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fabfor Wrote:


> Just for the record, not one but 10+ scientific

> studies that prove consciousness can alter our

> material world:


> http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/03/08/10-

> scientific-studies-that-prove-consciousness-can-al

> ter-our-physical-material-world/


> I find the first one particularly shocking.

Awesome yes, intriguing yes, shocking ... not really.

Observation does not mean a person looking at something. You can take the human or the cat out of the experiment and you'd still get the same. You can get an education in physics and mathematics and help understand the reality or take a more comforting short cut and just make sh*t up. The latter is the fascinating world of the pseudoscience which includes the ghost hunters, the homeopaths of Lordship Lane and the chichi reiki quacks of east dulwich.

fabfor Wrote:


> @root. The vitriol I'll leave with you but I'll

> take awesome every time. I thank you for that.

Not vitriol ... pity and disdain maybe ... after years of dealing with stupid I don't have it in me to suffer fools gladly

Anyhow, on the more important subject of whether there is more to this world than meets the eye, examples 1 and 3 in the link above demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that "mind over matter" is scientific fact.

As pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: ?The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.? (R.C. Henry, ?The Mental Universe? ; Nature 436:29,2005) (source)

The problem is as well as the human mind perhaps being able to alter reality - it can also perhaps alter perception of reality - so how can you ever know.

Then again nobody knows - unfortunately never seen anything even though I look and my dead mother was a spiritualist. Maybe ghosts avoid me.

  • 1 year later...
I think one of the problem with East Duwich and surrounding areas is that there's simply too much crazy around. From homeopathy, to reiki, to all kinds of chi chi and a above all too many god botherers. Get over it, there's no evidence of mind over matter (yes there are still some things we have to explain but just because we don't fully understand some mechanism doesn't mean we can draw any conclusion that we fancy), there's no evidence that water has memory, and above all there is no evidence that there is some god (or many) or that he's the one you choose to believe in. And yes, there is no evidence or reasons to believe that our departed are in a better place, watching over us, or some other rubbish. Get over it, your beloved dead ones are just dead. Gone. Ceased to exist. Forgotten in a few years' time, and one day, before you even know it you all will face that same fate, some more horribly than others. Have a good weekend.
While you are happy root to disbelieve some people's notions of various things, you can't actually prove anything can you? Oh it's just because we don't understand everything yet. Really? YOU have no chance of understanding everything anytime soon with an attitude full of so many preconceived ideas. They say ignorance is bliss. You must be very happy indeed.

The catch is that I don't have to prove anything because I'm not making any claims.

You want to believe homeopathy has memory when there is no solid argument in favour and no good quality evidence and reproducible results? Actually on the contrary it's been discredited over and over again. You can still believe in it, but don't expect more sensible people to consider you anything more than plain bonkers.

Or are you saying that I don't beliueve god or any other some other east dulwich ghost because I have preconceived ideas?

Unfortunately beloved do get forgotten because we all die do you have to be realistic - how can you be beloved of you great great great grandfather when your parents never knew him ?!

However true the "you're just dead" bit is, there's probably less harsh ways that could be said !

KidKruger Wrote:


> Unfortunately beloved do get forgotten because we

> all die do you have to be realistic - how can you

> be beloved of you great great great grandfather

> when your parents never knew him ?!


> However true the "you're just dead" bit is,

> there's probably less harsh ways that could be

> said !

How 'bout Victor Landa - "In our tradition, people die three deaths. The first death is when our bodies cease to function; when our hearts no longer beat of their own accord, when our gaze no longer has depth or weight, when the space we occupy slowly loses its meaning.

The second death comes when the body is lowered into the ground, returned to mother earth, out of sight.

The third death, the most definitive death, is when there is no one left alive to remember us."

You made loads of claims root which mostly were that people who believe in certain things are basically nuts. Explain for example how you know that those whose bodies have died are dead? They may well be if you think a human if simply a body and all its parts. But can you prove it, as you are certainly claiming all elements of a dead person are gone forever?

