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Our 3 month old (previously a good sleeper) is now proving near impossible to return to her cot after a night feed or if (like just now!!) she's woken with really bad wind. She falls asleep almost immediately on the shoulder or in our arms but if you then try to lower her into the cot the second her back hits the mattress she's awake and screaming like she has an inbuilt spirit level or something. Only solutions seem to be waiting a long time before trying to return to cot or breastfeeding lying down in our bed (only takes 5-10 mins) til asleep and then gingerly transposing to cot (not full proof method either)

Any other ideas?

We have only had her in her cot 6 nights and before that 7 nights on holiday in a cot (before that was Moses) so not sure if it's just getting used to the cot? Though she settled fine when going to bed first time each night.

The clocks going back haven't helped her sleep (nice early mornings!!!) but not sure that is why this is happening as it started last week.


There is a recent thread on putting sleepy baby down awake that might have some tips. In my own experience as we are having this with 20 week old at moment is possible that with the change in weather she doesn't like being put back in a cold cot and the contrast in the temperature is waking her. Or is she having a growth spurt and needs to feed more, google sleep regression. This certainly made sense for us.

When ours was a newborn she didn't like cold or space in Moses basket, so I wound linen clothes into a snake shape and put round her, not too close, so she would feel more enclosed when she was flailing. Worked at that time. Also used to put a not too warm grain bag thing, those things you heat in microwave, in to warm her bed for 10 mins to take chill off, admittedly not ideal practice at 3am but needs must.

The only other thing I have used successfully with both mine is when I put them down I keep my hand on their chest for 30 seconds or a minute and they tend to settle in this time. I'm not sure why I started doing this years ago, advice from here possibly. I guess they don't feel so abandoned.

Personally I think babies like to feed more when the weather is colder. It's a pain once they have started sleeping through though to have this reversion. I definitely feel the broken nights more than the new born days.

I don't know whether it's an old wives tale or not, but if you are breastfeeding and suddenly bad bouts of wind affect the baby afer her night-time feed, it might be worth thinking about the evening meals you've been eating and whether your diet's different since the problem began.

Long ago we were taught to avoid gas-inducing foods, and caffeine, in the lactation phase diet as things crossed into breast milk & into the baby - so it was said.

.....I'm thinking kale, fresh apples & pears, nuts, all seasonal & delightful, but their effect on digestion is somewhat noticeable....

I know it's cold comfort, but it could just be a passing phase ... have you seen the Wonder Weeks book/website/app? Provides some good info on the 'leaps' the babies go through that can make them clingy/hard to settle/fussy etc. I realise this is not of practical assistance when you're just trying to get some sleep for both of you!
I feel your pain- we had the same problem with our little one and tried everything to combat wind. I tried infacol, coleif ( expensive but can get on prescription from GP), cutting out foods that cause wind as was breast feeding, elevating head end of cot slightly.It does eventually pass. We found the baby bjorn bouncer seat was the best thing other than feeding to settle her. For the 'gingerly transferring' we found a great product called the snugglebundl http://www.snugglebundl.co.uk/ (watch the video). Our baby is now 6 months and I was planning to post along with other bits for sale. PM me if interested! I also had an NCt friend about a toy sheep that you Put in the cot and makes calming sounds and felt it worked. http://www.johnlewis.com/easidream-ewan-the-dream-sheep/p231141258 . The things we try!! Hope it passes soon x

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