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Dear Keef,

yes Bordeaux is fabulous, especially for the wine, but don't let anyone put you off going to Paris. My brother lived and worked there for a few years just off the Rue St Germain and the beauty of it is that you can just about walk everywhere you want to get to. Obviously you might need a taxi at some point if you've over done it on the Pastis and got yourself a bit lost as I once did but I found their cabs are friendlier and cheaper than our London counterparts.

Jeremy Wrote:


> Bordeaux is a lovely city - would definitely

> recommend it too, but probably just for 2-5 days

> though as it is quite small. Found some absolutely

> awesome restaurants there, hmmmm...

I just spend 4 days there, and would agree that that was probably enough for the city... As for the restaurants, you're right, there are some great ones!!! Some really nice little bars too, my fave being Havana Club (guess what drink they speciallised in!).

Also, the Cathedral is one of the spookiest looking buildings at night!!!!



"Unchristian sexual preferences" Bob? I like it! Fills my head with thoughts of shagging on pentangles by candlelight. Having slaughtered a nut roast.

By the way, I hope you have never had sex outside of marriage (or used a condom for that matter), as that is unchristian too;-) As I'm sure Dulwichmum will concur.

We honeymooned in Cuba in 2005 and met a family in the hotel at the bar I hasten to had who were from East Dulwich - Chris and Tina from Barry Road and their daughter and her partner who, if I rememebr rightly, lived in Danby St, SE15.

They all got their curries from Surma - it was a big topic of conversation.

So Cuba has to be the favoured choice of ED surely!

Hasta la revolucion siempre (probably spelt wrong!)

Yes, indeed James is right.

Sexual intercourse should never involve barrier methods of contraception, and the act itself should only take place in the context of a married relationship - and then only when trying for a baby - clearly!

My mammy is always right in these matters, the priest tells her everything she knows...

Blimy my step sister has a house in Vendes and their family camped there every year since forever.

It is a small world.

Saying that I have been lucky enough to do a lot of travelling and dont think I met any ED ers. But then perhaps I wasnt asking the right questions.

Had a strange experience in India. Met some people who were about to start a course in Plymouth then travelled half way across the country and met two other people who were about to start the same course.

Barcellona is great. I love Morocco. Closer to home Hurst House in Wales is lovely and remote and Langar Hall in Nottingham is marvelous (in an opulent way Imogin and the staff there are worth the visit alone).

My friends are insisting I go camping in England this year. Any suggestions. Im not looking forward to it I prefer brousing through the Mr&Mrs Smith books and thinking of weekends away in a comfy bed.

Off to Antwerp for easter - mussels, beer and choccie.

Coincedental meeting - I went to Brussels on business a few years ago. I was having dinner off the Grande Place when a man mountain walked in wearing bush-shirt and shorts with a kiwi flag sewn on the arm - he made an impession.

Nine months later I was stood in a queue for the Backdraft ride at Universal Studios, Los Angeles.

I turned around, behind me was stood the man mountain in the same bush-gear with the kiwi flag on the arm. Unfortunately I was too gob-smacked to talk to him.


Dear Kathryn,

Try the book 'Cool Camping' as that has lots of suggestions of places that are not too dire, and some that are a bit boutique-y even! Must admit to loving the Mr and Mrs Smith bk as well despite not being of budget to use it that frequently, though I have just booked a night at Cowley Manor as a treat - been there before and it is fab.

Thank you mumra

Have looked on amazon for cool camping but there are a few to choose. Who wrote your recomendation?

Friends went to Cowley Manor and they too recomended it. I hope you have a lovely time. They are all too tempting and the list keeps growing....ah dreaming of luxury weekend away. Hoping your book will make the camping more alluring.

We've just got back from Cuba. No Dulites in evidence, but plenty of canadians and Italians.

Next month we're off cycling around the Scottish highlands, specifically Islay, and I must say that Tobermoray on Mull is a totally Dulite kind of place where you bump into everybody except locals.

Of course, the place par excellance to spot Dulites is Glastonbury, for which tickets go on sale Sunday for those that remembered to register.


louisiana Wrote:


> Of course, the place par excellance to spot

> Dulites is Glastonbury, for which tickets go on

> sale Sunday for those that remembered to

> register.


> Louisiana

Ha Ha.. yes, Glastonbury gets more like Dulwich every year (cue sorrowful lament for the good ole days*). I half expect Blue Mountain to have ousted the Tiny Tea Tent this year, or full wi-fi broadband access available in the tipi field (if I get a bloody ticket)

*It's still great though

I stay in my house in Tuscany where I bumped into two different EDers in the same week in the local supermarket which is quite bizarre as not many English go to this particular part of Tuscany!.

House for rent by the way!!!!

Mark Wrote:


> We're going to Sarejevo at the end of April, any

> top tips warmly appreciated (especially where to

> stay)

when your over there get any necessary dental work sorted out,i was over in belgrade 3 months ago got what would have cost 2K+ over here to sort out for less than half that and that included flights,full board accom for a week and its a nice old spot,by the way the work only took a day to sort rest of the time was sight seeing,top class dental facilities far better than over here.

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