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peckham cinema


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I wasn't slagging off 'The Ivy House' or posting negative comments. Just stating that I was surprised by the lack of publicity.

As I live nearby, I was looking forward to the opening as I thought it would be quite a big occasion, due to all the work that has gone into it.

I suppose I'm a bit disappointed that the locals (who couldn't buy shares, so got no newsletter) were not even aware it had opened.

Surely, the more publicity, the more likely it is to succeed, which I hope it does.

Anyway, back to the original topic.

Which is about a cinema, not a pub!!

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Oh dear, here we go again. "Laid back" or its grimmer stablemate "pretty laid back" just means "clueless, gormless, can't be arsed" and is rampant in Britain. Why should cheap mean crap, or not as good as somewhere where you pay a few quid more? Cheap is good - I love Aldi, Netto, and the pound shops in Peckham; if they can be cheap, cheerful and clued-up, why not a cinema?
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Been going regularly for 20+ years and never had a problem - a great and inexpensive asset to the area, IMO.

Do any of the posters who mentioned head lice and fleas have any evidence or is it just unfounded scaremongering?

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I've been going there regularly for the last few years and I can confirm I have never had lice or fleas. I've also never shown up only to find a showing cancelled. The staff do an alright job, never had a problem with them.

PeckhamPlex is great. It gets a decent variety of films, it's cheap, the a/v is decent, it's easy to get to, it's comfortable enough. Yeah, it could do with a deep clean of carpets and a facelift, and some of the screen rooms smell like old people, but those are all minor issues.

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It's very convenient, cheap as chips, independent and it has Frank's cafe on the roof, all of which make it an asset in my opinion. But I can't blame people for getting annoyed with wrong schedules, especially if they are queuing up with kids.

Agree with whoever said it will be a characterless odeon in a few years, but would quite like it to turn into something more like ritzy - half pretentious arthouse with obscure & foreign films and half mainstream stuff.

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What all the other positive posters said. I'd definitely miss the plex if it closed (despite the fact that last month when I turned up at baby cinema to find out it wasn't on in the summer, I asked if I could see the Alan partridge film, they said I couldn't because the baby was underage. She's 8 weeks - its a 15. Was too dumbfounded to put up too much resistance)
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Agree the multiplex is great value - went to see the last Dustin Hoffman directed film there ( The Quartet). Every time someone came into the cinema there was a cheer. In the end there were about 20 of us watching the film with most of the audience talking briefly afterwards.

popcorn and drinks a bit too pricey for us .

One night hubby and I went to the pics and then nipped to the Chinese near Morrisons for a meal. Great night out for less than ?25

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Last time I went, which was admittedly some years ago, I remember my feet sticking to the floor and most of the rest of the audience talking through the film. Vowed I'd never go back which was a pity as it is very convenient compared to Brixton and of course much cheaper.
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OK it's a bit shabby but it's cheap, nearby, has beer and I've never had a problem with the staff (but then I've never been a fan of that faux american style service you get in some chains). Happy to keep supporting local independent businesses.
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You can't possibly complain about an establishment that charges less than half of the going London rate for a screening. We love this cinema and are regular patrons. It's more like a posh student cinema and there's nothing about it which pretends to be more than it is. It does seem a little shambolic at times but the tickets are a fiver. And 2.50 on a Wednesday if you're with Orange. If you expect better, then you're free to avail yourself of the many sparklingly drab major chains. Which in my experience have often screwed up their listings and their film prints, offer laughingly eye-watering prices for their concessions and take far longer to get to from ED than the ghettoplex. Long may it remain.
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Blackcurrant Wrote:


> unlurked Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Last time I was there,ages ago,there was a

> bullet

> > shaped hole in the screen. Spoilt the

> experience.



> A bullet would have made a round hole rather than

> a bullet-shaped hole, so at least it wasn't caused

> by a gunshot.

Haha, good work.

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I love the plex, we go every week and I've never shown up and found something not showing. Its genuinely one of the positives of living round here for me.

We used to live in north london and travel to the cineworld in wood green, that or go on a giant trek to the odeon in swiss cottage. Two of us plus drinks was always 30 quid and the queues were twice as long as the plex, plus it smelled. Really, really badly. 3D tickets at an odeon are nearly 20 pounds a head, I find that very hard to justify.

It can be a little informal, but I have always found the staff polite and helpful, and again - 5 pounds a head for a night out. Just can't argue with that.

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It's very handy for me and very cheap. I'm really happy it exists as a local cinema. I see far more films than I would if I had to jump on a bus to the Ritzy, which, admittedly, offers a better cinema experience.

My only criticism is that the ticket/popcorn area could operate more efficiently. They used to have a ticket booth which allowed you to get in quickly. Now, you have to queue up with people who are buying popcorn, drinks etc, which is often quite chaotic.

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