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How many times has someone been shot outside the Forst Hill Tarvern?

Is it just the Forest Hill Tarvern that people get shot? I think not.

I didn't realise that this forum was some kind of 'Club' that only elite members can use (sorry SimonM I'm not sure what 'Troll' means...is that a secret forum term.. please elaborate).

I also think it's pretty vicious to wish harm on someone just because they do not agree with your forum posts.(fatfightersforever: Hope you're just passing through...)... that's pretty terrible and really illustrates the kind of person you are.

Good luck in your fight and hope that by overreacting you find eternal happiness.

All the best.

ruthb Wrote:


> Oh please! How very petty. Calm down.

> it's a pub we're people go to enjoy themselves.

> Often through this type of social event noise is

> created. Sometimes there is violence because

> alcohol is consumed, alcohol is sold in pubs...

> and so on and so forth.

> Move out of the area and stop reading the Daily

> Mail.

Where I come from that bait is described as very very stinky.

Mr Administrator Spangles is baaaaaaaaaaaack



ruth, WHAT are you talking about? What is with the conspiracy theories? You have started to post for the first time and have used it to tell people off. It's not just this forum that would see you told off for what is esentially rude behaviour. Where has any harm been wished upon you? Of any kind much less the vicious kind?

And Troll is a common internet phrase for peope who go around stirring up trouble. Not unique to this forum at all

i don't know how many people have been shot outside the FHT or any other pub for that matter.....but the essential truth is that no-one should be shot outside of any pub....and no innocent civilan should be endangered by firearms either. Bullets kill and maim and can go off in all directions....and l for one don't want to be anywhere near it if l can help it.

Which brings me to the point....there's clearly a change in use of the pub which has brought about a change in clientele to the FHT that is for the worse. This is now endangering locals and passers-by alike....so it's a problem that has to be sorted not by the locals to the pub, but by licensing and law enforcement authorities given its new gravity.

Masquerading as a family & friendly pub/restaurant and then turning chameleon-like into a nightclub that attracts people who can best be described as gangsters ain't what l want on my doorstep.....and l wouldn't want it elsewhere either.


Well you have to have a better argument before assuming you get to call them "small minded attitudes" for a start, I would have thought

Given that most people complaining live near the venue in question (and haven't complained about it until the very recent changes) maybe you could elaborate on how far you live from the venue, how often you go, n what capacity and if you have noticed any changes in recent months. Just for comparison....

Oh I see SeanMacGabhann.... well... I've lived in Forest Hill.. oh sorry East Dulwich, for 35 years (do you need to know my age.. maybe I should PM you as a girl should never disclose her age), 2 streets away from the 'Tavern'. I sometimes use the pub to quaff a few 'Chardonnays'and myself and family also make use of the glorious pub garden at the back. I have also hired the space for a childrens party (oh dear I feel an anti-kid insult coming on.. you EDF do dislike children don't you). I'm also familiar with the EDF and regularly pop into your chat rooms, although I have never posted before, admittedly (again another insult perhaps?). Mr ruthb is a regular forum poster... he seems to love it!

Is that enough information for you? Please do let me know if you need any more information... do I work? Am I a stay at home mum? Which college/ uni did I go to? perhaps I should post a small photograph of myself so you can stone me in the street.

Why so aggresive? No need to generalise and put words in people's mouths before they say anything is there?

Aaaanyway - back to the point. So - you live in close proximity to the pub, as per the other people who are so upset by the noise. That's good as it makes it easier to compare people's points. The kids thing is interesting as logic would expect very loud noise to affect them but if you are saying it doesn't then it seems the situation at FHT isn't as bad...

Which is a point that could have been expressed much more politely I would have thought - but who cares about that

miaow! I think calling people who are worried about gun crime 'bloody precious' illustrates the kind of person you are....didn't wish harm on your dear little head ruthb, watch out for flying bullets though!returns to daily mail.....


> How many times has someone been shot outside the

> Forst Hill Tarvern?

> Is it just the Forest Hill Tarvern that people get

> shot? I think not.

> I didn't realise that this forum was some kind of

> 'Club' that only elite members can use (sorry

> SimonM I'm not sure what 'Troll' means...is that a

> secret forum term.. please elaborate).

> I also think it's pretty vicious to wish harm on

> someone just because they do not agree with your

> forum posts.(fatfightersforever: Hope you're just

> passing through...)... that's pretty terrible and

> really illustrates the kind of person you are.

> Good luck in your fight and hope that by

> overreacting you find eternal happiness.

> All the best.

