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Suspicous Person in Underhill Road - 640am


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Just to be aware, I stumbled across a very dodgy looking character outside my house on Underhill Road this morning.

Dressed in a blue hoody, mixed race skin headed lad - was peeping into cars on the street, moved on when I clocked him.

I then drove off to work but did an about turn to see him peering into a car at the intersection of Underhill and Belvoir Road. He then moved on - Please keep your eyes open as the dude was clearly looking for an easy target

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Just after 9 o'clock last night my daughter went into our living room to shut the window that was barely open to find a white looking man in a thick black coat and black hat peering into our window which made her and the rest of the family worried and cautious the whole night. The lights were off in the house apart from the back living room where we were sitting at the time but from outside it looks as if there was no one home. As said above, do be careful and cautious and make sure any windows with easy access to thieves are closed.
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James Barber Wrote:


> You should call Police 101 number under such

> circumstances.

> The biggest issue local Police report to me is

> people AFTER the event saying they had some

> suspicions but didnt want to bother the Police.

That wouldn't have anything to do with the countless incidences reported to police; who did little until AFTER a serious offense was committed? Of course, due to 'budget cuts' we have to be realistic with our expectations of the police.

Anyway, thank you for the warning. It is nice that looking out for others does still exist in London. That too, isn't rocket science...

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lane lover Wrote:


> You guys make this sound like its a surprise.


> We live in London. Lock you house, your car and

> anything else valuable. Its not rocket science.


> FFS!

Hold on a minute - you think its not a surprise for someone to be within the grounds of your house staring in the window when dark? If this happended to my daughter she probably would be affected by it for quite some time.

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This sort of incident isn't new. Over 30 years ago I was living in Crystal Palace Road and was watching TV in a darkened room with the window open slightly at the bottom only to glance up and see a man trying to get his head through the small gap. Even then we knew to have stops on the windows to enable them to open up to 7 inches but no further. I was also advised by the police to have the high hedge lowered as the man was shielded from sight of the street.
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Thanks for your thoughts - of course I did contact 101 as well before posting on this forum.- As there have been over 1000 views on this post I am sure by increasing peoples awareness that can only be a good thing, its called being Neighbourly.
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Mick Mac Wrote:


> Hold on a minute - you think its not a surprise

> for someone to be within the grounds of your house

> staring in the window when dark? If this

> happended to my daughter she probably would be

> affected by it for quite some time.

No surprise at all. Its London. Read some of the other stories on this forum; you get weird characters around the area everyday.

I dont like guns and knives either; but I would not be surprised to have a knife pulled on me. Shocked - of course - surprised, not at all.

Its London - take as many precautions as possible. Its sad, but its a fact of life in a big city.

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We have had some geezer creeping around at 05.30am most mornings..

Has been doing so for some time now..

Goes up peoples path right up to their doorsteps.

Often Whistling..

Drives an Electric Float type device that makes a kind of whining noise and clinks ?



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Lock, bar, chain everything- a man who lives near my dad in East London took his dog for a walk across a large open space and felt ill so he went to a friend's house for the night. He returned home the next day to find his whole house taken over by Romanian squatters!
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uncleglen Wrote:


> Lock, bar, chain everything- a man who lives near

> my dad in East London took his dog for a walk

> across a large open space and felt ill so he went

> to a friend's house for the night. He returned

> home the next day to find his whole house taken

> over by Romanian squatters!

I like your use of 'Romanian' as a premodifier. I see what you did there. Yeah boi.

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After my daughter told me what she had seen (which she did so right away) I went outside instantly trying to see if I could spot anyone wondering around my street, but I didn't see anyone suggesting that the guy had either run off or went hiding somewhere after he saw my daughter. So in response to those comments that say I should've contacted 101, there really was no point in calling the police when the person had disappeared and no damage has been caused to my property.

I've been in the same street in the same house for the last 25years and I've never heard or seen someone from my neighbors being burgled, but now due to the recent change in economy and budget cut, crime seems to have increased. But the purpose of putting this recent event on the forum, was to let my community know what is going on in our surrounding area which is the whole point of this gossip page!!!!

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sk1009 Wrote:


> After my daughter told me what she had seen (which

> she did so right away) I went outside instantly

> trying to see if I could spot anyone wondering

> around my street, but I didn't see anyone

> suggesting that the guy had either run off or went

> hiding somewhere after he saw my daughter. So in

> response to those comments that say I should've

> contacted 101, there really was no point in

> calling the police when the person had disappeared

> and no damage has been caused to my property.

Not to report it? What a ridiculous comment to make. How are the police meant to be aware of potential crime if it's not reported even if there is nothing that could be done at the time. Crime prevention is key. What if, what you witnessed/heard from your daughter then resulted in someone else being burgled, robbed or worse? If the police do not know of troubled areas they can't patrol or keep an eye out. As a community we all have a responsibility to prevent crime where possible.

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I agree that it should be reported & may result in more police walking the said streets.

Flower - I read that post. I don't see how plain clothed police can be a deterrant. I believe police in full uniform walking certain streets are much more likely to put off said potential burglaries.

fl0wer Wrote:


> stephen509 Wrote:


> > Just out of interest do people see police

> walking

> > the streets on patrol anymore?


> On another thread in the EDF Stephen, here

> http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?5

> ,1209153


> the police let us know there are plain clothes

> officers patrolling. Whether they'd be around

> overnight & in the very early morning, I can't

> tell.

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We had our milk stolen from near the junction of Upland and Underhill on Tuesday. Wonder whether it was the same person, perhaps fuelled on his walk up the hill by a couple of pints of semi-skimmed? First time in 5 years of home milk delivery that we've had it go missing.
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