many many years and Pugwash is absolutely correct. It is perhaps the great swindle of the Margaret Thatcher era and policies, the full effect of which is probably still yet to come.
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I have contacted Hoak via PM as we are going through the same situation but with Lewisham Council. Our block has been sent a bill for ?320,000 divided between 12 flats - ?29,000 per flat. They are not even changing any of the double glazing, which I have asked to include - what is ?2k ontop on ?29k!

A person below me bought her flat a few weeks back and on the day she got her keys, there was a lovely bill waiting for her - terrible form by the freeholder or the seller!

Unfortunately searches do not bring up this type of thing, as the council can only tell you about past or present work, they cannot tell you if there are an pending/future work going to be carried (I did try and ask and got told it was something they cannot disclose). The only letter I got was in 2009 telling me 'said' contractor had been selected as the "works" contractor for the block (they must be laughing with the amount of money they are going to get - ?320k to repaint a communal stair well and repair the roof - smells like a Harry Enfield Sketch (I saw you coming).

I have heard about the charge back but this kinda of behaviour could put you into negative equity- depending on your deposit and whether the flat has increased in value. Lets hope proprty prices keep on increasing!!!

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Yes 29k is a lot of money. I own a leashold flat and hope never to encounter this type of thing.

I think the difference between private and council is a private leasehold development with a management company will annually out of the service charge for each property (1.5-2k p/a) build a reserve with which to meet the bigger costs without having to raise a big bill - this softens the impact.

Not sure council flats work the same way, and if not don't have a reserve for this type of improvement?

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The thing about these ex-council maintenance charges is that if every single owner of each individual flat separately obtained quotes for the work from different building firms they would rarely receive such exorbitant estimates per flat.

But the council, who are grouping all this work under one contract/charge, cannot even obtain reasonable costs for the works. It's blatant fraud.

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All the time the Thatcher government were in power and Southwark was Labour controlled, the ordinary residents of the borough were used as political footballs. Front line services were sacrificed because the money was spent on admin in e.g. education which I was involved in and a friend of mine was in finance and blatant fraud was going on at every level there (he was told to 'turn a blind eye and write the cheques' and 'if he didn't like it he knew what he could do'). I daresay the very unpopular (in Left leaning circles) compulsory competitive tendering had fraud going on as well because there are people everywhere who think that defrauding the public purse is a victimless crime but obviously it is not. These exhorbitant charges are being used to dissuade the council tenants not to exercise the right to buy because the Socialists just hate for people to be self-sufficient in all areas of their lives.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just started a thread about this and then remembered that this was on here. I have also just received a bill for 33,000 also from lewisham for major works. We are a block of 12 flats. 11 leaseholders and 1 council tenant. Anyone any idea how to challenge the need for all the works to be done ?? It's an insane amount of money and it seems crazy that the council can enforce this work to happen.

Any ideas how to make sure the work is actually essential? Or advice generally?

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    • Yes, for me this isn't an argument about contractual agreements (I would guess that Alleyn's will be within their contractual rights to do this, otherwise they wouldn't be doing this). It's more an argument about courtesy, ethics, and commitment to community. Krys and his colleagues have built up TigerSharks over decades (and paid Alleyn's for use of the pool over these decades), and have worked so hard to build an amazing community-based club. It just seems wrong to call him up, 2 weeks before the end of term, and to say "that's it" with no explanation or offer of alternative ideas/workarounds. To make things worse, Alleyn's have contacted all of those who attend TigerSharks, asking us to fill out a survey on a new proposed swimming club (to be run by Alleyn's) which sounds much like TigerSharks but without Krys and his staff - it basically feels like Alleyn's are stealing TigerSharks' mailing list/business, and are now looking to run it themselves. Again, this might be legally ok, but it feels wrong. And they're only doing this to Krys, not to the other swimming clubs.  To those who are saying "only Alleyn's and Krys know what has really happened" - the members of TigerSharks have been asking Krys about this, and he really hasn't been given any further warning or information - Krys is as honest as they come, so I think Alleyn's haven't communicated well with him. That said, I have heard that the school has agreed with meet with Krys and others - so credit to them for this - I really hope they can find some solution that allows Krys to keep his students and his livelihood. I've heard that Alleyn's have done good things for the community in the past - maybe they just made a mistake with this one (e.g. maybe the person in charge of the pool did all this without consulting Alleyn's management) and maybe they will now put things right. 
    • Can I add my voice here  - Tigersharks is a much loved and well supported thriving club of 27 years it’s no wonder it’s generating such strong feelings. - like many others my children swim with the  club and their is no other club that I’m aware of like it. It’s unique in that beginners to advanced swimmers all have a place there. And it’s simple the only place that you don’t just have to sit for an hour watching your children swim but can swim yourself too.    I am not sure what bearing vat and charitable status have on the schools decision making but in my view this absolutely makes for bad press for Alleyns. This is not behaviour I would think represents the values the of school as expressed to parents of current or future alumni.   
    • Really hoping that there is a solution that can allow Tiger Sharks to continue at Alleyns.  TS have created a vibrant and supportive swimming community which cannot in my view (having been a member for more than a decade) be replicated easily or quickly.  The balance and inclusivity of teaching adults and kids of all levels from beginner to expert is such a unique product which Krys and the team have developed over nearly 30 years.  TS has made a meaningful difference my family and so many others.  
    • Irrespective of contractual basis, this is appalling behaviour from a school that claims to be a good community citizen. Showing their true colours ?
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