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I was walking past earlier today and noticed that Morrisons have submitted a licensing application for a Morrisons Local at the site of the former garden centre next to East Dulwich station. I'd previously been under the impression that the whole site was being redeveloped to accommodate flats upstairs and a new East Dulwich library. Is this still the case? If so, does that mean that the opening of the new supermarket is still quite a long way off?
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Planning permission was granted to build 20 residential units over four storeys with commercial and community space on ground floor. The developer was required to include space for the library to relocate as part of that permission.

The planning app 11/AP/002 can be seen here http://planningonline.southwark.gov.uk/AcolNetCGI.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeResultDetail&TheSystemkey=9538657

plans for library and Morrisons here


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The planning application 11/AP/0024 granted for 18-22 Grove Vale on 30 March 2012 was for:

"Redevelopment of existing garden centre to provide a 4 storey building comprising basement storage and plant areas; ground floor Class A1 retail unit and D1 community (shown as library) unit; with 20 residential units (5 x 1 bed, 11 x 2 bed and 4 x 3 bed flats) on the first, second and third floors together with associated parking, amenity, landscaping, waste and cycle storage."

There have been subsequent applications: one (12/AP/3023) containing minor amendments, the other (13/AP/0830) seeking an extension of a 'Relevant Period' from 18 to 21 months. These were granted; the latter on 19 March 2013, "for app types VLA & VNMC", whatever that conveys. So it seems to be still trundling along. Mind you, the previous 2008 application was eventually deemed withdrawn because of lack of action, so who's to know what will eventually result. The 11/AP/0024 permission was valid for three years.

Presumably Morrisons are candidates for the "retail unit". There should be details of the size and location of the unit within the papers. A search on "18-22 Grove Vale" at http://planningonline.southwark.gov.uk/AcolNetCGI.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.pgesearch should bring up all the applications.

The Morrisons Licensing Act application is at http://app.southwark.gov.uk/licensing/LicPremisesAppliedDetails.asp?systemkey=842682. From the Southwark guide to applications it appears that one can be made by "any person who carries on, or proposes to carry on, a business which involves the use of the premises for one or more of the licensable activities ...", so it perhaps doesn't follow that any plans are definite.

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I love Morrisons and personally I am more than happy to see them move into the area. Not many Morrisons local stores around and ideal location by the station. Slightly confused as to why M&S or Waitrose couldn't have opted for that site but this is good news nonetheless.


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Morrisons entered the small format stores market to rival Tesco and Sainsburys about a year ago or so? They are expanding the small format stores and I think they will have 100 open by the end of the year. They're taking the fresh food 'market street' format to the smaller shops which means they'll have a different feel to them than the offerings from their rivals with the same small format stores.


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There never really seems to me that there is any real difference in price between the large stores and metro versions, but the little shops offer far less in the way of the value ranges and even own brand products so can seem dearer, i.e you spend 12p on a tin of value beans usually but you spend 80p on Heinz in the metro cos that's all they have. Heinz is still 80p in the large store so not technically dearer but you do still spend 68p more. I've not been in a mini Morries yet but this is certainly true of Tesco metros.

(I obviously have no idea how much beans are fyi, just an example!)

Out of all the supermarkets, Morries is easily my top choice.

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voltore Wrote:


> Any idea how prices compare? Between the main

> stores and the 'locale'?

> Same question for Sainsburys actually, is there

> much difference?

Oh yes... Sainsbees nr Plough a good 5%+ more expensive that DKH version - even on own brand stuff.

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maxxi Wrote:


> voltore Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Any idea how prices compare? Between the main

> > stores and the 'locale'?

> > Same question for Sainsburys actually, is there

> > much difference?


> Oh yes... Sainsbees nr Plough a good 5%+ more

> expensive that DKH version - even on own brand

> stuff.

Stick express or local on signage and it's more or less a licence to sell less for more.

Here's a piece about Morrisons local written by an "enthusiast" - I kid you not.


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I asked in Sainsburys Locale last year when it cost me a good bit more in the shop near to Dulwich Library for a bottle of Prosecco. They are classified as "convenience" stores (as are Tesco Express) due to their opening times and the Managers are at liberty to increase the prices of products.
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Why obviously? Are beans so outlandish a product?

The rest of your post is excellent and observant, now that I think of it I agree a lot.

Cedges Wrote:


> There never really seems to me that there is any

> real difference in price between the large stores

> and metro versions, but the little shops offer far

> less in the way of the value ranges and even own

> brand products so can seem dearer, i.e you spend

> 12p on a tin of value beans usually but you spend

> 80p on Heinz in the metro cos that's all they

> have. Heinz is still 80p in the large store so not

> technically dearer but you do still spend 68p

> more. I've not been in a mini Morries yet but this

> is certainly true of Tesco metros.


> (I obviously have no idea how much beans are fyi,

> just an example!)


> Out of all the supermarkets, Morries is easily my

> top choice.

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cle Wrote:


> Why obviously? Are beans so outlandish a product?


> The rest of your post is excellent and observant,

> now that I think of it I agree a lot.


I think Cedges is just pointing out that the beans were used purely for example, and the prices made up. I wouldn't leap on the use of the word 'obviously'.

Anyway, the little Sainsburys by the library does seem to cost me a lot, without ever really noticing individual item prices (actually, the mozzarella does spring to mind!)

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There was a controlled parking zoned element attached to the application of these flats and units at the station, a local councillor voted for a multi road controlled parking zone which the applicant requested, where the majority of locals voted against. Don't trust any councillor trying to get in a supermarket.
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I wonder whether Waitrose and M&S's reluctance to consider this site is related to the size of the retail space available. From the plans, this unit seems quite small whereas in at least one of the planning applications I've seen for the Iceland site, M&S have mentioned that typically they want a space that's over 900 square metres.
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Cle wrote

> I think Cedges is just pointing out that the beans

> were used purely for example, and the prices made

> up. I wouldn't leap on the use of the word

> 'obviously'.

Yes that, thanks! It was mostly a pre-emptive strike on how much do you think beans are, they're way more expensive/cheaper than that type comments!

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