Dear ruthb,

Please don't be so defensive, you're posting for the first time on a thread where people are clearly unhappy about a recent change in local pub. Try to understand where they are coming from. You ask why disagreeing is considered rude, but by telling someone to "move out of the area and stop reading the Daily Mail" sounds incredibly rude also, telling people to calm down sounds patronizing to people you don't know...

Also, your quote of "it's a pub we're people go to enjoy themselves. Often through this type of social event noise is created. Sometimes there is violence because alcohol is consumed, alcohol is sold in pubs... and so on and so forth." is scary reasoning, IMHO.

If I lived near to the FHT, I'd be pretty upset as well.

Sorry that it seems that everyone has jumped on you, I hope it doesn't keep you away from posting in the future. :)

ps- SeanMacGabhann, is one of the nice people!!

"move out of the area and stop reading the Daily Mail" sounds rude ? no it does not. You go Ruthb don't you sign up to their imaginary hierarchy, they have all had one two many expensive loaves of pine nut and daffodil bread !.

This forums free leave your social games at the door please.

SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


> Why so aggresive? No need to generalise and put

> words in people's mouths before they say anything

> is there?


> Aaaanyway - back to the point. So - you live in

> close proximity to the pub, as per the other

> people who are so upset by the noise. That's good

> as it makes it easier to compare people's points.

> The kids thing is interesting as logic would

> expect very loud noise to affect them but if you

> are saying it doesn't then it seems the situation

> at FHT isn't as bad...


> Which is a point that could have been expressed

> much more politely I would have thought - but who

> cares about that

Indeed, just who cares? Also Sean (can I call you Sean?) however I'd expressed my views I would have been shot down (no pun intended) by the fatfighter and other passionate and expressive forum users, whom, may I add, sound as though they need a calorie controlled stiff drink.

The FHT anyone? My round.

sometimes this place really gets on my tits. ruthb may have inadvertantly got off to a ropey start and as candj says, hopefully that will be sorted and she will continue posting (along with Mr ruthb!)

But AFN - that was a selective quote. And you are deliberately stirring. Who is playing social games? What hierarchy? And crude generalisations? "expensive loaves of pine nut and daffodil bread !. " never touched the stuff in my life!

Only one playing "games" is you AFN . Again.


Why not - we're all friends here ;-)

The "who cares?" was rhetorical mind you. I suspect you are probably right re: the prevailing mood around the pub meant you were always going to be in a minority on this one. Personally I would test the water before coming out all guns blazing. I took a similarly robust view as you about another backstreet pub (The Castle) and had several people point out how wrong I was, it was always emptying fights out on to the street etc. I still think the pub is ok but I can at least see where they are coming from

But if you are buying.... any chance you could walk the yards down to the EDT tonight and join a few of us for a curry - you buying a round would help me enormously ;-)

AllforNun is always there - just never says hello

(we are about to get lounged unless this gets back on topic btw)

I remember when we had the Forum drinks at the FHT - great staff and they looked after us really well - both with the free food and the unwillingness to chuck us out. I hoped they would do well. I don't live near the FHT so can't comment on the actual noise but I find it easy to imagine that a late-night club creates a completely different din to even the rowdiest pub

I sometimes use the pub to quaff a few 'Chardonnays'and myself and family also make use of the glorious pub garden at the back. I have also hired the space for a childrens party.

Isn't this kind of the issue? I take ruth's point that it is a pub and part of the community and some occasional noise and inconvenience may result from having it as my local - I don't think anyone can sensibly disagree with that. But the FHT isn't operating as a pub on Friday and Saturday nights. It's operating as a nightclub. In my (no doubt simplistic) view, that's a whole world away from a pub that's acting as part of and providing a service to my local community.

I think that's what people are upset and worried by, rather than being a problem with the fact that there's a pub and it sells alcohol.

Ive just checked back to this forum after my posting about last friday and you are an entertaining lot! :) Not a good issue for my first posting, but certainly an issue that is worrying. Having moved away to uni, and being back at my parents for the weekend I only went to the FHT this particular night as my bro works as a bar man elsewhere and finishes very late so we decided to meet there to have a quick catch up after Id been at a wedding (otherwise id never have waited up for him!) Being close to home and open late, this was a good thing for us. But I totally understand about the noise issues and now..a shooting incident. The fact this happened where I used to walk down the road to buy sweets is frightening for me. I worry about my parents as it is, but there isnt a chance they will be at the Tavern that late so thats less of a worry.

The issues of noise and rowdiness might be able to be tackled if the staff paid more attention to it, but in all seriousness and having seen it first hand, the drugs issue needs to be tackled as it is attracting lots of ( I was going to put dodgy but I dont want to seem judgemental) unwanted people. If weekend customers who enjoy recreational drugs are seeing that the taking of these drugs is very open and accepted in the FHT and weed can be smoked in the garden..then of course they are going to attend a venue where they can do this aswell as drink and dance etc...but word speads..and then others come and people who use firearms are attracted as seen last friday.

