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bus shelter count downs..........


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Does any actually have any verifiable information that TfL are removing the bus countdown indicators other than for maintenance of the bus stop itself ?

There's a list here - http://www.tfl.gov.uk/assets/downloads/corporate/temporary-countdown-sign-removals.pdf - of temporary removals, which as has already been pointed out includes the stop near Nero's. All this talk of "saving money" is a load of bollocks unless someone can present some facts related to how much it costs to install and maintain the things and where it sits in the overall bus budget. I imagine TfL's bus budget runs into the billions so I can't believe removing 2500 countdown indicators is really going to make that much difference. And anyway, who said they are ?

Credit to TfL for making the information freely available so that developers can produce smartphone apps but boo to them for charging for texts.

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My favourite part of bus travel is the impressive variety of odours to be enjoyed.

Especially alluring is the fried chicken breakfast smell. Clings nicely to the clothes.

After that there's the " soiled trouser " odour ....so reminiscent of the filled nappy of a happy gurgling infant.

Wait ...is this the right thread .,,

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Smart phones (or at least mine) can easily be read without the specs if you enlarge the text with a flick of the fingers and you can customise the keyboard to yourself- but as to preventing the thing getting snatched from your hand.... well, a built in explosive which can be detonated remotely and thereby relieving the thief of its fingers.
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Zebedee Tring Wrote:


> >


> You clearly haven't had to wait for a bus outside

> London, in particular in country areas where the

> info on bus shelters is almost non-existent (and

> this includes parts of Surrey just outside

> London). The info that TfL provide at bus stops is

> excellent by comparison, even when there isn't a

> countdown.

I clearly have. I lived in the countryside for 30 years.

I can assure you it does feel like a lifetime. Especially when it's freezing cold, I'm tired from working all day & just want to get home.

Smart phone apps are great but they rely on internet connection. The O2 mast at Goose Green was down for ages recently, so not much good if you were near there & wanted to check on bus times.

That's why countdown boards are so helpful.

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