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Where is the Christmas tree in Dulwich ?

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As far as I know, there isn't one and probably shouldn't be one. The only suitable place is Palm Tree Roundabout, and that's already occupied.

Moreover, judging by previous threads, if the council dared spend taxpayers' money on displaying the severed head of an innocent tree purely for the entertainment of the public we'd never hear the end of it.

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Hmmm... nice idea! Shame we don't have a town square or similar. I know some churches have a tree outside, but can't recall which...

Sadly, an outdoor tree might be vulnerable to vandalism, though the roundabout would be good as it's in full view... but yes, the palm-tree probably rules it out...

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Burbage Wrote:


> As far as I know, there isn't one and probably

> shouldn't be one. The only suitable place is Palm

> Tree Roundabout, and that's already occupied.


> Moreover, judging by previous threads, if the

> council dared spend taxpayers' money on displaying

> the severed head of an innocent tree purely for

> the entertainment of the public we'd never hear

> the end of it.

Thank you Captain Main-Wairing.

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J27 Wrote:


> Hmmm... nice idea! Shame we don't have a town

> square or similar. I know some churches have a

> tree outside, but can't recall which...

> Sadly, an outdoor tree might be vulnerable to

> vandalism, though the roundabout would be good as

> it's in full view... but yes, the palm-tree

> probably rules it out...

Of course, that's awfully good of you Sergeant Wilson, most awfully so...

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Oh what a great idea-lets waste more tax payers money on complete unneeded Xmas tosh to add to the waste on Xmas lights etc. With all the job losses, redundancies, cut backs in social services, and caring, and the bedroom tax etc what a selfish idea. I suggest you have a whip round if you want it that bad and stop taking limited resource away from others for your 5 mins of fun.
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unlurked Wrote:


> Oh what a great idea-lets waste more tax payers

> money on complete unneeded Xmas tosh to add to the

> waste on Xmas lights etc. With all the job losses,

> redundancies, cut backs in social services, and

> caring, and the bedroom tax etc what a selfish

> idea. I suggest you have a whip round if you want

> it that bad and stop taking limited resource away

> from others for your 5 mins of fun

I have been made redundent, confirmed disabled, had to downsize flatwise, and have paid into the system for 30 years so I really want fairy lights all over Southwark and would love to thank the council for the wonderful firework display that moved me to tears x so dont anyone please what's the term *p.ss* on my fire and Forest Hill Tree has been lovely every year I have lived here and I haven't noticed (read noticed) any damage x

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HelBel65 Wrote:


> It would be so lovely if there was a main one

> somewhere though!

And where do you think a main one should be ? What's wrong with the tree outside Dulwich Libary , how many do you want!

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citykid Wrote:


> Hoping to see a tree, or a few trees in the area.

> Xmas trees and decorations = Xmas shoppers X money

> spent in the local area :-)

Good point.

I agree with the overall sentiments on Christmas being overhyped and early and tedious - but if it improves consumer morale and drives traffic to local, independent businesses then surely a tree + the leccy is a reasonable investment?

Surely that is more important than some grumbles.

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I'm sure the main local Christmas tree sellers would donate a tree for some publicity. it doesnt have to cost taxpayers and would provide joy to many. It even gives the miserable forumites something to moan about with limited dog/children/bike/car/vegetable threads at the moment, so they too will be secretly happy even if too negative to acknowledge it.
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