I arrived at about 130 and waited to meet my brother, and the doormen were turning people away claiming it was closed..but whilst I waited impatiently for my brother (I didnt like standing there) car loads of people and cabs were continually arriving. It is becoming known as somewhere to go after a night out or just to go late.

Thanks Mitchie for giving us an honest picture of the users' side, (club not drugs)and at least you can't be accused of being a 'bloody precious Daily Mail reader who should move'. Please take care when out clubbing and buying sweets! x

Go in here at 9:30 on Friday or Saturday and you'll see that this pub doesn't really know where it wants to go - I like to know whats going on around and about. if it wants to be a nightclub ... then so be it.

What is the landlord actually trying to achieve.

Siduhe Wrote:


> I sometimes use the pub to quaff a few

> 'Chardonnays'and myself and family also make use

> of the glorious pub garden at the back. I have

> also hired the space for a childrens party.


> Isn't this kind of the issue? I take ruth's point

> that it is a pub and part of the community and

> some occasional noise and inconvenience may result

> from having it as my local - I don't think anyone

> can sensibly disagree with that. But the FHT

> isn't operating as a pub on Friday and Saturday

> nights. It's operating as a nightclub. In my (no

> doubt simplistic) view, that's a whole world away

> from a pub that's acting as part of and providing

> a service to my local community.


> I think that's what people are upset and worried

> by, rather than being a problem with the fact that

> there's a pub and it sells alcohol.

Jesus lady! You really have taken it personally, get over yourself.

I like the FHT and it's not as bad as your making out. There has been one incident, at least they know how to deal with situations like this and learn that there needs to be more security/ bouncers.. whatever it takes to make sure that it's a safe environment for cutomers, passers by and residents.

A friend of mine lives near Goose Green (East Dulwuich not Forset Hill) and someone random person got shot in the leg in broad daylight! It's happening everywhere, gun crime knife crime CRIME! We live in an inner city ... it's practically Peckham (nothing wrong with Peckham I love it) which was quite a poor area with very little community support until recently (as was Forest Hill and your glorious East Dulwich). What do you expect? Don't start picking fights with people (i.e the FHT) for something that is a problem for society on the whole.

Obvioulsy it's a concern but I think you're over-reacting. If you want to waste your time being hateful to people who disagree with your views then you are an incredibly sad person and I feel a bit sorry for you.

The FHT is a pub and in the current ecconomic climate it has to continually try and accomodate for it's clients to keep it's head above water. If this means it branches out to become a music venue (which personally I would prefer) or a late night venue then it actually is within it's rights to do that. The managers should be aware of residents feelings and be security conscious but it shouldn't be blasted by crazy people with too much time on their hands. Have a meeting with them and tell them how you feel. That seems the mostly sensible thing to do. Why not go to one of their nights, you may enjoy it.

ruthb Wrote in response to fatflighter's comment


> Jesus lady! You really have taken it personally,

> get over yourself.

> I like the FHT and it's not as bad as your making

> out. There has been one incident, at least they

> know how to deal with situations like this and

> learn that there needs to be more security/

> bouncers.. whatever it takes to make sure that

> it's a safe environment for cutomers, passers by

> and residents.

> A friend of mine lives near Goose Green (East

> Dulwuich not Forset Hill) and someone random

> person got shot in the leg in broad daylight! It's

> happening everywhere, gun crime knife crime CRIME!

> We live in an inner city ... it's practically

> Peckham (nothing wrong with Peckham I love it)

> which was quite a poor area with very little

> community support until recently (as was Forest

> Hill and your glorious East Dulwich). What do you

> expect? Don't start picking fights with people

> (i.e the FHT) for something that is a problem for

> society on the whole.

> Obvioulsy it's a concern but I think you're

> over-reacting. If you want to waste your time

> being hateful to people who disagree with your

> views then you are an incredibly sad person and I

> feel a bit sorry for you.

> The FHT is a pub and in the current ecconomic

> climate it has to continually try and accomodate

> for it's clients to keep it's head above water. If

> this means it branches out to become a music venue

> (which personally I would prefer) or a late night

> venue then it actually is within it's rights to do

> that. The managers should be aware of residents

> feelings and be security conscious but it

> shouldn't be blasted by crazy people with too much

> time on their hands. Have a meeting with them and

> tell them how you feel. That seems the mostly

> sensible thing to do. Why not go to one of their

> nights, you may enjoy it.

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