Your ideas are as small minded as those who you choose to ridicule for the same reason, as you can't prove a thing. I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm saying you can't prove it.

That pretty much sums it up. (Maxxi's post)

We are remembered by what we leave behind, so great musicians, artists, scientists, discoverers are immortalised by their work. But if like the vast majority of people, you leave no significant mark on the world, then eventually you'll be forgotten. We're all just insignificant specs really.

Is it important to be remembered? I don't think so as you're gone. Though it was quite interesting on leaving here for a while, to read my own 'obituary' in a thread even though I wasn't dead. We are insignificant in the greater scheme of things, but while you have a life it is anything but insignificant to you and others close to you.

Alan Medic Wrote:


> You made loads of claims root which mostly were

> that people who believe in certain things are

> basically nuts. Explain for example how you know

well, deluded at best

> that those whose bodies have died are dead? They

> may well be if you think a human if simply a body

> and all its parts. But can you prove it, as you

> are certainly claiming all elements of a dead

> person are gone forever?

I am saying there is no evidence that points to anything beyond so it's not reasonable to live with the expectation or belief that there is.


> Your ideas are as small minded as those who you

> choose to ridicule for the same reason, as you

> can't prove a thing. I'm not saying you are wrong,

> I'm saying you can't prove it.

It doesn't make much sense trying to disprove something there is no reason to suspect in the first place.

Alan Medic Wrote:


> Is it important to be remembered?

No, as you say, you won't know whether you are or not.

The point is simply that being remembered is probably the only way you'll "live on" in some sort of way.

root, just because there isn't any evidence doesn't mean something might not be true. It may not be but you can't prove any of what you have disputed so far. You have an opinion. you're welcome to it and it's your right. But if I tell you that I have come back from the dead, what would you say?

Alan Medic Wrote:


> root, just because there isn't any evidence

> doesn't mean something might not be true. It may

I just want to see the evidence, if there is no evidence and reason behind a claim then it's 'cute' at best, hilarious (like ghosts), or cringeworthy (like god) at worst.

> not be but you can't prove any of what you have

> disputed so far. You have an opinion. you're

> welcome to it and it's your right. But if I tell

> you that I have come back from the dead, what

> would you say?

Show me the evidence, otherwise I can recommend you to mental health professionals who can help with your psychosis.

Ermm root do you mind not rehashing one of my favourite threads to ridicule and demoralise those who believe in it, and indeed those who may well be i. The middle of the grieving process at present. It's crass and achieves sweet FA in the grand scheme of things. Trolling at its worst.


Louisa Wrote:


> Ermm root do you mind not rehashing one of my

> favourite threads to ridicule and demoralise those

> who believe in it, and indeed those who may well

> be i. The middle of the grieving process at

> present. It's crass and achieves sweet FA in the

> grand scheme of things. Trolling at its worst.


> Louisa.

Exactly. Whether you agree with something or not, it's HOW you say things.

If you disagree, show a bit of empathy and humanity and THINK...............

About how your post might affect others.

root Wrote:


> Alan Medic Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > root, just because there isn't any evidence

> > doesn't mean something might not be true. It

> may


> I just want to see the evidence, if there is no

> evidence and reason behind a claim then it's

> 'cute' at best, hilarious (like ghosts), or

> cringeworthy (like god) at worst.

I'm not saying I have evidence, but neither do you. If you haven't experienced something it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just doesn't exist for you.


> > not be but you can't prove any of what you have

> > disputed so far. You have an opinion. you're

> > welcome to it and it's your right. But if I

> tell

> > you that I have come back from the dead, what

> > would you say?


> Show me the evidence, otherwise I can recommend

> you to mental health professionals who can help

> with your psychosis.

Hang on, show you the evidence of what? I don't have any evidence for you but neither have you evidence to say people/souls do not exist after death.

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