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Barking dog - Underhill Rd


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Anybody else fed up with this? Pretty sure it's a house in the 130's (near the brow) but can't knock on any doors until I know which one it is. Frustrating. Barking used to be occasional but is now more frequent, especially early mornings. Amazing that people let this kind of thing slide and say/do nothing about it. We all have different tolerances for noise I guess.
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grumpyoldman Wrote:


> sorry, think you need to look again 136 is on teh

> corner of Underhill and Dunstens

I'm talking about the odd numbers, you're talking about the evens. I should have been more specific. Hope we're still friends grumpyoldman.

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tallulah71 Wrote:


> If it's the dog I think it is (closer to Overhill

> on Underhill) which was barking a lot in his

> garden early this morning, I have spoken to the

> owner and a neighbour is going to check on him.

> It's certainly a lot quieter now he has some

> company!

Really appreciate you having a quick word with the owner. Some dogs don't mind being left alone but this one obviously does. It barks around the same time every morning now but only intermittently at other times. Hope the owner is responsible and considerate enough to realise it has become an issue/annoyance and doesn't leave the dog alone for long periods in future. Not holding my breath though as it hasn't really stopped. Thanks again though.

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Oh dear, this does not bode well for you. Some dogs have terrible separation anxiety and often the last person to find out is the owner. I would suggest staying in contact with the owner although I am not sure how much they will be able to do.

Try googling "canine separation anxiety" for some helpful advice.

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Unfortunately it hasn't stopped it; the dog barked all day yesterday until around 3pm. I do know the owner reasonably well and I know she may be struggling a little. I think he can get out of the dog flap, and not back in - or he doesn't want to go in! Will have another word though...

I think she would be horrified to know people were publicly (ish) complaining as she does care a huge amount about her dog but equally it can be an annoyance if you work nights, or work from home.

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OK thanks Tallulah71. It was barking again this morning. I understand you probably don't want to fall out with the owner but something has to be done. I do work from home, at least a day or two a week, and it's starting to test my patience. Perhaps the owner does need to know that there are others around who find her dog a nuisance? I'm sorry to hear that she might be struggling - does she need help looking after the dog? I'm already at the end of my tether putting up with months of building noise very near to me and could do without a barking dog adding to that stress.
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I have been asked by the owner to let you know that she is very sorry. She has recently lost her husband to cancer and the dog was his companion. They were very close and he is pining for him. It is early days and this has really upset her.

She is trying different strategies but has to work as funds are low.

if anyone has any suggestions that they think might help she would welcome them. There is no question of her rehoming the dog as she loves him to bits.

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When I first got my dog from Battersea, she apparently "over-bonded" with me and howled whenever I left the house. My neighbours quickly let me know and I got in touch with the behaviourists at Battersea who recommended the following: Don't let the dog follow you around the house when you are at home. Regularly shut doors behind you and let the dog be on its own (not for long -- a few minutes is fine) in a room, but knowing that you are still in the house. Give your dog a treat, preferably something it needs to "work" at like a Kong toy stuffed with peanut butter, whenever you leave the house. These two strategies worked for us and we had a happy (and non-barking) 14 years with our dog. I have also heard that indoor dog cages are a good idea as they make the dog feel safe and not responsible for protecting the whole house while you are out.
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The owner has rexcently lost her husband, so the owner will be grieving as well as the dog. Getting a new dog will not help since the dog was bonded to the husband who has died.

Dogs can develop separation anxiety after a sudden change in cricumstance- the disappearence of a beloved owner together with stressful events leading up to and during an illness and the subsequent grief of the owner and dog left behind amount to something like trauma for the dog. It cannot understand what has happened only that its world has turned upside down. The barking may be the dog trying to contact its male owner or simply a way to relieve massive stress and anxiety.

I hope that now there is greater understanding of circumstances that people on the forum can manage to give a little more leeway to the lady for now.

Frnakly there is many a time I have wnated to tell neighbours conducting building work- that has gone on for ever- to pack up and stop, but circumstances have made it necessary for them to build, so one learns to accept the noise.

If the lady in question would like some advice please ask her to private message me.

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lilolil, when my dog was a puppy and I had to leave her on her own I fitted her with an Adaptil collar and also had the Adaptil diffuser plugged in near her crate. If your neighbour wants to try this, I would suggest the collar so that her dog can have the benefits whether it's outside or in the house. It releases a sort of faux pheremone that mimicks something bitches produce when they're nursing puppies. Dogs find it very calming and reassuring. I know some people say it has no effect on their dogs but it's been a success at my place and I still use it occasionally even though my dog is almost a grown-up. I know my Mum has success with Adaptil and her dogs during the firework season etc. Worth a try. :)
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I feel sorry for the owner, who is not only grieving for her husband, but has the added worry of people complaining about her dog.

Just hope that everyone will be a bit more tolerant, now they know the circumstances.

And lilolil, please ask the owner to get in touch with first mate, who always has loads of good advice to share.

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First Mate said: 'Getting a new dog will not help since the dog was bonded to the husband who has died.'

I can understand that. But one of my closest friends died in February last year and two months ago his wife decided to get a puppy for herself and her cat, who was devoted to her husband - it's been a life-changer for her, dealing with all the puppy stuff, and her cat, who was also grieving, is delighted.

And though not the same exactly but it's a similar separation issue, when one of my two cats who came to me together as kittens died, I decided to get a puppy as company for the remaining cat who was bereft and spent all her time sitting at the kitchen door looking out into the garden directly at the other cat's grave.

Though she was initially baffled by the puppy, they soon bonded and now they're inseparable, and sleep in the same basket together. She's now a completely different cat - she's found a new lease of life and seems much younger. I think another puppy might be good for both this lady and the dog - in so many ways.

It may be too early for this lady just yet, but it's just my thoughts. And my condolences.

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Buddug, thanks for your post, it gives another perspective on the issue here.

This is one of the saddest threads ever posted on this forum. The words 'Man's best friend' really do spring to mind here. This poor dog is clearly grieving and his owner may well be so wrapped up in her own grief that she is struggling; no-one to blame here.

I have been very recently bereaved of my own nearly 14 year old Spaniel. I genuinely don't know how she would have coped if I had died ahead of her.

Our dogs are more intelligent than people suspect; we are so lucky to have them as family 'pets', family member in my view.

I wish this dog's owner our good wishes and absolute confidence that there are enough of us to help her with her dog id needed.

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I just came across this item online. I don't know if it works but you can buy at Argos. It was developed in the US for dogs who have anxiety during thunderstorms, but reviews show it has also works for separation anxiety.



There are thousands of reviews on Amazon, here


worth a look

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