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Cyclists on footpaths


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While they are breaking the law, you should never advocate violence against anyone. Get in their way, report them, but never assault them.

I'm sure in your cases the footpath is indeed just pedestrian only, but there are plenty of areas around Peckham and ED which are shared use or even just plain cyclepaths with little/no signage - So make sure you're not causing a hazard to cyclists in these areas!

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Clearly grown-ups shouldnt cycle on pavements - unless a shared use path. And I would expect police officers and commu nity wardens to stop pavement cyclists.

But a bigger local issue is motor vehicles speeding along roads. Local Police are doing very little to enforce speed limits despite being provided with speed guns by East Dulwich councillors.

If you look at www.crashmap.co.uk (they've recently added 2012 crash data) its clear we have a large number of crashes locally involving motor vehicles mostly and sadly some extremely seriously injured people.

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I am not sure whether it was mentioned during the inordinately long debate on the previous thread, but driving through Chelsea last week I noted signage on the pavement saying something like 'Cyclists dismount - fines of ?30 may be imposed for cycling on the footpath'. Maybe signs to discourage this (illegal) habit could be introduced to ED.

In Oxford some of the (quite wide) pavements along the two arterial roads (Banbury & Woodstock roads) from the North into town are split into pedestrian and cyclist lanes - although this seems a good idea, pedestrians who are frail (such as the elderly whose paths are not necessarily straight) can stray into the cyclist lanes - being also often hard of hearing this can be quite frightening for everyone concerned. This would also cause problems for us in yummy-mummy ED now that buggies seem to be built as wide as tanks and would occupy the full pedestrian space making overtaking (or even passing) a problem. And our pavements aren't nearly as wide as they are in Oxford.

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A 94 year old woman "strayed" onto Lordship Lane a month back, no, oops, she needed to cross LSL at a horrible, dangerous pedestrian crossing to get to the church on the other side. A driver decided they could completely judge her speed and manner of crossing and didn't slow enough to avoid hitting her, knocking her to the ground and breaking her hip. A 94-year-old with a broken hip in many instances is a death sentence. This dangerous reckless act of stupid cruelty went entirely unremarked after an initial posting on this forum. This happens all the time with drivers destroying millions of infrastructure in a time of severe cut backs. Drivers causing millions in injuries borne by the NHS which then has to cut back on other services. And of course drivers wrecking their own cars and the cars of others. Well that's the great industry that gives us economic growth. not.

I am mesmerised by the group of you that equate the chaos badly driven and used vehicles cause with the sometime inconsiderate and in some rare instances dangerous use of bicycles. What further astounds me is political response at all levels of government which disproportionately favours cars and their drivers because, again, of a completely false equation of the motor industry and economic health.

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Well mynamehere, the issue for me is what affects me personally. Despite the statistics that are bandied about I have never been hit by a car as I walk along the pavement or cross the road - but I have been cycled into and verbally abused on not infrequent occasions during my years in London by pavement cyclists and cyclists barrelling through pedestrian crossings when the lights are on red for road users. THAT is what affects me and THAT is what annoys me.

If these inconsiderate and dangerous cyclists behaved like the majority of cyclists there wouldn't be a problem. Simple as that.

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mynamehere Wrote:


> A 94 year old woman "strayed" onto Lordship Lane a

> month back, no, oops, she needed to cross LSL at a

> horrible, dangerous pedestrian crossing to get to

> the church on the other side. A driver decided

> they could completely judge her speed and manner

> of crossing and didn't slow enough to avoid

> hitting her, knocking her to the ground and

> breaking her hip. A 94-year-old with a broken hip

> in many instances is a death sentence. This

> dangerous reckless act of stupid cruelty went

> entirely unremarked after an initial posting on

> this forum. This happens all the time with

> drivers destroying millions of infrastructure in a

> time of severe cut backs. Drivers causing

> millions in injuries borne by the NHS which then

> has to cut back on other services. And of course

> drivers wrecking their own cars and the cars of

> others. Well that's the great industry that gives

> us economic growth. not.

> I am mesmerised by the group of you that equate

> the chaos badly driven and used vehicles cause

> with the sometime inconsiderate and in some rare

> instances dangerous use of bicycles. What further

> astounds me is political response at all levels of

> government which disproportionately favours cars

> and their drivers because, again, of a completely

> false equation of the motor industry and economic

> health.

Dangerous motorists are of course a problem but that isn't what this thread is about.

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Wow, hand wipes brow, I was scared you'd stop. Like a favourite soap: feet up, beer in hand, let the conversation continue!

I'd love that speed gun James. I'm not uniformed but I can keep a log of dates and streets and times and then hand it over if the numbers uncovered draw attention.

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Yes it is the internet topic gift - that just keeps on giving!

Look at this one in the telegraph - 1400 comments in 2 days!



Admin says: This is a duplicate thread to this one http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?5,1175727

so locking this one

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